Marvel All New, All Different - Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Admiral_Young, May 30, 2010.

  1. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    That is the first issue of a major new direction. The first 14 issues were one single big storyline and #15 is the beginning of the Axis tie-in.
  2. Allyn Gibson

    Allyn Gibson Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 16, 2000
    South Pennsyltucky
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    I stopped reading Spider-Man comics earlier in the year, so Spider-Verse has been my first encounter with Silk.

    Is she supposed to be a bit sketchy and creepy?

    First, she wears a costume that looks like it's either body paint or is completely lacking in any sort of chest support from the way her breasts sag.

    Second, the whole spider-pheremone thing and how she and Peter have to go at it like bunnies is weird as hell. Especially when she starts checking out whether her pheremones match any of the alt-Peters in ASM #10.

    I can't get past the idea that Silk exists as Dan Slott's sexual fantasy insert character.

    EDIT: This comic strip says what I was trying to say in two panels. :)
  3. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Sexual nightmare.

    One does resent some of the people they are attracted to.

    Think back to some of the aspects of persons you had to ignore, to get your end away in the beginning.


    It's not too dissimilar from the kill scent the girl Wolverine clone, X-23, is triggered by.

    Right now it is creepy, but eventually one or both of them are going to run because they want to be a person, and not an animal.

    Of course with all this cross time stuff happening, I can only imagine that Silk will be helplessly drawn to the "strongest" Spider-Man scent on the Assembled Peter Parkers... unless she doesn't just have to pick one, or all the Peter Parkers kill each other until the last spider standing gets the girl.

    I haven't read issue #10 yet, but I can see it from where I am sitting.
  4. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    I like Silk. She wasn't initially sex-crazed it's just when she's around Peter. And they are trying to fight it. And she wants to be a heroine.
  5. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    It has to do with the Spider Totem connection. They have a deeper bond that triggers their primal sexual feelings. I actually have come to like Silk more than I originally thought I would. This is quite frankly what Alpha should have been. As for her costume...I'm sure that as time goes by editorial and Slott will give her something she continues to adjust to society.
  6. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Also, Copiel is drawing her EXTREMELY provocatively in these past two issues. She was sexy before but she didn't look buck nekkid either.
  7. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Last nights reads were:
    Guardians of the Galaxy #21 - the start of the Planet of the Symbiotes story(same title as a 90's story) and features the return of Flash Thompson who got separated from the team before the Original Sin interludes. He turns up but is rather disoriented and clearly the symbiote is in control. Overall I enjoyed the story right up to and until the out of nowhere end where
    Groot seemingly w/o cause cracks the container holding the symbiote and it then attaches to Groot.
    That felt very forced, not scripted well.

    Spider-woman #1 - keeping in mind that I'm waiting to read Spider-Verse as one story in a HC Trade sometime in March I felt I was able to follow along based on what I know of the event. I'm buying the book to support Jessica and it's the stories to follow after Spider-verse I'm looking forward to having. This issue jumped around, alot. I'm not sure how our characters are teleporting between universes(yet) so I just accept that's explained within the main story which I'll read later. I had thought Silk's costume was just her own webbing on her body, but here it appeared a costume, which I liked better.
    Hoping this book turns out as great a read as Edmondson's Black Widow or Elektra(which is sadly cancelled at #11).
  8. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    New Avengers #27. Another solid issue with some shocking revelations. The Black Priests just got a whole lot more interesting, particularly their leader.

    After reading that I went back and re-read the first nine issues. It flows so much better when you read it all at once rather than month to month. I've had pacing issues with the middle chapters, but Hickman's vast multiversal incursion saga is quite excellent. And man, stuff gets set up so subtly to become important later. Doom got that shard of another planet all the way back in #6 and we're just now getting to it!
  9. Fist McStrongpunch

    Fist McStrongpunch Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 21, 2003
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    The movies are affecting the comics in annoying ways. Seems Wanda and Pietro are converting to Inhumanism.
  10. Allyn Gibson

    Allyn Gibson Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 16, 2000
    South Pennsyltucky
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Halfway through Spider-Verse and it's decidedly meh.

    The problem I had with ASM #11 is that nothing especially surprising happened. I expected that the "safe zone" would be breached; that's basic drama and it ramps up the stakes if there's no place the Spiders can run. I expected that Mayday's brother was the Scion, just from the way Slott kept him in the fame in the first two chapters. The only truly surprising thing was the Peter-616/Spider-Ock throwdown and its resolution, but I shouldn't have been surprised; this is Amazing, after all, and not Superior.

