A three film comparison/face-off...

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Warped9, Dec 29, 2012.


Which film did you like best (even with reservations)?

  1. Star Trek (2009)

    60 vote(s)
  2. Prometheus (2012)

    6 vote(s)
  3. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

    18 vote(s)
  4. I liked them all equally...

    1 vote(s)
  5. I didn't care for any of them...

    4 vote(s)
  1. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    And yet on another site I frequent where there are a lot of Trek fans (including some fans of ST09) the voting results are skewed quite differently. There ST09 is trailing with TDKR out in front.

    Interesting differences.
  2. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I think the difference is this is a Star Trek site. Most people here are Star Trek fans.
  3. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    I just finished watching TDKR again. It's only the second time I've seen it since it was released in theatre. It reinforces my preferring it over the other two. My only remaining complaint with the film is in regards to the timing of events. It doesn't seem likely that Batman would have been active for only about a year or so before withdrawing after the death of Rachel and Harvey Dent. It seems more likely that he was active longer than the events in TDK, for a few years at least. Bruce seems so much older in TDKR than only eight years would account for.

    Even so I still think it's better than the others, and certainly far better than ST09.
  4. Shurik

    Shurik Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 28, 2003
    Haifa, Israel
  5. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    One of the trailers was a young Jim Kirk dumping a classic car off a cliff cause he's, like, troubled or something.


    I'll take my chances missing it.
  6. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Trust me, you're not missing anything. Actually that one scene is quite representative of the film: driving a classic off a cliff and thoroughly trashing it. Yep, that's what I thought the film was, spot on.
  7. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004

    Just gave me my new sig, Warped9.
  8. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    While listening to the Beastie Boys, who of course will still be popular in the mid-23rd century. :techman:

    For those not engaging in historical revisionism, the franchise was already trashed, and STXI breathed life back into it. A "representative" scene would thus be the car driven off the cliff except played in reverse.
  9. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Which, despite what some may say, is a perfectly valid way to decide whether a movie appeals to you or not. If you're turned off by the trailers, there's no reason at all to spend time and money watching a movie that's obviously not for you.

    Of course, it also means that your opinion about Star Trek isn't worth much.
  10. Deckerd

    Deckerd Fleet Arse Premium Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    the Frozen Wastes
    Star Trek 09 by a mile. Looking forward to the next one.
  11. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    I had no doubt this would turn into a Star Trek 2009 bitchfest.
  12. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    This is "horseshit." If he's been watching Trek in all its incarnations for decades then he has a perfectly valid opinion of what it is. And if he has similar tastes to others who often reflect his opinions then he's got nothing to apologize for.
  13. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Of course he's got nothing to apologize for, that goes without saying. But if he hasn't seen the movie, his opinion about the movie is completely lacking in interest.
  14. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    Prometheus is my favorite of the three. I really loved that film and was quite impressed by the quality when I first saw it in theaters. Of the three it's also the only one I own on DVD. TDKR would come next followed by Star Trek.

    I'm pretty sure he meant the poster's opinion on Star Trek the movie is worthless since he hasn't actually seen it, not his opinion on Star Trek as a whole.
  15. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Well yes, that's what we're talking about here, isn't it? :)
  16. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    Yep, but it seems like Warped9 took it as Star Trek as a whole otherwise his post doesn't really make any sense.
  17. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    I was pretty much in Admiral2's position in that I had zero interest in seeing the film. I certainly wasn't going to pay good money to see what I had already suspected was a train wreck. The only reason I did see it was because a coworker at the time shared his download with me. What shocked me when I did finally watch it is that it was even worse than I had half suspected.

    But this position could apply to any film. If the trailers and marketing don't grab you then it's pretty hard to work up some interest in the thing. It's true you just might be mistaken, but if your lack of interest is bolstered by the opinions of others with whom you've shared common tastes then the likelihood of you changing your mind is very small.

    Mind you Trek has been on a down slide for years so one could be forgiven for thinking things weren't going to get any better anytime soon. And in this case Admiral2's suspicions (and mine) were dead on. The fact that it was commercially popular is largely meaningless (at least to him) because lots of garbage movies are commercially popular.

    It must be said that I've been on the other side of the fence. There are films I quite liked (and were even popular) that quite a few others vocally denounced.
  18. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    I thought Star Trek was going to be pretty shitty but I enjoyed it.
  19. Deckerd

    Deckerd Fleet Arse Premium Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    the Frozen Wastes
    I completely agree that someone's opinion of a film they haven't actually seen is worthless.
  20. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Your position on the movie is well-known. ;) As far as I'm concerned, Star Trek is not a perfect movie but undoubtedly the most fun and enjoyable of all the Trek films, and the reason why the franchise is no longer on the down slide.

    I thought Prometheus was appalling, a mind-numbing mess with a truly terrible script and a waste of a very talented cast. The Dark Knight Rises was engaging had some excellent performances but the pace was uneven and in some respects, the script felt like a first draft.