Jan Karon's Mitford series

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by Crusher Disciple, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Crusher Disciple

    Crusher Disciple Admiral Admiral

    Dec 4, 2001
    Crusher Disciple
    I just bought the first book of the series at Half Price Books (12.95 on sale for $3.00!). I've been curious about the series since all I know about it is that it's about an Anglican or Episcopalian parish (I don't know which one), and I've gotten the sense that it's a little Hallmark movie of the week folksy.

    But given that I've enjoyed hanging out with my new Episcopalian friends the past few weeks, I figured a series about the Communion would be a cool way to get to know the brethren.

    So give it to me straight: are these books really sugary and schmaltzy to the point that I might choke on the cuteness? Is it going to cause me to start Tivoing Oprah and Rachel Ray after I start reading it?

    I'm going to be on set all day tomorrow, and I'm planning on bringing this book and Christopher Moore's Lamb (which is one of my all time favorite books and I can't wait to re-read) to keep me from going out of my head from boredom.

    Really, you can only stand so many hours of actors and extras trying to impress each other with how important they think they really are. It makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out after a while, so taking a book or looking for an electrical outlet to plug in my iPhone so I can play on Facebook is pretty much the best way to stave off homicidal tendencies.

    Thanks and Live Long and Prosper,
  2. Sakrysta

    Sakrysta Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2001
    I had a hard time reading the book when I first tried it. However, I really enjoy the audio books. Yes, they are a little sugary, but in the same way something like Anne of Green Gables is. The books are filled with wholesome, simple folks whose foibles and difficulties are the main source of story.

    Personally, I find Father Tim to be delightful. I wish I knew someone like him. :)
  3. Crusher Disciple

    Crusher Disciple Admiral Admiral

    Dec 4, 2001
    Crusher Disciple
    I'm already 2- pages in and I'm already a little addicted. :alienblush::lol: