Heroes 3x24 "I Am Sylar" Discuss and Grade

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Dream, Apr 20, 2009.


Grade the episode

  1. Excellent

  2. Above Average

  3. Average

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  1. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    I think this is the most normal looking I've ever seen Clint Howard.
  2. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    I'm afraid this is the first post-Fuller episode I felt was below average. I just do not give a rat's ass about poor Sylar's internal drama, and doing a Psycho and shape-shifting into his dead mommie was just silly. And since that was 75% of the episode, well... It also annoyed me how after a half season of eluding the hunters everybody gets captured in a 30 second silent monologue. How the hell are they going to wrap this up in a single episode?! I can only guess Sylar will go after the President and the X-Men will save Senator Kelly's life thus preventing the future persecution of mutants.
  3. Devnull

    Devnull Captain Captain

    Aug 3, 2005
    Delphi, Caprica
    That was pretty boring, a lot of setup... Sylar still not interesting and not dead. Oh how much better even season 2 was in retrospect.
  4. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    Great episode. If Sylar leaves the show forever next week I won't miss him.
  5. Obiwanshinobi

    Obiwanshinobi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 1, 2003
    well we all know we can't have a Heroes season finale without Nathan dying, so as long as we've got that settled.

    I somewhat enjoyed this episode, for it being a This is what Sylar was doing while everybody else was in digging up bodies at Coyote Sands episode, so does he now have the ability to morph the clothes he's wearing too? And have they established how he's able to get to places so fast and so quiet? Wonder what happened to Hiro this time when he tried to freeze time with The Crimson Arc, some kind of sensory overload? And where exactly is Building 26 again? LA? New York? Washington DC? How the hell is Parkman gonna get to Hiro and Ando in time? Speaking of which, wasn't Hiro there when Sylar killed his mother? He stabbed him with Kinsei's sword right?

    Also did any Lost peep's hear the Dead is Dead line Sylar said? Had to have been a coincidence, no way that reference made it into the script and then into production, after the Dead is Dead episode aired, 2 weeks ago. Same thing last week, in 1961 Nathan said What ever happened, Happened. Both being episode titles to Lost this season, this is just bizarre.

    And while Generations wasn't a complete disaster, (still think it was way better than Villains) I still enjoy Fugitives, and this setup for the finale. Hopefully we'll finally get round 2 of Peter and Sylar, well actually lets make that what round 6 or 7??? I was also hoping for some kind of throwaway line about Sylar thinking he was a Patrelli brother, when him and Nathan were conversing. So for volume 5: Redemption, I hope we get somewhat of a clean slate, like we've been promised. And if Sylar doesn't die next week, which I highly doubt. I think next season will be devoted to taking him down. I think next week Sylar will succeed and the cliffhanger will be him sitting in the Oval Office as Michael Dorn, cut to a MCU, while the camera zooms in slowly and we'll either see him morphing into Sylar or we'll see Michael doing the Sylar grin. Fade out

    which i think will be a total cop out and completely predictable. So lets hope they'll come up with a better final scene than what i just came up with, thus setting up the new volume.

    on a side note: I wonder how Nissan feels about Greg Grunberg doing a commercial spot for the new Honda Insight. How can Heroes be promoting for 2 competing car companies? It's almost like Hey if you wanna be a cool hipster that drives around in a Cube, while twittering buy this car OR if you want to be eco safe and green and all that jazz, buy this nifty hybrid. NISSAN VERSA!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  6. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    It's going to be Peter's girlfriend that was lost in time last season! She managed to get a power and comes back to get reeeevenge!
  7. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    When did Sylar gain the ability to morph his clothing? When the show decided to take another shortcut?
  8. MNM

    MNM Captain Captain

    May 23, 2007
    The guys actually naked, just shaped his body into clothes.
  9. Thespeckledkiwi

    Thespeckledkiwi Vice Admiral

    Does anyone else think that Hiro won't be coming back next season?
  10. backstept

    backstept Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 4, 2005
    this may be my first 'Excellent' rating for Heroes
    Sylar talking to himself as his mother was just too twisted and demented . . . :devil:
  11. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    I agree.

