Star Trek: Expedition

Discussion in 'Future of Trek' started by Autistoid, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Autistoid

    Autistoid Captain

    Apr 21, 2015
    Bringing trek back to exploration. A 60 episode mission through one of the inner sectors of the federation.

    This sector of course isn't no ordinary sector and this exploration is being timed to coincide with a great galactic event(something to do with some unknown physics i.e. omega particle or the like) .

    Four expeditions are sent out into this great annomaly all actively competing for greatness as they navigate one of the most dangerous areas of federation space.

    These expeditions however will not be ordinary starfleet ships.

    They will be of an experimental design and this great expedition isn't simply exploration it is a competition to proove the worthiness of the various design configuration for this new design of ships.

    These expeditions will also be a media event for the federation and will host a series of journalist along with this mission. Which will become a lense to examine the workings of the federation.

    These ships will be crewed by many of federations brightest and best, as well as a collection of federation heroes who have been given celebrity status.
  2. Autistoid

    Autistoid Captain

    Apr 21, 2015
    Themes and concepts.

    Bright and Gritty. In contrast to BSG the show will have a tone that is both optimistic and gritty. Danger will be ever prescent with the direct impression given that not all 4 of the ships will return home, characters will die often and deal with life and death as a relativiely consistent theme.

    However this show will also feature an incredibly optimistic outlook on life. Borrowing elements from top gun and the right stuff, an ongoing plot element will be the competitive nature of much of the cast, and an element of optimistism that hasn't been seen since the 1960s.

    Placing less importance on interpersonal conflict, this show will be primarily focused with man against self, and man against nature.

    The nature of conflict and the nature of the expeditions will greatly enhance the idea of federation's utopia.

    In contrast to BSG's population counter, the expeditions will be collecting points on a scoreboard. A simple numerical counter that highlights the various mission goals of the expedition. These goals although initially appearing to be simply for federation media, actually end up being a crucial measure of the success of each expeditions journey.

    Ships counselor will take a much more crucial role in the running of the ship and will be clearly the third officer on board. Directly Responsible for getting the best performance of each member of the crew, they will be actively involved in promoting and demoting those who fail or achieve high performance.