TNG Caption This! #390: All work and no play...

Discussion in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' started by LeadHead, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. LeadHead

    LeadHead Director of Comedy Premium Member

    Oct 3, 2000
    The Normandy SR-2
    Hello, everyone! It's time for a new contest!


    First up to the plate, we have the "Shaka, when the shields fell" Award, going to:

    Next, we have the "National Novel Writing Month" Award, going to:

    Next, we have the "Proper Entrance" Award, going to:

    Next, we have the "Unnecessary Products" Award, going to:

    Next, we have the "Quick Fix" Award, going to:

    A Special Award, for my failure to type properly in Thread titles:

    Our Photoshop Award, goes to:



    Many thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winners!

    I hope everyone has had a good start to December! As we get closer to the holidays, I'm hoping to do some special Awards in the style of the Klingon Belly Laugh and Jean-Luc's Favorite Log Entry Awards. Since I'm worthless with Photoshop, I'm sending out the word to the creative genius' who manage to wow so often with their skills. If you want to create an image for a special award, please PM it to me. If not, simply as always enjoy the contests and have a great holiday season!

    And now, a new contest!


    Thanks to Hutchy01 for the above photo! ^ A few weeks back, he sent me this photo for the contests. Just FYI, that's always an option, if there's a photo you really think would be a good one for the contest, please feel free to send it along to me via PM!





  2. LeadHead

    LeadHead Director of Comedy Premium Member

    Oct 3, 2000
    The Normandy SR-2

    Q: What's so funny?

    Riker: You demoted yourself from Admiral to Commander to try to talk to me on my level? That's silly!


    Picard: Of course Daimon Tar, we will gladly sacrifice the lives of our First Officer and Chief of Security in accordance with Ferengi traditions.


    Worf: Worf to Counselor Troi. You have been labeled a security risk by the Ambassador of Chocolate IV.


    Picard: (reading PADD) What? The TrekBBS thinks I always surrender?!


    Worf: Admiral, you have already posted that exact same status update on Spacebook 3 times in the last hour.
  3. shivkala

    shivkala Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 26, 2004
    Thanks for the win, Leadhead!


    This is exactly how I picture Leadhead when he reads my captions.


    Picard: Captain's Log--My plan fell through. It was, sadly, too late by the time we learned that Data thought I meant Wesley when I told him to put a camera in "Crusher's" shower to do anything about it. Some things, once seen, can never be unseen.


    Troi: I'm sensing some sort of field of force.

    Worf: Even possessed, she's still pretty useless.


    Picard: (reading PADD) Dear Jean-Luc, we refuse to attend any more meetings until you put on some pants. Signed, Commander William T. Riker, Lt. Commander Data, Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge, Lt. Worf, Chief Petty Officer Miles E. O'Brien, and Guinan.

    Dr. Crusher: Yoo-hoo, Captain, I'm at the other end of the table. If you noticed, I didn't sign...


    Jameson: Why, in my day, we didn't have these fancy consoles. And I had to walk three miles uphill, both ways, in the snow to reach the bridge!

  4. Armored Saint

    Armored Saint Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 26, 2012
    Quebec City
    JAMESON: Does it explode easily?
    WORF: It only needs a little disruptor shot to kill the poor nameless ensign who's there.
    JAMESON: Excellent!

    WORF: I believed being eighty-five wasn't that old in the 24th century, sir.
    JAMESON: I used to be a rockstar, Lieutenant.

    WORF: I believed being eighty-five wasn't that old in the 24th century, sir.
    JAMESON: Woops! I meant 185! Damn, this Klingon is ruining my scooby-doo plan.

    Computer: Admiral Jameson's log, stardate 23859.7, we received a distress call from the Klingon colony on Camp Khitomer. Those Klingon bastards can die. I'll send the farthest ship avalaible.

    Computer: Affirmative, the Admiral's chair is indeed made from an old McDonald's seat.
  5. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth

    Riker had to laugh when he realized just how smutty this picture's captions would get.
  6. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral


    Picard: "Mr. Worf, arm a full spread pf photon torpedos and prepare to fire on my mark."

    Worf: "Yes, sir!"

    Picard: "Mr. Laforge, prepare to jump to warp nine after Mr. Worf fires."

    Geordi: "Aye, sir."

    Picard: "Number one, pulls your hands out and smell them."

    Riker: "Yes, sir," FFFIIIUUUMMM, "Hey, wait a second!"

    Picard: "Always remember how I made you do that, second in command."
  7. Hutchy01

    Hutchy01 Captain Captain

    Sep 26, 2014
    Inside the Wastelands of my mind!

