Star Trek: Audacity Part 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Sorcery, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011

    “We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

    Part One

    The lonely man sat at his desk reviewing facts and information the USS Voyager had brought back. It had been years now since the Federation had been in contact with the Borg, and this lonely man wanted to know why. He had read all he could on the Borg and all the information was the same over and over again. He’d read about the anatomy, biology, and even psychology, but there were no hints as to how the Borg came to be. He wanted more information. No, he needed more.
    Captain Alvin Ramirez looked up from his PADD, and turned it off. Most of the Starfleet Command thought rereading the information on the Borg was a waste of time and useless unless it was for new cadets. Alvin placed it down on other loads of information PADDs.
    “Yes?” Alvin replied.
    “You’ve got to stop this none-sense”, Betsy Hicks said. She walked to his desk. “This information is cadet level. Why do you spend all your time reading it? You’ve memorized it by now.”
    He looked at her and smiled humorously. “Many questions are still remained unanswered Councilor.”
    She nodded and took a sit in front of his desk. She had pretty blonde hair and bright green eyes. “I realize that Alvin, but this is getting out of hand.”
    “How so?”
    She sighed and noticed all the stacked PADDs with Borg information on them. “They’re not coming back you know.”
    “I know but--”
    “Then why are you doing this?”
    “Doing what?!” he shouted.
    She gulped. “Wasting time rereading about things that’ll never return.”
    He didn’t replied, only looked her in the eyes with dignity. He didn’t think it was a waste of time. He might not have been learning new things about the Borg, but he’d sure be the best at knowing everything about them.
    “I just wish we knew how they originated”, Alvin said.
    “Yeah”, Betsy replied, “it’s not like you can get a starship and explore the Delta Quadrant to do more research and go into Borg space.” She laughed reassuringly.
    “We could!”
    Betsy cocked her head. “Alvin I was joking!”
    “No but we can”, he told her. “We just need approval. Schedule a meeting with Starfleet Command for me, Betsy. I am going to find out how the Borg started.”
    “Alvin listen to yourself”, Betsy said standing. She walked to the door. “This is crazy, they’re not going to agree with this.”
    “Just ask!”
    Betsy nodded with a confused grin on her face. This was the Alvin she knew, the one who was always trying to get started, and always being impatient. This was the one she liked. She remembered being his first officer on the USS Jupiter. That’s where she loved him because he wanted things done instantly.
    “All right”, she said with laugh. “I’ll ask them, I’ll ask them.”
    “You’re a good friend”, said Alvin, “You and Alexander.”
    Betsy chuckled. “Alexander and I’ll support your plan 100%, even if I don’t like it.”
    Alvin laughed. “Thanks. Notify me when you tell them.”


    Starfleet Command was mixed of dozens of members of the Federation, and Alvin Ramirez only knew two: Alexander Stuart and Betsy Hicks. Alvin could see them both seated as he entered the hall. Admiral D.K. Wells stood and eyed the Captain.
    “Greetings Commodore Alvin Ramirez”, the Admiral said. “Welcome to Starfleet Command Hall.” Everyone sat. “What can we do for you?”
    “Well if you haven’t already heard, sir, I’ve been wanting to conduct more search on the Borg, particularly on their origin”, Alvin said.
    “What are you implying?”
    “I’d like to go into space and research the Borg.”
    Murmurs started to surround the room. “Why?” asked the Admiral.
    “Well”, Alvin said, “The information Starfleet has stored in our database is not enough. We require more if we won’t to know more about the Borg.”
    A commodore stood. “We don’t want to know more about the Borg. Admiral Janeway infected them and killed the Borg Queen. We won’t see them again so no more information is required.” He glared at Alvin. “Besides, it is far too dangerous.”
    “Not without the proper caution, sir”, said Alvin. “This is a race we know nothing about except all they do is assimilate.” He smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know how it started?”
    Admiral Wells nodded, but said, “It’s too dangerous. If the Borg are inactive, and they have been for years, why bring them back?”
    “Admirals, Commodores”, Alvin said bravely. “We have lived years wondering where the heck the Borg came from. Now is our chance to find out. Isn’t our motto ‘To explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations’?”
    Admiral Wells nodded again. “It seems you are correct, Captain. Therefore I am granting you permission to pursue this mission.” Alvin smiled. “But! But! But! I will not order crew to to enlist in your mission. You will have find your own crew who are willing to do it voluntarily.”
    “Thank you sir. Yes sir”, Alvin said happily.
    Alvin left the Hall immediately grinning from ear to ear. As the others dismissed from the Hall Betsy and Alexander walked towards him.
    “Well you got it approved”, Betsy said.
    “But now you have to find a crew”, said Alexander. “I’ll send a station broadcast for anyone who wants to join you.”
    “Thanks”, Alvin said and Alexander left. Alvin looked at Betsy. “A ship?”
    “Ship?” she asked confused.
    Alvin nodded. “I need a ship to get there, right? What ship am I getting?”
    “Oh...”, Betsy said quietly. “Admiral D.K. Wells told me to let you’re getting a Storm-classed ship...”
    “A STORM-CLASSED?!” Alvin shouted. “What? Does he want me to die out there?”
    Betsy closed her eyes, shook her head, and walked off. Alvin followed. “I’m only telling you what he said, Alvin. Of course he doesn’t want you to die...but they can’t just build you a new ship or give you some new ship.”
    Alvin threw his hands in the air. “But a Storm-classed? Seriously Betsy. A Storm-classed ship? One of the worst types of ships in Starfleet. Heck I’d rather an Oberth-classed starship. Why Storm-classed? Why not Intrepid or Norway or Akira?”
    Betsy didn’t answer Alvin.
    “Betsy? Why?”
    Still no answer.
    “Because he doesn’t think you’ll even make it there!”
    Alvin stopped in his steps and watched Betsy walk forward not saying another word. Alvin knew Admiral Wells wasn’t the only one who thought he’d wouldn’t make it or return from the Delta Quadrant. Apparently, Betsy thought so as well. Alvin had known her for a long time, and he thought she’d be the main supporter.