    I think I've watched my last ep. of this show.

    I'm going back to "24".
  12. TheArsenal

    TheArsenal Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 6, 2003
    Sunny Southern California
    It wouldn't have been so bad if they clearly didn't show us before that Norman Bates couldn't morph the clothes. It also flies directly in the face of how they're showing/telling us his power works, but whatever, it's a sloppy change but it moves the story along.

    I like to complete things, and I'm so close that I'll ride this season out. But I can't see coming back next season.
  13. Mallet

    Mallet Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Aug 17, 2001
    Well, I'm not sure if everyone got the same preview of next weeks episode as I did (Watched it on Global TV in Vancouver) but one line/scene that they showed might have given away the whole big ending on the season (ie, who dies).

    It involves some speculation, guesswork, etc... but if anyone wants to know what the scene was and what I think will happen please look at the spoiler below.

    Ok, so the clip showed Matt Parkman & Noah standing in a smashed up room, both looking distraught and panicked like a big fight has just happened. Noah says: "You have to, Matt, otherwise everything that was Nathan Petrelli will be gone forever."

    So, what this leads me to believe is that Sylar will kill Nathan, but will also somehow be "Stuck" in Nathan's shape because of his screwed up shape-shifting powers or maybe Matt Parkman mind controls him into being stuck in one shape. Either way, Noah is going to make Matt somehow "transfer" Nathan's memories/mind into Sylar's body/brain effectively now making Sylar a clone/copy of Nathan. No one else would know, not even Sylar/Nathan.

    So Nathan physically dies, but mentally lives on in Sylar, while Sylar physically lives (but stuck in Nathan's shape) but is mentally killed.

    At least until they change everything up next season.

    And now that I think of it, didn't Professor X do something similar to Magneto in the X-Men comics? ANd if so, that's just another good reason on why it will happen on Heroes since they get a lot of their stuff from the X-Men comics.
  14. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    I stopped watching 24 during season 6 and I'm really glad I did. Season 6 was horrible like season 4.

    I heard that 24 recently brought back a popular main character to life after that character had been dead for nearly two seasons. It seems death is utterly pointless on that show.
  15. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    Too bad, this season is really gotten the show back on track.

    If you watched the show and heard the how & why, you might see the character did avoid death. Besides, how is death pointless if everybody else who has died over the last 7 seasons has stayed dead but one?
  16. melancholymecha

    melancholymecha Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 21, 2002

    I havent seen this version of the promo but some of the other slight spoilers Ive read on other boards match up with your theory. I hope its true b/c:
    its seems pretty certain now that Nathan will die, at least in a physical sense but I would be really happy if they keep the character around (I mean actually Nathan not Sylar pretending to be Nathan which wouldnt really be Nathan)by still keeping his consciousness alive somehow. Though the way they are gonna go about it(if it turns out to be true) sure is convoluted. Me, I would have gone with Peter picking up "sixth sense" like powers & being able to talk to Nathan's spirit(which would throw the show into supernatural territory but I dont think that would be a big deal for such an already campy show like this.)
  17. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    Why was Micah surprised to see Sylar was a shapeshifter when he witnessed the Sylar-as-mom moment, but the night before he saw Sylar shapeshifted to pretend to be Micah?
  18. Forbin

    Forbin Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    I said out, dammit!
    Hard to miss when he had his name credit superimposed right over his face at one point. :)
  19. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Because he was watching an unbalanced invincible serial killer have an argument with himself in the form of his dead mother he killed? ;)
  20. blockaderunner

    blockaderunner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 16, 2001
    Seattle, Washington, USA
    Average. I was hoping that they could capitalize on last week's episode showing the Heroes starting to organize. But noooooooooooo. We get more Sylar mommy drama (that whole shape shifting conversation thing got old real fast) and, oh look, in pre-Fuller fashion, they all get caught.......again!:mad:. One step forward, two steps back!