    Q: Stop doing that and put IT away ... you'll be married to her in a few years anyway ...
  8. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness

    IRONSIDE: Mark, get Ed and Eve up here. We may have solved this case! *


    RIKER: Imazadi!!!!! IMZADI!!!!!!!


    PICARD: I guess the meeting is at 0800. Computer, cancel the reprimand to the senior staff.


    PICARD: Out of deodorant again, Number One?

    * Todays joke for old people
  9. Rat Boy

    Rat Boy Vice Admiral Admiral


    Picard: "Number One, stop channeling your inner Molly Shannon!"


    It was when this photo of him started circulating the Enterprise's computer with an astounding number of Photoshops of pacifiers and baby bottles that Riker finally decided to grow a beard.


    Picard: "I know, I'll Photoshop a baby bottle"


    Jameson: "Seriously, does anyone on this ship have any respect for your captain and first officer? Look at all these Photoshops!"
  10. JirinPanthosa

    JirinPanthosa Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2012

    Q: Riker, shouldn't you be getting back to your ship now? You know, to see how your friends react to your Q powers and such.
    RIKER: Hold on, I found a REALLY good use for them!
    Q: Oh. Erm. Okay, I'll give you some time to yourself then.


    WORF: Commander, what are you doing?
    RIKER: When I get nervous I like to stick my hands in my armpits and...smell 'em, like that.


    TROI: They put up a forcefield!
    DATA: It's okay. All forcefields on this ship are easy to short out by pulling out the wires in the walls inside the forcefield.
    TROI: Oh, right.


    PICARD: Hey, that post is uncalled for. I'm not arrogant, I'm PRINCIPLED. I guess I can tell the difference because I'm just a little more evolved than other people.


    WORF: So where did you get this fountain of youth drug? It seems like something that if it existed, everybody would be taking it in small controlled doses.
    ADMIRAL: Umm, there was only one vendor in the universe. And he goes to another school, he doesn't take his phone with him. Yeah, that's it.
  11. Hutchy01

    Hutchy01 Captain Captain

    Sep 26, 2014
    Inside the Wastelands of my mind!
    The Photoshops could be worse ... Everyone knows Rule 34 of Starfleet! :rommie:
  12. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness

    TROI: Oh wow man! It's like sparkles.

    DATA:The psychotropic effects of chocolate on the Betazoid brain are fascinating, Chief O'Brien.
  13. shivkala

    shivkala Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 26, 2004

    Jameson: You are right, Lt., my chair does look very similar to this one that the Captain's ancestor used when he ran a school for gifted youngsters.
  14. Jonas Grumby

    Jonas Grumby Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 24, 2002
    Somewhere in the South Pacific
    TFTW, LeadHead!


    Jamison: "Blinky lights! Nothing but goddamn blinky lights! In my day, we had honest to God buttons and switches and gauges!"
  15. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Thanks for the win


    Q: (OS) What if I told you that you would remain a commander and Picard's first officer for the next 15 years?
  16. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    Thanks for the pick :)


    Riker: HA! Remember that time Data grew that beard?!?! Oh man that was hilarious. Beards are so stupid


    Picard: Are those ambassadors from Angel One undressing us with their eyes?


    Every once in a while, Q would trip a red alert just so he could sneak a grope in


    Captain's Log: Apparently, due to lack of participation, Captain Picard Day is being cancelled this year.... *whimper*


    Jameson: In my day, Sonny, the Yeomen didn't get in the way nearly as much, & when they did, it was far less of an eyesore
  17. Rat Boy

    Rat Boy Vice Admiral Admiral


    Jonathan Frakes finds out Twitter's pulling for him to direct the next movie.
  18. Smellincoffee

    Smellincoffee Commodore Commodore

    May 20, 2005
    Heart of Dixie
    Thanks for the win!

    Jameson: Where d'you stick your tapes?

    Q: Yes, yes, nice 'evil laugh'. But being Q isn't all about chaos and good times, you know.

    Enterprise Computer: STOP!
    in the naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame of love
    Data: This is most irregular.
    O'Brien: Aye, sir. I had that set to say, 'STOP! Hammer Time'. Someone's been tampering with our system!

    Picard, looking up: Oh! Meeting...dismissed. Computer, time.
    Computer: The time is 2232 hours.
    Picard: Meeting dismissd...four hours ago. Beverly was right when she warned these things were addictive.
  19. bolak

    bolak Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 25, 2014
    PICARD: Now what's this? 'Enter password for'... hmm. iluvshelby? meandtroi? Qsucks? PicardRulez?


    RIKER: ...but by then I had changed my password to PicardSucks!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  20. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral


    Due to Google, you unfortunately cannot see what is going just below screen on planet Lewinsky.