    The turbolift’s door opened and every officer stopped what they were doing. Captain Alvin Ramirez entered the bridge.
    “This is the crew?” Alvin whispered to Betsy and Alexander. “All right, I’m Captain Alvin Ramirez your commanding officer.” Everyone looked at him awkwardly. “I need names and positions.”
    “Commander Carol Freeman”, said a brown haired officer. She shook Alvin’s hand. “I was told I’d be the first officer.”
    “I’m Seerik”, said a tall male Romulan. “Chief Engineer. The Federation is doing an officer exchange. I hold no current Starfleet rank, but I am a damn good engineer.”
    Alvin had no idea what a Romulan was doing on a Starfleet vessel, but he still wondered if he should trust him or not. He shook the engineer’s hand; it was cold and dry.
    “He’s Lt Cmdr. Zordock”, said Carol. “He doesn’t talk much.” It was a gaunt looking alien with huge black glossy eyes, a short neck, enormous cranium with a rocky skull and long bony fingers and long arms and short legs. Alvin thought he looked pretty trustworthy. He smiled and shook his hand.
    “Lt. Quiana”, said a humanoid female. “Ops officers.”
    “Lt. JG Jerrod York”, said a Human male, “science officer.”
    “Nice to meet you, sir”, Alvin replied.
    “Ensign Lia Frost”, said a female Human. “Helmsman.”
    “Ensign Edgar”, said a male Deltan, “counselor.”
    Alvin didn’t realize they needed a counselor.
    “Lt. Dara”, said a Felarain. “Security and tactical.”
    “Well everyone”, Alvin said reassuringly. “Welcome aboard the USS Rogue, a Storm-classed vessel in the fleet...and in my opinion one of the worst classes.”
    “Rogue is an interesting name for this type of mission”, Betsy muttered under her breath.
    “Sir”, Seerik said, “this ship has in interesting design.”
    “I know”, Alvin said, “and I’m afraid we’ll just have to deal with it.” Alvin looked around. “I guess we should get started then shall we?”
    Everyone nodded and Seerik, Zordock, and Edgar left the bridge.
    Alvin smiled. “All right, let’s get a move on...”
    Lia Frost clicked a few buttons and said, “This is the USS Rogue ready for departure, over.”
    “USS Rogue?” a voice said back. “I don’t have that on my departure list...”
    “We’ve just been assigned, sir”, Lia replied in a confused voice.
    “Very well...Moorings are’re clear for departure Rogue.”
    “Once we’re out, maximum warp to...Deep Space Nine”, Alvin said.
    “Aye sir.”
    Carol looked at Alvin strangely. “Permission to speak freely sir?”
    “Permission granted.”
    “Why are we going to Deep Space Nine?”
    “You’ll find out when we get there”, Alvin replied.
    Carol looked at him. “What’s the point of this mission?”
    “The truth is”, Alvin said, “ We’re going to explore Borg space.”
    “I thought we were just going to learn about the Borg’s origin!” Carol said.
    “Starfleet Command wants to learn more about the Borg, but thinks we won’t even make it to the Delta Quadrant. We’re going to Deep Space Nine to get a few more repairs done for our ship to be in tip top shape. Anyone who’s afraid of doing this mission can leave.” No one talked. “So we’re all in this together huh?”
    Carol finally spoke up. “This is so dumb. I misunderstood the station broadcast. I thought we were simply going to some old archive, sir.”
    Alexander looked at her distinctively. “Then you can simply be removed of duty, go back to Starbase, and I’ll get a new first officer.”
    Carol stopped talking and sat in one of the command chairs. She rested her head on her hand and looked at her shoes. Alvin watched his crew who were still looking away from their stations and at him. He then spoke again. “Now I know everyone is a bit bewildered but this is just the best way to discover the Borg’s origin. I apologize if this is bringing you a lot of grief, but please do let it distract you from your duties.” He looked particularly at Carol Freeman who was still looking at the ground.
    “Sir”, Ensign Frost said quietly, “we will be approaching Deep Space Nine in exactly 5.3 minutes.”
    “Thank you ensign”, Alvin replied. He touched his communication badge. “Captain Ramirez to Seerik.”
    “Seerik here sir.”
    “Seerik, I need you, Dara, and York to go on Deep Space Nine and get the appropriate tools to repair the Rogue quickly.”
    “Sir”, Lia Frost said, “we are now docking on Deep Space Nine.”
    “Good”, Alvin said. “If you need me, I’ll be in my ready room.” He left the bridge, but then turned around and said, “Cmdr. have the bridge...don’t disappoint me.”
    “Aye sir...”
    Alvin entered his Ready Room displeased because a massive amount of PADDs were stacked neatly on his desk. He knew what they were; they were crew bios, and he had to read every one of them to get to know his crew’s strength and limits, but he often thought this was actually done in action. He was glad he was out in space and was exploring the galaxy again.
    He breathed in and stretched his arms and cracked his spine but a little too far causing him to jump in pain and knock a ton of PADDs on the floor. He quickly touched his communication badge. “Ramirez to Yeoman Banks”, he said. “Please I need your help cleaning up.”
    Ensign Edgar soon entered the room. “Sorry sir, but Yeoman Banks isn’t feeling well so I’ll be your yeoman until she’s better. What seems to be the problem, sir?”
    “Well I scattered all these PADDs out of order and I need someone to get them back in order for me so I can read my senior staff bios.”
    “No problem, sir”, the Deltan counselor said gracefully. He crouched and began organizing the PADDs.
    “Oh here”, Alvin said picking up a PADD, “I think you forgot one, counselor.” He looked at it. “Lt. Quiana of the--OH MY GOD!”
    “Sir?” Edgar said alarmed. He stood up and reached for the PADD. “What seems to be the problem?”
    “Look at her species.”
    Edgar nodded and read, “Q Continuum Human hybrid..”
    “How is she half Q and half Human?” He asked.
    “I don’t know sir, is that a problem?”
    Alvin turned red with anger. “You’re damn right it’s a problem! Q's can't be trusted. They're practically gods and we're their puppets to control. And now you're telling me I have one aboard MY ship!”
    “There's nothing wrong with that. And besides, she's half Q and half human. And Starfleet approved her so she must be good”, Edgar said offensively.
    Alvin snorted. “Approved? Or did she use her god powers to convince them to let her be my Chief Operator.”
    Edgar sighed and tapped his communication badge. “Counselor Edgar to Lt. Quiana. Please report to the Captain's ready room.” He looked at the Captain. “We're going to settle this.”
    Moments later the Chief of Operations was in the Ready Room and all ready apologizing.
    “I'm sorry if I disappointed you, Captain. I was only following my father's footsteps. He was a Chief Operator on the USS Colossus. If it makes you feel better I'm not entirely Q. I'm only half. My mother was Q and my father was human. I only have a few powers”, Quiana said apologically.
    Edgar looked into the Captain’s eyes. “Is there something you’d like to say, Alvin?”
    “I guess I judged a book by the cover.” He chuckled sarcastically. “ I'm terribly sorry Quiana. You unique powers will be essential to the Rogue. Thank you. You are dismissed.”
    Quiana left and Edgar gave Alvin a soft smiled and replied, “Problem solved?”

    Back on the bridge it was calm and quiet. Officers glanced at one another not knowing if they should trust them.Report?” Alvin said sitting in the command chair next to Carol.
    “All systems are still being adjusted, sir.”
    “And I assume the task of getting the supplies were easy Lt. Dara and Lt. JG York?”
    Jerrod York nodded and the Felarain nodded as well without even looking at the Captain.
    “Seerik, how are the repairs coming along?”
    Seerik didn’t speak for a moment because the Engineering Department was buzzing. “Sir, this place is busy....some of the systems weren’t even finished being built. My crew had to finish building it.”
    “Do your best. Alvin out.” He looked around the bridge.


    Jerrod looked around the Mess Hall noticing it was quite empty. He guessed the engineers were still making prepares. He noticed the counselor sitting by himself ordering something, so he walked over confidently and sat in front of him. “Is this seat taken?”
    “Not at all, ensign”, Edgar replied.
    “ me Jerrod”, the science officer replied and swatted the waitress away.
    “Jerrod?” Edgar looked at him strangely and waited for his meal to arrive.
    “Yes”, Jerrod said. “You say it so nicely...I like your’s nice. So what did you order?”
    Edgar tapped his fingers on the table. “Oh just some ice cream from Earth. Ensign Frost suggested I try here I am seeing if━is there something on my face?”
    Jerrod was staring directly at the Deltan counselor and wasn’t really listening to what he was saying. Edgar began wondering what was going on and that’s when it hit him. Edgar looked the science officer directly in the eye and leaned forward. “Lt., are you attracted to me?”
    Jerrod smiled. “Why would you think that, counselor?” He placed his hand on the counselor’s hand.
    “Enough Lt.!”
    “Enough of what? What am I doing?”
    Edgar stood up. “I’m sorry but I can’t continue this. It’s my species...Goodbye Lt. York.”


