Best and Worst Cinematography

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by ZapBrannigan, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    In certain limited respects, perhaps. That might include turning the crew into cuboctahedra, as that notion and the way it's done does have a certain third season wonkiness to it, and perhaps also the romance with Kelinda brings to mind that with Deela in "Wink of an Eye," though really that would be the other way around. ;)
  2. GNDN18

    GNDN18 270 Rear Admiral

    Mar 21, 2013
    I noticed the flatness of this episode a few years ago and checked the credits. This was the only episode lensed by cinematographer Keith Smith, replacing Jerry Finnerman, who was apparently unavailable for an unknown reason. Smith was the director of photography on Mission: Impossible, filmed next door to Star Trek at Desilu Studios at the time.
  3. erastus25

    erastus25 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 27, 2006
    Transforming the crew into blocks had the advantage of eliminating the need for any extras, as well. Very third season!
  4. drt

    drt Commodore Commodore

    Jun 5, 2013
    Heh, now that you mention it, yes.

    I guess I never really thought about why that would be the case. Maybe it is was as mentioined above, removing most of the crew extras gave it that sparse, third season feel. It is also essentially the same story as "Wink of an Eye", so maybe it also just gets mentally lumped in with it, instead of the numerous "parallel Earth" episodes that make up the back-half of the second season.
  5. Methuselah Flint

    Methuselah Flint Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 15, 2012
    It never really occurred to me the numerous Earth-like stories we get during the second season, until you mentioned it.
  6. Balok's Head

    Balok's Head Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 18, 2009
    Ah! That's it! Never thought to check the credits. Man you really appreciate Jerry's work when he's not there. A big part of why I dislike 3rd season is because it doesn't have the right 'feel'. I can forgive bad stories if it feels like TOS :rofl:
  7. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    I have a lot of trouble focusing on things besides Kelinda in that episode.
  8. Zaminhon

    Zaminhon Captain Captain

    Oct 24, 2014
    Besides Kelinda, It's Green and the drunken Scotty theme were memorable as well
  9. Harvey

    Harvey Admiral Admiral

    Oct 8, 2005
    "It's Green" is definitely a memorable line, but all the music from those scenes is tracked from "The Trouble with Tribbles." It's used well, though.
  10. Ssosmcin

    Ssosmcin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 2, 2002
    Also, the cues where Rojan turns the bridge crew into blocks was tracked quite often in the 3rd season. So much that I actually thought it was a third season cue for a long time.
  11. Methuselah Flint

    Methuselah Flint Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 15, 2012
    "Also, the cues where Rojan turns the bridge crew into blocks was tracked quite often in the 3rd season. So much that I actually thought it was a third season cue for a long time."

    Same! We only hear them the once here in season two and it kinda feels 'odd' to me, given I saw season three first.
  12. A beaker full of death

    A beaker full of death Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 23, 2002
    The is my new favorite thread.

    There are so many episodes where you can take a single frame from anywhere in the film and have a perfectly composed, interesting picture. I think artistry like that is sorely lacking today.