TNG Caption This! #390: All work and no play...

Discussion in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' started by LeadHead, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Triskelion

    Triskelion Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 8, 2008

    Picard: Captain's log, supplemental: Commander Riker is still on the planet adapting to his new omnipotent powers of Q, which for some reason involves the love theme from The Bodyguard in the original soprano.


    Picard: The Galactic 'Moob' Police? With a search warrant?


    Troi: Am I in a snow globe?
    O'Brien: Oh for flux capacitors' sake.


    Picard: 'Steve Jobs thought up the tablet computer?' Oh History, you're such a coquette!


    Jameson: Yep, this chair is pret-ty comfy! Too bad only admirals can sit on the bridge. And captains. First officers...Counselors...Medical personnel...And their children. So, how's that station working out for ya? Oh did I tell you I got heated cushions?
    Worf: !@#$%....
  2. AgentCoop

    AgentCoop Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Picard: Now let's see..."Orion Slave Girls Gone Wild"...come on...come on...COME ON...DAMN BUFFERING!!!

    Worf: I am sorry, Admiral, I do not know who this "Judge Judy" is, but I know you cannot observe her from this location.
  3. Nebusj

    Nebusj Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 27, 2005

    This could be the first time a Caption This! contest is won by the original picture itself.


    Picard: ``That's right, Q! And never insult us by temping any of us with breasts again!''
    Riker: ``Captain, are you certain that's not a decision to be left up to individual choice?''


    Troi: ``Thanks, Tom, and as our viewers can see there's a wintry mix situation on Deck 8. We'll have the full five-day forecast after this commercial break.''


    Picard: ``Personal log. I have successfully leveled up my zigzagoon's affection toward me. And he's got the special attribute of finding shiny things. This bodes well for the forthcoming encounter with the fennekin.''


    Worf: ``Why are there fingernail gouges lining the armrest of your chair?''
    Jameson: ``I am eighty-five years young, Mister.''
  4. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness

    JAMESON: Why aren't these damn consoles wheelchair accessible!!!!!???
  5. inflatabledalek

    inflatabledalek Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 7, 2011

    Riker: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh boy, using the power of the Q to create the Sony hack was the best idea ever!

    Q: You have a serious paucity of ambition.


    Picard: ...At which point we successfully stopped the space slug invasion of Earth.

    Now, before we return to our deep space assignment Admiral, could you sort us out with less nipple chaffing uniforms?

    Riker: Yes please.


    Troi: It's a vampire!


    Captain's Log: The implossion of the new movie sub forum as a result of Orcci's departure may take years to recover from.]/I]


    Admiral: The day humanity invented the toilet on wheels is the day we truly evolved a new sensibility.
  6. Rat Boy

    Rat Boy Vice Admiral Admiral


    Jameson: "Got all that?"

    Worf: "Understood, Admiral Daniels. I mean"

    Jameson: "Not this again..."
  7. Honorable Ensign

    Honorable Ensign Captain Captain

    Jan 27, 2004
    First Officer's Log: Forgot my gloves again today. I wish the bridge wasn't so cold!

    Captain's Log: Apparently Data's poetry readings are more popular than my own.
  8. doubleohfive

    doubleohfive Fleet Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Hollywood, CA

    Troi finally made it so.


    Nobody was happy with how Sons of Anarchy ended.


    PICARD: Do I look like I want to update to iOS 8?
  9. LeadHead

    LeadHead Director of Comedy Premium Member

    Oct 3, 2000
    The Normandy SR-2