    I hope this is actually going somewhere, because right now we have lots of Spiders having angsty conversations and getting killed.

    Oh, the visit to the world of the 1960s Amazing Spider-Man cartoon was nice, and the full story Spider-Verse Team-Up #2 was fun. Not really essential, but fun.
  11. M'rk son of Mogh

    M'rk son of Mogh Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2001
    Ontario, Canada
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    I'm loving the series. I've been away from the spider books since basically the clone series ended. I came back to see what was going on with Superior and was surprised by how much I was enjoying it, and I'm really enjoying Spider-Verse and the majority of the tie-ins (I like some more than others). For me, it has nothing to do with surprises, it's just a fun series, I'm very entertained and the stakes feel really high to me, but even around all the darkness it still manages to enjoy itself. Sure, we knew cosmic Spidey couldn't protect them forever (that would be dull), it was just a matter of time before something happened. And who the Scion was wasn't a shock, but seeing that final panel was scary.

    Predictability doesn't mean something isn't fun. Otherwise roller coasters would never get a repeat customer and amusement parks wouldn't exist.
  12. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Spider-Verse has been awesome so far. No complaints.
  13. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    I'd like to complain about the nonSpider-Verse Annual written by some other guy.



    What's this claptrap about Magneto not being the Twins father?

    Oh frick.

    Is this to help the new Avengers Movie and simultaneously shit on the next X-Men movie?

    To dump on two movies with once deuce seems like a familiar maxim I might have heard before?
  14. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    ^ Mostly to do with "Avengers: Age of Ultron" yes and to address the issue of them not being able to mention Magneto at all.

    The annual apparently was to give those not interested in Spider-Verse something else to read.
  15. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    After the movie bombs, they can say that it has something to do with when he was turned into a child and then brought back to adulthood a year later in the 70s.

    Or he could be another clone like Joseph?
  16. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    I'll post what I posted about the Magneto on another board on this one...

    God, I hate retcons.

    Now, in all fairness, making Wanda and Pietro the children of Magneto was a retcon in the first place. Stan Lee said he never intended for them to be his children (he also originally said he planned on making Xavier and Magneto brothers). The one issue I've had with them being his children in the first place is that it would make Wanda and Pietro REALLY old since Magneto is REALLY old due to this past being tied to the Holocaust. Also add to that that the twins have been associated so much more with the Avengers than they ever were with the X-Men.

    That being said, this is a pathetic, nonsensical retcon by Marvel and I DESPISE it. They need to keep what goes on with their comics separate from what goes on with the MCU. I hate that their pissing battle with Fox is the ONLY thing that is causing them to make stupid decisions like this. Sorry, Marvel, but it was your fault in the first place that you went bankrupt and had to sell your X-Men and Spider-Man properties. It doesn't matter how much they try to line up their comics with their's never going to increase sales in their comics. The movies are their overwhelming money-making machine. Just let the comics due their own thing.

    It makes no sense for Magneto not to be their father. Even Magneto isn't that much of a obsessive prick to keep playing that act up for years. I'll just ignore it like I'm ignoring Bendis's awful run on the X-Men.

    If any mutant is bound to be retconned into an Inhuman, it's probably Namor.

    It's crap like this that actively makes me hope that the Inhumans is a massive bomb when it's released. The Inhumans are fucking boring to begin with (except the new Ms. Marvel). Sorry, Marvel...mutants exist in your comics. Deal with it.
  17. JoeZhang

    JoeZhang Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2008
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    No it has do with the writer - that's up there with "she's an alien and they have no nudity taboo on their planet".
  18. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)


    She learns new languages form kissing pretty alien boys.
  19. Hound of UIster

    Hound of UIster Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2002
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Actually this is kind of a middle finger to Bendis who is pissed that Marvel retconned Disassembled and has been shouting from the rooftops in his work that she is really evil or selfish because she is Magneto's daughter. This kind of take the wind out of his sails imo. :guffaw:

    And frankly whether or not Wanda is a mutant or Magneto's offspring is irrelevant since outside of HoM there aren't very many stories that revolve around those aspects of her identity. Like Axis kind of shows, her main thing is now magic. Quicksilver is a different story. There is just too much material built around him being a mutant or Magneto's son.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2014
  20. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: Marvel Now/ReEvolution Ongoing Discussion (Spoilers)

    Oh wow that just reminded me. Quicksilver has been linked to the Inhumans for years because he was married to Crystal! Where did their dating/marriage happen, 1980s Avengers issues?