    “And I just fell down sort of”, Yeoman Elissa Banks said. “Yes, I fainted that’s what. I fainted right in the middle of the corridor.” She breathed lightly as the chief medical officer scanned her. “So am I fit for duty?” The Monchezke doctor grunted and looked at her, and then used a hypospray on her. “So I’m fit for duty?” The doctor nodded, and Elissa left.
    “Dr. Zordock, I need your help”, said a voice that belonged to Ensign Edgar. He paced into Sickbay and sat on a biobed. “It appears my sexual pheromones are off the chart, sir. Lt. JG York finds me attractive.”
    Dr. Zordock pointed to his inhibitor.
    “It seemed to be working just fine when I was on Spacedock...but ever since I enlisted on the Rogue he’s become attracted to me.” Zordock shrugged. “Doctor! I took an oath of celibacy! I won’t disobey━oh my inhibitor isn’t working?”
    Dr. Zordock scanned it and shook his head.
    “Can you fix it for me?”
    Zordock nodded.


    Commander Carol Freeman and Lt. Dara were walking down to corridor to the Holodeck. Carol looked at Dara’s hair.
    “So do you...comb your hair?” Carol asked.
    Dara remained looking forward and spoke. “My hair is an organ. Do you comb your organs, Commander?”
    Carol raised an eyebrow. “No, I don’t think I do lieutenant.” She smiled slightly. “So your hair is living kind of huh?” She chuckled a little. “Reminds me of Medusa, a mythological creature from Earth. I remember before the Felarai language barrier was breached, we simply called you Medusas.”
    Dara’s hand flew high and hard and smacked the first officer on her cheek leaving a red hand imprint. Carol, on the floor with her hand on her face, was shocked. Not only did the Security Chief act out of place, but she also assaulted a ranking officer.
    Carol stood up and Dara was facing the opposite direction. “Dara...why?”
    “Because you Humans do not understand! TO CALL A FELARAIN A MEDUSA IS CONSIDERED THE HIGHEST INSULT!”
    “I didn’t know”, Carol said softly. “I apologize. If you promise to keep your temper under control...I won’t mention this to the Captain...okay?”
    Dara nodded and walked on.
  2. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    The four figures soon appeared in the lobby of Felar Science Labs. Alvin looked around and then at his Chief of Security. “Nice place...”
    Edgar knew why he was called to be transported on Felar. Part of this mission was going to be diplomatic and that was his side duty besides being the Captain’s yeoman. He couldn’t help but glance over at Jerrod York, and he sighed of relief that the science officer was observing the room instead of him. It wasn’t that Edgar didn’t like Jerrod, it was just that he didn’t want to date him, and he did take an oath of celibacy after all.
    “Welcome Starfleet officers!” shouted Edimir. He ran to them and hugged Dara. “It is o nice to see you Dara. Oh have I waited the day I’d meet you, but why so soon? I thought you were on the Earth Spacedock?”
    “Correct”, she stated, “but I’ve been reassigned and we are searching for the Borg’s origin, which you know is in the Delta Quadrant.”
    “And that’s why we were wondering if we could borrow a wormhole”, Alvin said, “because even at maximum warp speed we’d probably just about reached the edges of the Delta Quadrant...and that would take nearly thirty to fifty years.”
    Edimir nodded understanding what the Human Captain was saying. He gestured for them to follow him and they walked out of the lobby and down a long corridor with hundreds of monitors being attended by scientists. Edimir stopped at one of the monitors, which was the biggest, and there was a male Felarain.
    “This is Ha’Roh”, Edimir said proudly. “He’s my right hand man. He’s the Executive of Felar Engineering and my soon to be...replacement.”
    Dara’s black eyes opened widely. “Replacement?” she said stunned. “Why are you being replaced?”
    “Dara, you know my life is soon coming to an end”, Edimir said. “I am one hundred two and Felarains only live to be one hundred twenty if they eat right, exercise daily, and are lucky. Unfortunately, I do none of those things so my death will be sooner than ever.”
    Dara’s expression was sad and her shoulders slumped. Edgar patted her back to comfort her and gave her a cheerful smile.
    “I was hoping you’d take my place since I did raise you”, Edimir said. “But you enrolled in Starfleet Academy and took a career there. I also find out you’re security instead of science.”
    Dara lifted her chin. “Well you know Felarains are experts at investigating and interrogating! We have excellent abilities to read changes of hormones, facial expressions, and vocal tone and pitch. It was my destiny, Edimir.”
    Edimir hugged her again. “It’s quite all right Dara, at least you’re the chief.” He smiled at her. “Well I guess we should get this wormhole thing started shall we? Ha’Roh here has been in charge of operating the last few wormholes.” Edimir walked and everyone followed him.
    Ha’Roh spoke in a raspy hoarse tone. “Unfortunately we aren’t able to put you directly at specific coordinates in the Delta Quadrant.”
    “Well how close can you get us there?”
    “Still undetermined Captain”, Ha’Roh said eagerly. “We create wormholes by creating artificial type-four quantum singularities.”
    “A black hole?” Jerrod asked. Ha’Roh nodded. “But that would only suck us in...and not spit us out into the Delta Quadrant.”
    Their walking had sped up until they reached the Head Science Lab and many scientist were working on console and talking. Ha’Roh led Edimir and the crew of the Rogue to a console and typed a few buttons.
    “We would be able to transform the black hole into a wormhole with the help of your ship”, Ha’Roh said. “The black hole will need a resonance burst to create another mouth and also your ship will need to use our quantum slipstream drive to get through the wormhole fast enough before it closes.”
    “And we’ll get through safely?” Alvin asked concernedly.
    “I am sixty percent sure that it will work, Captain”, Ha’Roh said. He looked up from the station and at Edimir. “We have never tried sending a ship through a wormhole before because ours never last long because we don’t have enough energy to produce a resonance burst and quantum slipstream at the same time.”
    “And us getting back?” Jerrod asked.
    “You will need to find a quantum matrix”, Edimir told him.
    Jerrod stroked his chin. “Could there be a way to hold the wormhole so we could only travel at warp speed and not quantum slipstream drive?”
    Ha’Roh shook his head. “I doubt it.” He typed on the console. “Also, I think we should find a way to stabilize it so it doesn’t spits you out at a different location. Creating the black hole will be easy, but transforming it into a wormhole will be difficult and unstable and could possibly cause a shockwave.”
    Edgar gasped.
    “And how do we prevent that?” Alvin asked. He didn’t like how things were going so far.
    “As of right now”, Edimir started, “beyond my knowledge.” Alvin slammed his palm into his face. “But Captain, do not fear...we will get through this.”
    Jerrod put his hands on his hips. “You will also want to make sure your quantum matrix doesn’t overload and explode.”
    Ha’Roh rolled his eyes. “We have the technology to cool it after we finish using it. But you will need to convert all your power to your deflector dish so you can create a resonance burst.”
    “And then?” Alvin asked.
    “And then we get to work!” Edimir shouted. “Ha’Roh, beam back to the Rogue to get the resonance burst ready. I’ll get the quantum matrix ready.”
    “Thank you for your help”, Alvin said. “Ramirez to bridge. Five to beam up.”
    “Actually”, Dara said, “I’ll beam up in a little while.”
    Alvin nodded. “See you soon.”
    Captain Ramirez, Ensign Edgar, Lt. JG York, and Ha’Roh were soon on the bridge of the USS Rogue and Commander Freeman was in the command chair. Her face looked weak and she stood to the captain and sat in the first officer chair.
    “Edgar, show Mr. Ha’Roh to the Engineering Room and let him and Seerik work on getting all power converted to the deflector dish”, Alvin said.
    “All power?” Carol asked. “How will we get through the wormhole then?”
    “Quantum slipstream drive”, Jerrod said, and he walked to the science station.
    Carol looked around the bridge. “Where’s Dara?”
    “On Felar”, Jerrod said. “Captain...does converting all power to the deflector dish include shield power? Won’t we need shields to keep us in one piece?”
    “All power means all power, Lt.!” Alvin retorted. “This is risky, but it’s our only way of getting there quickly.”
    Tension rose as officers rushed on and off the bridge. The Engineering department was once again chaotic with engineers scurrying around. Seerik stood at the main engineering console and Edgar and Ha’Roh walked in as the turbolift’s doors swished shut.
    “Seerik”, Edgar said, “this is Ha’Roh, Executive of Felar Engineering. He’s going to be helping us get to the Delta Quadrant.”
    Seerik half smiled and shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
    Edgar bowed and left the engineering room. He looked down the corridor and saw officer running and hurrying. He then wondered why Dara wanted to stay, then it was obvious to him. Edimir was her guardian and she loathed for the Felarain to die. Or maybe Dara wanted to be Head of Felar Sciences and was upset that Ha’Roh would be the one in charge. He shrugged and proceeded down the corridor.

