Recommendations for a guy new to Trek books?

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by NickSD, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. NickSD

    NickSD Ensign Newbie

    Oct 29, 2011
    New York City
    For me, a guy interested primarily in TNG and Voyager, what books would you recommend I read first for my first ever foray into Trek literature?
  2. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    If you're interested in post-TV series novels check out this thread. Link

    Basically, the reading order for TNG post-Nemesis is

    Death in Winter
    Before Dishonor
    Greater Than the Sum
    Destiny (trilogy)
    Losing the Peace
    Typhon Pact: Paths of Disharmony
    Indistinguishable From Magic

    and VOY post-Endgame is

    The Farther Shore
    Spirit Walk duology
    Full Circle
    Children of the Storm

    If you're interested in novels set during the series, I would recommend:

    Q-Squared by Peter David
    Imzadi by Peted David

    Fire Ship by Diane Carey
    Pathways by Jeri Taylor
  3. MatthiasRussell

    MatthiasRussell Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 3, 2011
    ^ I loved Fire Ship. I rarely see anyone else mention it.

    If you are interested in out of print books you can find on amazon I can give you a variety of names. If you are interested in something new, I can give you a few recommendations.

    As a TNG fan, I would highly recommend Indistinguishable From Magic. It focuses primarily on Geordi but you will get a lot of side characters you'll recognize from the show and takes place on a Galaxy class ship which will make it a fun read.

    As a VOY fan, all 3 of the current books by Kristen Beyer are great and should be read in order (Full Circle, Unworthy, Children of the Storm). However, you could probably jump into Children without much difficulty. You also have to know that Janeway is dead and Voyager is now part of a fleet exploring the Delta Quadrant.
  4. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    I'd also reccomend the Voyager novel Battle Lines, set during the series. I really enjoyed that one. Voyager's conquered and made to fight in an alien war.

    Also, I skipped Spirit Walk and didn't feel like I missed a thing.

    Here are my favourite TNG's. They're all old, standalone, and can be gotten for little more than the cost of shipping, second hand, online:

    Vendetta (post "Best of Both Worlds" Borg invasion, featuring the Plant Killers from TOS' "Doomsday Machine")
    Federation (TOS/TNG crossover featuring Zephram Cochrane, incompatible with the movie First Contact)
    Dark Mirror (a mirror universe Enterprise-D invades our galaxy, incompatible with, and far superior to, DS9's mirror universe)
    Survivors (Tasha's backstory)
    Metamorphosis (Data's made human)
    The Captain's Honor (Picard and the Space Romans)
    Q-Squared (Q, Trelane and 4 timelines intersecting, including one where Jack Crusher is captain of the Enterprise)
  5. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    You should, however, be aware that the following are amongst the very WORST books I have ever read...

    The Farther Shore
    Spirit Walk duology
  6. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    I thought Homecoming and The Further Shore were enjoyable (although I hated the treatment of one of the characters)

    Oh, and add The Devil's Heart to my TNG list. An ancient artifact makes Picard act strangely. I loved that one.
  7. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    "Fire Ship" is awesome! Even covers the transition of Janeway's "bun of steel" making way for her shorter hairstyle!
  8. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    Fire Ship was probably the first Voyager novel to transcend the Voyager formula. Really great book.
  9. ryan123450

    ryan123450 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2005
    Woodward, OK
    I know those tidbits are old news, but... man, way to spoil a guy who probably knew nothing about that.
  10. Steve Roby

    Steve Roby Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2002
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    Fire Ship is not universally loved.

    If you're completely new to the Pocket Star Trek novels, a quick bit of history. While the shows were on the air the novels were largely standalone adventures, much like a typical TNG or Voyager episode. They don't need to be read in a certain order, it doesn't matter if you skip some. You'll sometimes see these books referred to as the numbered novels, because for many years Pocket numbered the books in the various series. All the numbers really signify is publication order.

    When the shows went off the air (and the TNG movies ended), Pocket carried on where they left off with unnumbered novels that have a lot more continuity between them. Not all unnumbered novels are part of these post-finale books, because Pocket dropped the numbers before really moving on these changes, but people around here sometimes refer to numbered vs unnumbered novels.

