STO: are starship phasers worth a darn?

Discussion in 'Trek Gaming' started by Tribble puncher, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)

    Don't worry, I undersell on the Exchange all the time trying to bring the market down to a realistic rate.
  2. Scout101

    Scout101 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2003
    Rhode Island, USA
    :lol: just saying, when there's one Antiproton mag for 100k, and the next is on sale for 150k or more, that's an easy 50k, and it usually sells within a minute.

    In general, I just price things for 1 point less than the cheapest comparable one. Unless that's less than half the value, in which case it goes to the vendors. Ones that actually pay half, not the ones that rip you off and give you a third the price.
  3. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Yeah, the market can be insane sometimes.
    "You want this Mk XI common Disruptor Beam Array? That's 75,000 credits!"

    Like Rocketeer, I just find the prices to be absurd sometimes. I mean, I have 13,000,000 credits, and there are green/blue/purple items on the Exchange that are far beyond my purchasing power. That's ridiculous.
  4. intrinsical

    intrinsical Commodore Commodore

    Mar 3, 2005
    The reason why they are still in the exchange is because the price is nuts and no one is willing to buy them at those prices. This is why I usually see the prices as the upper bound on what people will actually pay.

    By the way, I now have a mag regulator and all my weapons are anti-proton based. My advanced escort is ready for a dps showdown. My next big goal is to save up and equip a Sovereign class (so I can switch between attacking in my Prometheus and tanking in a Sovereign). I wonder if I can arrange my bridge officers so they'll function equally well on both ships.
  5. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Awesome! :D

    As for Boff arrangements, it's a little bit of work, but you can do it. My Boffs are general purpose, which means their abilities won't do amazing things, but they're very cross compatible. I switch between my Excelsior Retrofit (which I love dearly), my escort retrofit, and my shuttlecraft, which I like to take into sector battles and confuse the hell out of new players as they watch me take on 5 ships at once and survive. :lol:
  6. intrinsical

    intrinsical Commodore Commodore

    Mar 3, 2005
    Oh I know, I equipped my Type 8 Shuttle Hawking with Mk X stuff, including an Aegis Shield just for kicks. I have been itching to take it out for a spin.
  7. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Change the description in your title to read "Lieutenant" and go into one of the Sirius sector enemy contacts, start blowing away everything. I mean, sure, if they click your ship it will read "+40" or something, but they won't really know what that means yet. :lol:
  8. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)
    If you have the space for additional BOFFs, you can have some configured for the bridge (or different ships) and some for the away team. So BOFFs with the space skills Efficient or Leadership go on the bridge. Those skills are useless on the ground, so I use a different set of BOFFs. I tend to max all my BOFFs out also and rotate them as necessary. For example, If I have CMDR, LT and ENS Sci slots on a ship, all my Sci DOFFs would be CMDR and could be rotated between those positions to make available whatever powers were necessary for the mission.

  9. intrinsical

    intrinsical Commodore Commodore

    Mar 3, 2005
    Well I ended up spending more than a few hours last night planning my BOFF's skillset. I quickly realized that I actually had to plan for FOUR ships, and they each had special requirements.

    1) USS Ganymede (Non-MAVM Advanced Escort)
    2) USS Deimos (MAVM Advanced Escort)
    3) USS Magellan (Odyssey class)
    4) USS ?? (Unbought Sovereign class)

    Thankfully, the science and engineering officers can be easily shared among all my ships as all their skills revolve around shield/hull heal/regen/resistance.

    Science Officer
    Hazard Emitters I (All ships)
    Transfer Shield Strength II (All ships)
    Photonic Officer II (Prometheus only)

    Assistant Science Officer
    Science Team I (All ships)

    Chief Engineer
    Engineering Team I (All ships)
    Emergency Power to Shields II (All ships)
    Auxiliary to Battery II (Odyssey/Sovereign only)
    Aceton Beam III (Odyssey/Sovereign only)

    Engineering Assistant (Odyssey/Sovereign only)
    Emergency Power To Weapons I
    Reverse Shield Polarity I
    Directed Energy Modulation II

    Tactical officer that give me a headache as the Prometheus requires and primarily uses cannons while Odyssey/Sovereign primarily uses beams. I ended up customizing my current 3 tactical officers for the Prometheus and commissioned a 4th tactical officer just for the Sovereign.