    “Sir”, said a Felarain scientist, “the quantum matrix is ready to be powered.”
    Edimir looked at Dara. “But is the Rogue read to try?”
    Dara tapped her communication badge. “Dara to Rogue. Is the ship ready for the wormhole?”
    “Affirmative”, Seerik replied.
    Dara nodded at Edimir and then looked at her black boots. Finally she came out. “Why is Ha’Roh becoming Head of Felar Sciences when he’s an engineer?”
    Edimir sighed and looked into Dara’s eyes. “Dara...he’s the best damn person suited for the job.”
    “But I am superior to him. I am more suited than him.”
    Edimir nodded. “Yes, but you’re a Starfleet officer now. That’s your duty, not Head of Felar Sciences. I wish I didn’t have to give it up, but I do. I can tell my time is coming hair is getting short of breath everyday.”
    Dara gasped. “Do not say that! You will live!”
    Edimir held Dara in his arms to calm her. “Dara...we both know it’s time. I know this is difficult for you but━”
    “Captain Ramirez to Lt. Dara. Please report to the Rogue immediately as we prepare to enter the Delta Quadrant.”
    “Dara, I love you. You’ve been the best daughter I’ve never had”, Edimir said. He kissed her and Dara beamed onto the bridge of the USS Rogue.
    Edimir was on the viewscreen. “We are now using our black hole generator in”
    A bright beam of blue energy pounded from Felar Science Labs and into space. Gaseous clouds were formed and the cycle of a star was artificially being created. On the stage of supernova Edimir said, “Get ready to fire the resonance burst directly in the middle of the black hole. Once then, we will use the quantum matrix. Be’ll be a bumpy ride.”
    The black hole was now formed and the USS Rogue converted all it’s power to the deflector dish and a resonance burst was fired. Everyone watched in amazement, especially Ha’Roh.
    “Prepared for warp slipstream drive, Captain”, Lia Frost said. “Waiting for your call.”
    Alvin looked around at his crew wondering if these really were the people he wanted to be staying with if they were permanently stuck in the Delta Quadrant...his answer was yes. He’d grown fond of the Romulan engineer, the Q/Human ops officer, the sassy but now reserved commander, and the growling doctor. He stood out of the command chair confidently and exclaimed, “Engage!”
    Once the quantum slipstream was activated, they were breaking the warp speed barrier. Disruption pounded through the bridge and Alvin was thrown from his command chair to the front of the bridge. Carol Freeman held onto her chair but soon was thrown into the wall. Dara was lifted into the air and flipped multiple times until she hit Lia Frost at the helm and then Quiana at the operations station. Jerrod York cried out of agony as his arm had got caught into the structure of the bridge rails. A large gash formed from the the sleeveless uniform. The USS Rogue exited the wormhole.
    Alvin stood weakly. “Report?”
    “Damage to h-hull on decks five, six, and seven”, Dara replied.
    Carol limped to her seat and sat with a thump. “Bridge to sickbay...we have a medical emergency!”
    “This is Crewman Avery Brontos!”, replied a voice, “Sickbay has been damaged and our chief medical officer has....has been mutated! Apparently the wormhole affected his DNA and caused him to mutate.”
    “Captain!” Jerrod shouted. “Sensors picking up an ion storm nearby.”
    “Shields up! Red Alert! All hands to battle stations!” Alvin yelled.
    The klaxons screamed and everyone ran to their stations. Crewman Avery Brontos ran on the bridge to Lt. JG York and began treating him.
    “This is Seerik, Captain. We’re currently on emergency power, and I’m sending it all to shields.”
    Alvin shook with the disruption. “Good! Lia can you stir us away from the storm?” There was no response. “Lia? Ensign Frost!”
    Ensign Lia Frost lay dead on the bridge floor with her skin splitting from the top of her forehead to her chin. Blood dripped gently off her chin and onto her neck. Carol quickly ran to the helm and clicked buttons.
    “Impulse engines offline, Captain”, Carol reported.
    Avery took Jerrod off the bridge and onto sickbay. His relieve was Ensign Andzzi th’Danlti, an Andorian. He sat at the damage science station.
    “Seerik get those damn engines online right now!” Alvin shouted. He regained his balance and reached for his command chair.
    “Engines are back online, Captain”, Carol said moments later.
    “Full impulse! Go!”
    Sickbay was filled with patients and there were only a handful of medical officers. Alvin entered worried about the chief medical officer. He went to a biobed that held the Monchezke doctor. Alvin looked at the doctor scanning him. “Who’s the assistant chief medical officer?”
    “We don’t have one”, the female doctor replied.
    “Computer, activate emergency medical hologram.”
    The Computer did as instructed and a Human male doctor appeared. With a neutral face he said, “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.”
    Alvin looked at the doctor. “You deal with that and get Dr. Zordock ready in━”There was turbulence and everyone lost their balance and fell to the floor. “Ramirez to bridge, what the hell is going on up there?”
    “That was a warp malfunction, Captain”, Seerik replied. “Warp drive is offline.”
    Alvin nodded to the EMH and left sickbay. He turned tightly in the turbolift and headed for the bridge. Once on, he took the command chair. “Report.”
    “We’re getting a distress signal, sir”, Crewman Elenna Marziolath stated. She was a female Trill (joined) and the relief helmsman. “From a freighter.”
    “On screen!”
    The viewscreen went dark for a moment and then the setting change to a fiery room engulfed in flames. A human man stood in front of the screen coughing vigorously. “Please! To anyone out there! We need...(cough)...we need help! Our ship is under attack by━”
    The message blinked off and everyone looked horrified. Alvin bit his lip and looked at his first officer whose eyes were red and watery with a long cut on her cheek. “Anyone guessing who’s attacking them?” Alvin asked loudly.
    “Impossible”, Carol said. “The Borg are...were...are supposed to be defeated!”
    “Their like God damn cockroaches”, Alvin spat. “No matter how many times you flush them down the toilet...they always come back up.”
    Carol shook her head. “We’re not going after them are we?” Alvin nodded. “But for all we know...that message could have been...sent years ago!”
    “Crewman”, Alvin sighed, “when was that signal sent.”
    “Approximately three point seven minutes ago, sir.”
    “Damn!” Carol shouted and sat in her seat.
    Alvin sat in his. “This is Captain Ramirez to every single person on this ship...we have just received a distress signal from a freighter...and they are currently being attacked...we don’t who it is...but my guess is the Borg. We are preparing to warp to the coordinates of the freighter and help them...All hands on deck and to battle stations. Crewman, engage!”
    “We will be reaching the designated coordinates in exactly five minutes, sir.” The Trill helmsman punched in some buttons on the console and swallowed.
    Alexander and Betsy entered the bridge of the Rogue nervously. Alvin hadn’t seen them since the ship launched and he was sad about it. Betsy had tears in her eyes. “Alvin, I guess you were right...but how do you manage to defeat the Borg with a damaged ship?”
    “I don’t intend to fight”, he replied. “I intend on━” The bridge shook and everyone fell.
    “Captain we are being attacked by a Borg cube”, Dara said.
    “We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.”
    “We’re caught in a tractor beam”, Dara said. “And the Hilton is hailing us sir...the freighter.”
    “Hail the Borg”, Alvin demanded.
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
  3. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    Captain Ramirez, Ensign Edgar, Lt. JG York, and Ha’Roh were soon on the bridge of the USS Rogue and Commander Freeman was in the command chair. Her face looked weak and she stood to the captain and sat in the first officer chair.
    “Edgar, show Mr. Ha’Roh to the Engineering Room and let him and Seerik work on getting all power converted to the deflector dish”, Alvin said.
    “All power?” Carol asked. “How will we get through the wormhole then?”
    “Quantum slipstream drive”, Jerrod said, and he walked to the science station.
    Carol looked around the bridge. “Where’s Dara?”
    “On Felar”, Jerrod said. “Captain...does converting all power to the deflector dish include shield power? Won’t we need shields to keep us in one piece?”
    “All power means all power, Lt.!” Alvin retorted. “This is risky, but it’s our only way of getting there quickly.”
    Tension rose as officers rushed on and off the bridge. The Engineering department was once again chaotic with engineers scurrying around. Seerik stood at the main engineering console and Edgar and Ha’Roh walked in as the turbolift’s doors swished shut.
    “Seerik”, Edgar said, “this is Ha’Roh, Executive of Felar Engineering. He’s going to be helping us get to the Delta Quadrant.”
    Seerik half smiled and shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
    Edgar bowed and left the engineering room. He looked down the corridor and saw officer running and hurrying. He then wondered why Dara wanted to stay, then it was obvious to him. Edimir was her guardian and she loathed for the Felarain to die. Or maybe Dara wanted to be Head of Felar Sciences and was upset that Ha’Roh would be the one in charge. He shrugged and proceeded down the corridor.

