I really am getting antsy for a new series.

Discussion in 'Future of Trek' started by Lighthammer, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    Strange - I don't remember writing this...
  2. Jonny

    Jonny Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 30, 2010
    Liverpool Merseyside uk
    I feel the same way as the OP I'm getting to the stage where I'm gonna need a Trek series very soon, thankfully there's a movie coming out next year to keep me going for a bit longer.

    Not holding my breath as I'm not expecting any announcements until at least the next movie is out on dvd/blu-ray.
  3. Jonny

    Jonny Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 30, 2010
    Liverpool Merseyside uk
    Wish I was that creative.

    Yes I do kind of worry about the cool factor melting away myself but I'm optimistic that it still will be.

    Interesting idea.
  4. Kegg

    Kegg Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2009
    I did eventually go back and watch Enterprise and was surprised to find it'd hit its stride, but that was what... 2006? 2007? Point is I haven't watched a premiere of a Star Trek episode in around ten years.
  5. TerraNovan

    TerraNovan Lieutenant Commander

    May 9, 2012
    Star trek is huge, the myth that star trek keeps getting canceled because no one cares is such a joke. It's mainstream tv, no matter how popular you are as a television show, your gonna have to adhere to budgets and worry about burning out your audience.

    Considering the show ran itself off a cliff with some seriously bad ideas, the shows are still very popular.

    The brand still has value, people are more open to sci fi than ever before. The problem is their has to be some evolution to it as their is with any art.

    When galaxy quest came out, did star trek evolve, no not at all, it just became a parody of itself.

    The star trek brand is huge if the studio's were choking it's brand and they brought in some original talent they'd be a gaurented success.

    Csi, lost, and big band theory all prove that geek culture is in. Combine that with the past popularity bsg and sg1, and it can't be ignored, star trek really needs to step up to the plate.
  6. horatio83

    horatio83 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 25, 2009
    Galaxy Quest was a parody but Trek isn't. Sure, ENT felt too often like VOY and the fourth season as well as the current movies are stuck too deeply in continuity obsession / TOS homage mode and the future of Trek is anything but sure but I wouldn't go that far as to call all Trek in this century a parody of itself.