    1st Tactical Officer (Prometheus Only)
    Tactical Team I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire II
    Attack Pattern Omega III

    2nd Tactical Officer (Prometheus)
    Tactical Team I
    Torpedo: High Yield II
    Cannon: Scatter Volley II

    3rd Tactical Officer (Prometheus)
    Torpedo: Spread I

    Beam Array Specialist (Odyssey/Sovereign Only)
    Beam Overload I
    Torpedo: High Yield II

    So finally, here's the BOFF skill accessible for each ship.

    USS Ganymede (Phoenix Class Advanced Escort)
    Tactical Team I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire II
    Attack Pattern Omega II
    Tactical Team I
    Torpedo: HIgh Yield II
    Cannon: Scatter Volley II
    Engineering Team I
    Emergency Power to Shields II
    Hazard Emitters II
    Transfer Shield Strength II
    Science Team I

    USS Deimos (Prometheus Class MAVM Advanced Escort)
    Tactical Team I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire I
    Cannon: Rapid Fire II
    Attack Pattern Omega II
    Tactical Team I
    Torpedo: HIgh Yield II
    Torpedo: Spread I
    Engineering Team I
    Emergency Power to Shields II
    Hazard Emitters II
    Transfer Shield Strength II
    Photonic Officer II

    USS Magellan (Odyssey Class)
    Beam Overload II
    Torpedo: High Yield II
    Engineering Team I
    Emergency Power to Shields II
    Auxiliary to Battery II
    Aceton Beam II
    Emergency Power To Weapons
    Reverse Shield Polarity I
    Directed Energy Modulation II
    Hazard Emitters II
    Transfer Shield Strength II
    Science Team I

    USS Unnamed (Sovereign Class)
    Beam Overload I
    Torpedo: High Yield II
    Tactical Team I
    Engineering Team I
    Emergency Power to Shields II
    Auxiliary to Battery II
    Aceton Beam II
    Emergency Power To Weapons
    Reverse Shield Polarity I
    Directed Energy Modulation II
    Hazard Emitters II
    Transfer Shield Strength II
  10. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)
    Wow, you've been busy.
  11. intrinsical

    intrinsical Commodore Commodore

    Mar 3, 2005
    It wasn't so bad, I used google's spreadsheet and it allowed me to easily visualize how the skills were arranged and how I could share officers. Anyway, I've tested out the new arrangement for the Promethus and its a pretty good setup except for one flaw. As I am heavily using Tactical Team and Science Team, I quickly realized Engineering Team was never ready when I needed it most as these three skills share the same cooldown timer. So I think I need to replace Engineering Team with another hull repair skill.

    Can I apply two Hazard Emitter skills at the same time?
  12. Scout101

    Scout101 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2003
    Rhode Island, USA
    Hmm, I gotta spend more time thinking about my build at some point. I'm spec'ed out decent for my Fleet Escort, but don't have the right crew/skill mix to switch to a Cruiser if I wanted to. Given that right now there's not a ton of NEED for a cruiser, and Escorts are ideal for endgame, not too worried about it, but would like to be able to swap it out for the Gal-X on occasion.
  13. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)
    I sometime use Excel or just draw a matrix on index cards. Without actually spending time to analyze what you posted, I think you're on the right path. (Just looking at the skill titles.)

    The thought process that I use when building is:

    1) What do I want to accomplish with this ship?
    Sounds like common sense but you see a lot of people that can't decide what they want so their ship is half-ass.

    2) What BOFF skills are needed? Again it sounds like common sense but you see people with skills like Cannon Rapid Fire and they don't have any cannons.

    3) On some skills, the effects between level I and II or III are negligible so grab it at Level I and use the LCDR/CMDR skill slot for something else.

    4) Don't forget that you can train your BOFFs in some of the Level III skills by using the Rare and Very Rare BOFFs.

    5) I might use a temp skill at Ensign level just to survive then change out to permanent skill later. Probably a bad example because it's a ground skill but I would have a tac photon grenade I starting out. Later, I'd give him some other Ensign skill and give him photon grenade II or III.

    6) Don't forget your DOFFs! Find ones that boost the skills that you're using. If you use torps a lot, find a rare or very rare Projectile Weapons Officer. Don't forget that you can mail unbound DOFFs between your characters.