    “Sir”, said a Felarain scientist, “the quantum matrix is ready to be powered.”
    Edimir looked at Dara. “But is the Rogue read to try?”
    Dara tapped her communication badge. “Dara to Rogue. Is the ship ready for the wormhole?”
    “Affirmative”, Seerik replied.
    Dara nodded at Edimir and then looked at her black boots. Finally she came out. “Why is Ha’Roh becoming Head of Felar Sciences when he’s an engineer?”
    Edimir sighed and looked into Dara’s eyes. “Dara...he’s the best damn person suited for the job.”
    “But I am superior to him. I am more suited than him.”
    Edimir nodded. “Yes, but you’re a Starfleet officer now. That’s your duty, not Head of Felar Sciences. I wish I didn’t have to give it up, but I do. I can tell my time is coming hair is getting short of breath everyday.”
    Dara gasped. “Do not say that! You will live!”
    Edimir held Dara in his arms to calm her. “Dara...we both know it’s time. I know this is difficult for you but━”
    “Captain Ramirez to Lt. Dara. Please report to the Rogue immediately as we prepare to enter the Delta Quadrant.”
    “Dara, I love you. You’ve been the best daughter I’ve never had”, Edimir said. He kissed her and Dara beamed onto the bridge of the USS Rogue.
    Edimir was on the viewscreen. “We are now using our black hole generator in”
    A bright beam of blue energy pounded from Felar Science Labs and into space. Gaseous clouds were formed and the cycle of a star was artificially being created. On the stage of supernova Edimir said, “Get ready to fire the resonance burst directly in the middle of the black hole. Once then, we will use the quantum matrix. Be’ll be a bumpy ride.”
    The black hole was now formed and the USS Rogue converted all it’s power to the deflector dish and a resonance burst was fired. Everyone watched in amazement, especially Ha’Roh.
    “Prepared for warp slipstream drive, Captain”, Lia Frost said. “Waiting for your call.”
    Alvin looked around at his crew wondering if these really were the people he wanted to be staying with if they were permanently stuck in the Delta Quadrant...his answer was yes. He’d grown fond of the Romulan engineer, the Q/Human ops officer, the sassy but now reserved commander, and the growling doctor. He stood out of the command chair confidently and exclaimed, “Engage!”
    Once the quantum slipstream was activated, they were breaking the warp speed barrier. Disruption pounded through the bridge and Alvin was thrown from his command chair to the front of the bridge. Carol Freeman held onto her chair but soon was thrown into the wall. Dara was lifted into the air and flipped multiple times until she hit Lia Frost at the helm and then Quiana at the operations station. Jerrod York cried out of agony as his arm had got caught into the structure of the bridge rails. A large gash formed from the the sleeveless uniform. The USS Rogue exited the wormhole.
    Alvin stood weakly. “Report?”
    “Damage to h-hull on decks five, six, and seven”, Dara replied.
    Carol limped to her seat and sat with a thump. “Bridge to sickbay...we have a medical emergency!”
    “This is Crewman Avery Brontos!”, replied a voice, “Sickbay has been damaged and our chief medical officer has....has been mutated! Apparently the wormhole affected his DNA and caused him to mutate.”
    “Captain!” Jerrod shouted. “Sensors picking up an ion storm nearby.”
    “Shields up! Red Alert! All hands to battle stations!” Alvin yelled.
    The klaxons screamed and everyone ran to their stations. Crewman Avery Brontos ran on the bridge to Lt. JG York and began treating him.
    “This is Seerik, Captain. We’re currently on emergency power, and I’m sending it all to shields.”
    Alvin shook with the disruption. “Good! Lia can you stir us away from the storm?” There was no response. “Lia? Ensign Frost!”
    Ensign Lia Frost lay dead on the bridge floor with her skin splitting from the top of her forehead to her chin. Blood dripped gently off her chin and onto her neck. Carol quickly ran to the helm and clicked buttons.
    “Impulse engines offline, Captain”, Carol reported.
    Avery took Jerrod off the bridge and onto sickbay. His relieve was Ensign Andzzi th’Danlti, an Andorian. He sat at the damage science station.
    “Seerik get those damn engines online right now!” Alvin shouted. He regained his balance and reached for his command chair.
    “Engines are back online, Captain”, Carol said moments later.
    “Full impulse! Go!”
    Sickbay was filled with patients and there were only a handful of medical officers. Alvin entered worried about the chief medical officer. He went to a biobed that held the Monchezke doctor. Alvin looked at the doctor scanning him. “Who’s the assistant chief medical officer?”
    “We don’t have one”, the female doctor replied.
    “Computer, activate emergency medical hologram.”
    The Computer did as instructed and a Human male doctor appeared. With a neutral face he said, “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.”
    Alvin looked at the doctor. “You deal with that and get Dr. Zordock ready in━”There was turbulence and everyone lost their balance and fell to the floor. “Ramirez to bridge, what the hell is going on up there?”
    “That was a warp malfunction, Captain”, Seerik replied. “Warp drive is offline.”
    Alvin nodded to the EMH and left sickbay. He turned tightly in the turbolift and headed for the bridge. Once on, he took the command chair. “Report.”
    “We’re getting a distress signal, sir”, Crewman Elenna Marziolath stated. She was a female Trill (joined) and the relief helmsman. “From a freighter.”
    “On screen!”
    The viewscreen went dark for a moment and then the setting change to a fiery room engulfed in flames. A human man stood in front of the screen coughing vigorously. “Please! To anyone out there! We need...(cough)...we need help! Our ship is under attack by━”
    The message blinked off and everyone looked horrified. Alvin bit his lip and looked at his first officer whose eyes were red and watery with a long cut on her cheek. “Anyone guessing who’s attacking them?” Alvin asked loudly.
    “Impossible”, Carol said. “The Borg are...were...are supposed to be defeated!”
    “Their like God damn cockroaches”, Alvin spat. “No matter how many times you flush them down the toilet...they always come back up.”
    Carol shook her head. “We’re not going after them are we?” Alvin nodded. “But for all we know...that message could have been...sent years ago!”
    “Crewman”, Alvin sighed, “when was that signal sent.”
    “Approximately three point seven minutes ago, sir.”
    “Damn!” Carol shouted and sat in her seat.
    Alvin sat in his. “This is Captain Ramirez to every single person on this ship...we have just received a distress signal from a freighter...and they are currently being attacked...we don’t who it is...but my guess is the Borg. We are preparing to warp to the coordinates of the freighter and help them...All hands on deck and to battle stations. Crewman, engage!”
    “We will be reaching the designated coordinates in exactly five minutes, sir.” The Trill helmsman punched in some buttons on the console and swallowed.
    Alexander and Betsy entered the bridge of the Rogue nervously. Alvin hadn’t seen them since the ship launched and he was sad about it. Betsy had tears in her eyes. “Alvin, I guess you were right...but how do you manage to defeat the Borg with a damaged ship?”
    “I don’t intend to fight”, he replied. “I intend on━” The bridge shook and everyone fell.
    “Captain we are being attacked by a Borg cube”, Dara said.
    “We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.”
    “We’re caught in a tractor beam”, Dara said. “And the Hilton is hailing us sir...the freighter.”
    “Hail the Borg”, Alvin demanded.
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
    “No response.”
    “Captain is there a logical reason why you are hailing them and the Hilton is taking a beating!” Dara asked.
    “Damn right there is.” He stood. “Fire all weapons.”
    “No damage to shields sir”, Dara said. “And they’re firing weapons now.”
    The was a huge explosion and the klaxons were screaming like crazy crows. “Seerik to bridge! I’ve got a coolant leak! We need to eject the warpcore now!”
    “Captain shields at forty-five percent and lowering by each hit”, Dara explained.
    “Damage to decks seven and eight!” Quiana shouted.
    “Shields at thirty percent!”
    “Thirteen seconds until warpcore breach”, the Computer sounded.
    “Hull breach on deck nine!”
    The science station exploded and the Andorian officer sprung from his seat with a giant hole in his chest. “Medical emergency on the bridge!” Carol shouted as she clicked her communication badge.
    “EJECT THE GOD DAMN WARPCORE BEFORE IT KILLS US!” Alvin’s eyes widen. “Wait! Eject it and aim it for the Borg cube!”
    The tactical station shot spontaneous sparks and Dara’s hands were burned. She screamed in agony and hit the floor. Carol quickly took the station and looked angrily at Alvin. “The Borg are killing us!”
    The warpcore shot out the Rogue and landed directly at the Borg cube causing a shockwave. The freighter twisted and turned and ended with an explosion. The Rogue’s hull had been badly breached and several officer flew out into space and their heads exploded.
    “Borg cube destroyed, sir.” Dara said softly.
    “Seerik to bridge...”, said the Romulan’s voice over the intercom. “I’ve lost over three hundred engineers including...Ha’Roh.”
    “What?!” Dara said quickly.
    “Captain”, Quiana said. “We are deeply in need of repairs.”
    “Send a distress call to any ships in the Delta Quadrant”, Alvin said.
    “Captain!” Carol said angrily, “who the hell would be in this quadrant!”
    “Anyone I’m hoping”, he said and sat in his chair. He wished this would have been like he planned.
    “What a stupid idea!” Carol shouted. “Why did you think the Borg would be negotiable?”
    “Stand down commander!” Alvin said.
    “No I will not stand down!” she hollered. “You are the most idiotic man I have ever met! You don’t deserve to wear that uniform, hold that rank, or command this ship!”
    “Security!” Alvin sounded.
    Dara looked awkwardly but nodded. She apprehended the first officer with a shrug. Counselor Edgar approached her. “As ship’s counselor, I am relieving you of duty due to emotion stress.”
    “Oh go fuck yourself!” Carol retorted, and Dara pushed her into the turbolift.
    “I will take her to the brig, sir”, Dara said to Alvin.
    Alvin looked at the rest of the crew who were stunned with amazement. Most were wondering who would be the provisional first officer, because there wasn’t a second officer on the Rogue. They wondered if the Captain would randomly pick someone or would he pick the next highest rank.
    The turbolift opened and Lt. JG Jerrod York stepped through. He held a PADD in his hand and his face was sorrow. He came straight to the Captain and said, “Betsy and Alexander are dead.”
    Alvin’s face looked miserable. “How?”
    Jerrod looked up and wiped tears from his arm and held his formerly cut up arm. “When there was a hull breach they were one of the hundreds who were flung into space. I’m terribly sorry, sir.” Alvin looked at Jerrod’s arm. “I lost my arm I have a prosthetic arm.”
    “Sorry to hear that Lieutenant”, Alvin said.
    Edgar walked over to the science officer and hugged him. Jerrod’s insides lit up like a Christmas tree. He was still attracted to the Deltan counselor, but he didn’t make it seem obvious anymore. “Let me know if you need me, Jerrod.” Edgar wiped away tears. He had grown close to the science officer now, but not romantically close, more like brotherly love. Edgar exited the bridge.
    “Sickbay to bridge”, Crewman Brontos said over the intercom. “We’re trying our best to get Dr. Zordock back Captain, but with sickbay badly damaged we can hardly do anything.”
    “All I ask is for you to do your best”, Alvin replied. He stood. “If you need me I’ll be in my ready room. have the bridge.”
    Alvin left and Quiana looked scared for a moment.
    Alvin looked around his officer and slumped in his seat. Everything he had done was a failure. Nearly half his crew was dead and they were stuck in the Delta Quadrant without warp power. He’d hoped that his distress call would be found by someone and that they would find the Rogue and help his crew, but now he doubted that would happened. He blamed everything on him. He considered himself the cause of their deaths.
    The chimed beeped and Alvin looked at his door. “Enter.”
    Edgar entered smiling slightly. “How do you feel, sir?”
    “Is that supposed to be a trick question?” Alvin asked rudely.
    “No sir”, the Deltan counselor replied. “I am simply doing my job. How do you feel, sir?”
    “I feel like an idiot!”
    “Is it because of what Commander Freeman said to you?”
    “Please tell me the rest, sir.”
    Alvin sighed. “Well...if you haven’t noticed half my crew is dead...including my two best friends, and it’s my fault their dead.”
    “How so?”
    Alvin looked Edgar in the eyes. “Because I was leading this mission. I invited them to come!”
    “The mission was voluntarily.”
    “And I’m responsible for their deaths! Maybe I don’t deserve to wear this uniform....or hold this rank...or command this vessel.”
    Edgar rubbed his chin. “I’d disagree, sir. You hold that rank because of your dedication to Starfleet and proved to be able to command a ship.”
    “Then why’d they give it to me? The rank?”
    “They didn’t. You earned it”, Edgar said. “You should be proud, sir, and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. I know you’re upset for your lost, but you’ve got to pull it together if we’re going to get out of here.” He still stared at him. “Your goal was to get to the Delta Quadrant in less than thirty years and we got here in a few minutes! You wanted to study the Borg’s origin, and we’re not going to do it unless you pull yourself together. The Rogue needs a Captain, and you’re the perfect one.”
    “Quiana to Captain Ramirez.”
    “Ramirez here. What is it Lieutenant?”
    “Someone has answered our call...and they’re coming on their way to rescue us.”
    “On my way!”