    Warning: Every so often someone comes along, asks for suggestions, and starts out with a book they just can't stand. It happens. There's a hell of a lot of variety in the Trek books line, some due to editorial regimes, some due to individual writers' styles. Every book that is glowingly recommended in this topic will be some reader's least favourite book. So if the first book you try doesn't do much for you, don't be discouraged. Try something else. Star Trek books can prove to be addictive. I've been reading them for 40 years or so.
  11. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    No book is universally loved. There are some people who hate Destiny yet love Warped.
  12. tafkats

    tafkats Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 17, 2003
    Angery and magnesium
    Peter David's "Giant Novels" are fun, particularly "Vendetta" and "Q Squared."
  13. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    If you're looking for books set during TNG then I'd recommend Q-Squared by Peter David. It features Q, and Trelane and deals with several different alternate realities. It's one of the best TNG books I've read.
    If you're interested in the current post-finale books, I'd recommend the A Time to... series. When I read them I skipped ahead to the 3rd and 4th book, and IMO they ranged from ok, to absolutely amazing. The series is nine books and it covers the events between Insurrection and Nemesis. Alot of the story lines introduced in the series go on to play a role in the post-Nemesis series. ( The links I posted are for Memory Beta, the wiki dedicated to all of the non-TV Trek series. IMO this is one of the absolute best sources on the web for Trek book info.)
  14. MatthiasRussell

    MatthiasRussell Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 3, 2011

    That isn't spoiling it anymore than telling someone who never WATCHED Voyager that it is about a ship stuck 75 years away from home or that Enterprise is a prequel and centers around a temporal cold war.

    That is basic info about the series any reader should know jumping in. That was the info I was given by a friend promoting the relaunch to me.
  15. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    While "Voyager's part of a fleet exploring the DQ" is fine for Beyer's novels, "Janeway's dead" is surely as much a spoiler for Before Dishonor as "Spock dies" or "Data dies" are for The Wrath or Khan or Nemesis.
  16. ryan123450

    ryan123450 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2005
    Woodward, OK
    That's the part I was talking about more than the return to the Delta Quadrant.
  17. RandyS

    RandyS Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 9, 2007
    TNG's Dark Mirror offers a different look at the Mirror Universe where Picard and his crew are still serving the Empire and Worf is their slave after the Klingon Empire was beaten following the destruction of Praxis.
  18. The Caprican

    The Caprican Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Nov 9, 2011
    Madison, WI
    If you're looking for an excellent stand alone TNG novel (which I would recommend for a new reader) I would recommend:

    Imzadi: A very dramatic and touching story that sheds light on Riker and Troi's relationship. It was reportedly the last novel that Gene Roddenberry approved. (According to the author). Other fantastic books by the same author (Peter David) include: Q in Law, Q Squared, Strike Zone.

    Fortune's Light: One of my favorite stand alones, and features Riker on a world allied with the UFP to search for an old friend that may have gone rogue. The B-story is less interesting, which focuses on Data.

    Grounded (a story of an alien organism that grafts itself to the ship) and The Romulan Prize (a Romulan/Federation intrigue story) are some great reads too. The characters feel very real. They could easily have been episodes of the series (albeit with a slight budget increase.)

    And someone earlier in this thread recommended The Devil's Heart. It is an EXCELLENT work of fiction and the only one I can remember reading from Carmen Carter, which is sad.

    For Voyager, many of the stand alones (as well as the early relaunch novels) were written by Christie Golden and should thus be burned not read. However, The Escape by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith is a nice entry from the first season.
  19. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Carmen Carter's other books include:

    TOS: Dreams of the Raven (an excellent McCoy novel, though no longer consistent with his age as established post-TNG)
    TNG: The Children of Hamlin (intriguing, dark first-season novel, though since it was written before the show premiered, its take on 24th-century Starfleet is not quite as placid as the show's version
    TNG: Doomsday World (in collaboration with Michael Jan Friedman, Peter David, and Bob Greenberger)

    Whatever one may feel about Golden's post-finale VGR novels, there's a reason she was considered the go-to writer for VGR. Her first several, The Murdered Sun, Marooned, and Seven of Nine, were widely regarded as among the best of the VGR novels published during the series.
  20. The Caprican

    The Caprican Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Nov 9, 2011
    Madison, WI
    Christopher, thank you for the other novel recommendations for Carmen Carter. I think I have a copy of Children of Hamlin that I have yet to read.

    As far as Christie Golden's work, I should have been kinder. For that I am sorry. However, I just felt her work never did the characters justice, and the novels you mentioned are amongst my least favorite works of Trek fiction. IMO.