  14. Aeolusdallas

    Aeolusdallas Captain Captain

    Oct 20, 2008
    Beam arrays are tanking weapons (they are meant for cruisers which fill the tanking role) Their advantage is the wide firing arc. Cannons are DPS weapons which are meant for Escorts (who fill the DPS role)
  15. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)
    You should read the STO Forum - Cruiser Builds for ideas.

    My first character is an Engineer and did a lot of experimentation. It is impossible to build the ultimate tank and ultimate offensive ship at the same time. However, with a little compromise here and there, you can have a med tank/assault vehicle. There rest of this is just my opinions. I could talk all day about Engineers and Cruisers, but will try to keep it short.

    Here's what I recommend you start with, then modify to suit your playing style. You started with a good platform, the Excelsior. Run the Defari FEs that give you the frosty set. The run the Romulan FE (Vault?) that gives you the Reman shield.

    Front: Beam Array [Acc] [CrtH] x2, Photon or Quantum Torp [Acc] [Acc]
    Rear: Front: Beam Array [Acc] [CrtH] x2, Photon or Quantum Mine Launcher [CrtH] [CrtD].
    Get the Phaser Relay console for the beams and the appropiate console for the torps

    Practice attacking broadside until you can target the enemies with all four beams. Once their shields are down, turn towards them enough to hit them with the torp, then go back to a broadside attack. The mines are necessary for spamming against birds-of-prey (and Tac chars in PvP).

    You have room for 3 Engr consoles and here's my recommendation: Victorium Alloy, Ablative Hull Armor, SIF Generator
  16. Tribble puncher

    Tribble puncher Captain Captain

    Jan 17, 2012
    Somewhere witty

    I've seen some weapons and sheilds with the [ACC], [CtrlH], X2 and such...what does all that mean. Alot of these Terms like FCC are lost on me, I am most definitely a "NoOb".
  17. intrinsical

    intrinsical Commodore Commodore

    Mar 3, 2005
    Most of this is described in the popup when you mouse-over the weapon. Here are the more common abbreviations.

    [Dmg] - Short for Damage. As in the weapon does extra damage
    [Acc] - Short for Accurate. The weapon is 10% more accurate than a typical weapon.
    [CrtD] - Short for Critical Damage. When the weapon lands a rare critical hit, it does a lot more damage.
    [CrtH] - Short for Critical Hit. The chances of landing a critical hit is increased.
    [Borg] - Anti-Borg effect. Every time the weapon lands a hit, there's a small 7.5% chance it will cause 1000 extra damage against the Borg.

    For starters, make sure all your beam arrays are using the same energy type. I would say go with either all phasers, all tetryons or at higher levels, all anti-protons. They are equally good choices. Make sure all your beam weapons are using the same energy type. Using a mix of different energy types (what we call a rainbow) will cause your weapon damage to drop.

    Once you have chosen a specific type of beam energy you'ld like to use, you will want to have at least one (or two) tactical console that boosts the damage of that specific energy type. You may also want a tactical console that boosts your torpedo's damage.

    For Phasers, equip your ship with Phaser Relay consoles.
    For Tetryons, equip your ship with Tetryon Pulse Generator consoles.
    For Antiprotons, equip your ship with Antiproton Mag Regulator consoles.
    For Photon Torpedoes, equip your ship with a Photon Detonation Assembly console.
    For Quantum Torpedoes, equip your ship with a Zero Point Quantum Chamber console.

    Bridge officers have a few skills that can also boost your weapon damage for short periods of time. Examples include Beam Overload, Beam Fire At Will, Torpedo: Rapid Fire, Torpedo: Scatter Volley. Attack Patterns Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omega. So be sure to train your tactical bridge officer with some of these skills.

    Finally to really push your weapon damage to the maximum, make sure you divert a lot of your warp core's power to the weapons system. An easy way to do this is to use the ship's offensive mode.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  18. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Captain Captain

    Apr 19, 2011
    Edge of Chaos (Wash DC)
    Right. So a Beam Array [Acc] [CrtH] would have +10% Accuracy and +2% Critical Hit chance. When you only have a small number of weapons, you want to make sure that every shot connects with the enemy. When you get a ship with more weapons, you can consider loading weapons with [Dmg] and [CrtD].

  19. apostle83

    apostle83 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 27, 2003
    Are those something you buy with energy credits? Something you craft?...
  20. Timelord Victorious

    Timelord Victorious Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2006
    Germany, Earth, the Solar System
    Energy Credits (exchange), Dilithium store, crafting and STF vendor.