    Carol sat down and the force field zapped. She sighed and Dara stared at her with disapproval. Carol rolled her eyes at the lieutenant because she knew what she had to do. She’d probably be demoted from defiance and removed of duty as first officer. But Carol didn’t care too much because the only thing she cared for right now was living another day to see her son. But this is what she feared; being stuck in the Delta Quadrant, the possibility of being assimilated, and never seeing her son again. In her opinion she didn’t think she deserved to be apprehended like the way she was. Of course she should have requested permission to speak, but she was sure everyone else was thinking the same thing she was saying to the Captain.
    “You betrayed us”, Dara finally said.
    “How so?” Carol said under her breath. “Oh you mean because I was the only one brave enough to tell the Captain the truth? Or because I was the only one caring about our safety?” Carol laughed. “You know...half those people wouldn’t have died if he’d have fought back instead of trying to negotiate.”
    “He did what he thought was right”, Dara said between gritted teeth.
    “He did the stupidest thing in the world”, Carol replied. “I deserve to be Captain.”
    “You won’t now”, Dara said and turned around and began walking out of the brig.
    “How do you know? Can your hair talk as well as breath? Medusa...”
    Dara’s anger rose and boiled. She used every muscle in her body to frown at the former first officer and she quickly strutted to the holding cell and turned off the force field. She grasped the woman by her neck and threw her against the wall. Carol let out a small cry and looked up at the Felarain officer. Dara gripped Carol by the neck and choked her. Carol gasped for air, but she received none.
    “Go ahead”, Carol wheezed, “kill me...and prove Felarains don’t deserve to be in Starfleet.”
    Dara let her go and Carol breath deeply for the new obtainable oxygen. Dara looked down at her and left and also making sure the force field was back up.

    “And who hailed us, Quiana?” Alvin asked.
    “The USS Skybender, sir”, she replied. “A Galaxy-class starship under the command of.”
    “Captain Albert Johnson!” said a man on the viewscreen happily. “We were sent as backup by Starfleet Command when the heard you were discovering the Borg’s origin. Starfleet was astounded to find out you got here by generating an artificial and stable wormhole, but figured you might need help from us if you’d come in contact with the Borg...I’d say we’re either right on time or a few minutes late, eh?”
    “Over half my crew has died, we don’t have a warp core, and my first officer has been apprehended”, Alvin said sharply, “you tell me, Captain.”
    “We have medical teams ready for treatment and engineers ready for repairs on your call”, Albert said a little less friendly.
    “You may beam aboard.”
  4. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    ((This goes BEFORE COMMENT TWO!!!)))

    The Engineering Department was finally calming down and many engineers weren’t running around and it didn’t seem like chaos was flying through the air. Seerik stood at the Main console and Quiana teleported right in behind him.
    “Sorry sir”, she said apologetically. “I’ve been really busy assigning quarters and and things. How’s engineering coming along?”
    “Just fine, but I am very busy so please let me be!”
    Quiana looked at him. “Is it because I’m Q?”
    “What? Being Q has nothing to do with me wanting you to leave. I asked you to leave lieutenant because I am busy repairing the Rogue. I am not prejudice no matter how tricky most Qs are. I will only judge for your personality and how well you perform your duties. Besides...I know how it is to be pushed aside because of the species you are.”
    “You’re Romulan.”
    “Yes, and Starfleet doesn’t trust me...I’ve been transferred several times because Captain refused to have a Romulan engineer, even if I was the most qualified.”
    “Captain Ramirez to all senior staff of the Rogue. There will be a briefing in one hour.”

    The Briefing Room was fairly large and acquired a long table with dark blue cushioned chairs. There were three viewports where the officers could see the stars. Cmdr. Freeman entered the room and replicated a cup of coffee and sat in a chair closet to where the Captain would be sitting. Pretty soon most of the senior staff had entered the Conference Room and Captain Ramirez was the last to enter.
    “All right”, Ramirez said happily, “today we will be discussing our mission. But first I’d like to ask some questions. Seerik, how is engineering?” When Alvin had first saw the Romulan exchange officer he didn’t trust him one bit, but now he had eased up on him. The worse thing Alvin thought Seerik would do was sabotage their mission.
    “Well”, Seerik said as all eyes were on him, “repairs are nearly complete and the engineering crew is fantastic.”
    “Good to hear”, Alvin said and looked at Quiana. “Has all crew been assigned a quarters?”
    “Yes sir, and all internal systems are working efficiently.”
    “Good”, Alvin said. He clapped his hands together and noticed the first officer drinking her coffee slowly. “Now let’s discuss the main point of this briefing...It would take over thirty years to even reach the edge of the Delta Quadrant and that’s time I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to be seventy when I learn about the Borg...besides who says I’ll live that long.”
    “So sir”, Jerrod York asked, “how are we going to get there quickly?”
    “You’re the science officer, you tell me, Lt.”, Alvin snapped. He looked around and then at his Chief of Operations. “Could you━”
    “No”, she said. “I can’t teleport this entire ship. My powers are limited since I am a hybrid. Besides...Starfleet doesn’t particularly wants me to use my powers whenever I feel like it.”
    Alvin nodded and noticed his Security Chief had raised her hand. “Yes, Lt. Dara, do you have a question?”
    “No”, she said firmly, “a statement. My people, the Felarai, are capable of generating wormholes. There is a possibility that they could create an artificial wormhole to the Delta Quadrant.”
    “But how effective are they?” Jerrod asked.
    “I would not know”, Dara replied. “The wormhole creations are controlled by the Felarain Sciences and Engineering Department.”
    “And they would be willing to let us use one of them?”
    “Not too strangers, but since I myself am a Felarain, then it would be acceptable”, Dara said. “But the decision is up to the Captain. Captain?”
    “This completes our briefing”, Alvin said still watching Carol who was still drinking her coffee. “Ensign Frost, set a course for Felar. Dara, I want you Jerrod and Seerik to get more data on these wormholes and make sure they’re safe for the Rogue. Any questions?”
    “Yes”, Carol finally said. “How do we return?”
    Alvin looked at Dara. “Dara?”
    “I said it once why should I have to repeat it a second commander?” She said and everyone froze. “I am not entirely familiar with how these wormholes operate. I only know that Felar scientist can create them. Once we arrive at Felar, all your questions will be answered.”
    “Thanks lieutenant”, Carol said weakly.
    “All right....”, Alvin muttered, “if that’s all then you are dismissed.”

    The USS Rogue warped was swiftly drifting in space. Everyone on board the Rogue seemed to be getting along, but Alvin started to worry about his first officer. She hadn’t been as assertive as she was before he told them of their mission. She seemed more quieter and didn’t command as she used to.
    “Commander”, Lia said clicking buttons on the helm, “we are now in orbit of Felar.”
    “Good”, Carol said weakly. She sat in the command chair since Alvin was in his ready room. “Commander Freeman to Captain Ramirez, we are currently in order of Felar. Orders?”
    Alvin entered the bridge. “Hail them.”
    The viewscreen of Felar turned blank and then switched to a small science room with green worker everywhere. A green Felarain stood in front of the screen and smiled widely. He seemed old but had a head full of hair.
    “I am Captain Alvin Ramirez of the USS Tiger-A. My Chief of Security, Lt. Dara, told me that your people can create artificial wormholes?”
    The male Felarain looked at Alvin and blinked blankly. “Greetings Dara. How is Starfleet life?”
    “Good to know. I am Edimir, Head of Felar Sciences.”
    “Nice to meet your sir”, Alvin replied impatiently. He just wanted to use the wormhole.
    “Transport your people to the Felar Science Labs and I will give you a tour. I look forward to seeing you.”
    The communication ended and Alvin sighed. He ran his hands through his faded hair. “All right...Counselor Edgar, Lt. Dara, and Lt. JG York please report to the Main Transporter Room. Commander Freeman, you have the ship until I’m back. Don’t break her.”
    “Aye sir.”
  5. Cobalt Frost

    Cobalt Frost Captain Captain

    May 22, 2004
    Cobalt Frost in Phineas & Ferb's backyard
    You need to break up the text, like this:

    As posted, you have huge solid blocks of text, which makes your story very difficult to read. I'd consider a beta reader also, as you have a fair amount of grammatical issues, mostly punctuation. Your concept is interesting, and will draw a lot more readers with a few easy fixes.
  6. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    originally it was wrote like that but when I pasted it in the reply box it all "smashed" together. I know it has mistakes, not been edited yet...just writing the story...
  7. Solarbaby

    Solarbaby Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 29, 2009
    I suggest writing it in a word processor program like microsoft word. If you copy and paste from google documents it can mess up the format.
  8. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    Is there a way for me to delete the thread or my comments so I can REPOST it?
  9. MasterArminas

    MasterArminas Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 22, 2011
    One piece of advice, if I may. The cursing. It is not very Trek. Yes, on rare occassion in TNG, we hear a curse word (like Data, saying, 'Oh, shit' in Generations). McCoy cursed little more frequently (mainly in the movies) and there was some in DS9 and VOY.

    But never in such profusion and in such explicit comments. For example: “Oh go fuck yourself!” Carol retorted, and Dara pushed her into the turbolift.

    She says this to the Captain. The Captain who has previously said: “EJECT THE GOD DAMN WARPCORE BEFORE IT KILLS US!” Alvin’s eyes widen.

    It doesn't fit. Neither the story or the universe.

    Now, I would suggest you seek some advice: because it doesn't take 5.3 minutes to from Earth to Bajor; it takes weeks or months. Starfleet Captains don't go around telling their own volunteer crew what a piece of crap starship they've got.

    In way, I think this story could work: if you were writing it as a parody on Trek. But you need to take a long hard look and rethink some things.

    Master Arminas
  10. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    The story doesn't fit? What do you mean the story doesn't fit? And not once did I say they were going from Earth to Bajor, I don't know where you got that from.
  11. MasterArminas

    MasterArminas Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 22, 2011
    Starfleet Command AND Starfleet Headquarters are on Earth. You have your Captain report to them, when he demands permission to go investigate the Borg; so they must start on Earth. Right?

    And I didn't say the story didn't fit, I said the cursing doesn't fit.

    Master Arminas
  12. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    Oh okay, I assumed by "It" you meant the story.

    And why must they start on Earth to investigate? Also what did you mean by

  13. MasterArminas

    MasterArminas Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 22, 2011
    This is what you wrote:

    Starfleet Command was mixed of dozens of members of the Federation, and Alvin Ramirez only knew two: Alexander Stuart and Betsy Hicks. Alvin could see them both seated as he entered the hall. Admiral D.K. Wells stood and eyed the Captain.

    Lia Frost clicked a few buttons and said, “This is the USS Rogue ready for departure, over.”

    “Once we’re out, maximum warp to...Deep Space Nine”, Alvin said.

    “Sir”, Ensign Frost said quietly, “we will be approaching Deep Space Nine in exactly 5.3 minutes.”

    Now, all of that is in the first post. DS9 is in the Bajorian system, hence Earth to DS9 will take as long as Earth to Bajor. Bajor is weeks, if not months, from Earth even at maximum warp. How long exactly? I don't know if it was ever said in canon, but it definately not 5.3 minutes.

    Another question, Sorcery: why doesn't he (the Captain, Alvin) tell the crew that he is going to Borg space--he has permission to do just that. And he was told to get volunteers. So why does he lie to his crew and get them onboard under false pretenses? Why does he belittle his own ship in front of the crew?

    When he tells his XO, 'then you are relieved and you can leave my ship,' she should have left. The entire crew should have left because this wasn't what they volunteered for. Does Alvin have mental problems? Because that is exactly how he is coming across.

    Take his hostility at the human/Q hybrid; he is adamant about her leaving his ship. But someone says she can be useful and he GROVELS in apology. Take a break from writing, and go back and look at Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and (shudder) Janeway. Those are Starfleet Captains; Alvin isn't. Not from what I have read.

    The lunatic you have running USS Rogue would have an empty ship at the first stop as the 'volunteer' crew exits en masse and reports the Captain to Starfleet.

    Like I said the premise is good, but you need a lot of work on telling the story and making the characters come to life. Sorry, but that is the way I see it.

    Master Arminas
  14. Sorcery

    Sorcery Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 10, 2011
    Okay, I meant to edit out all the parts dealing with the "lying to the crew". I'm not doing that anymore. And no Ramirez doesn't have mental problems.

    I've watched most of TNG, some of VOY, and a few of TOS. Not much of DS9 and ENT though.