The Janeway Way...

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by 2 of 10, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. 2 of 10

    2 of 10 Captain Captain

    Oct 12, 2008
    Los Gatos, Ca
    If you could list Capt. Janeways best and worst command decisions what would they be. I forget the Ep's, there was the decision not to follow the Ferengi ship into the worm hole, to assist the people of the planet. And of course the
    decision to destroy the Caretakers Array and not to use it to get back to the A.Q. Realising that if they did use it, there would have been no Voyager. Best, Scorpion Pts 1 and 2 well played Capt, also "Counterpoint" liked the Ep...
  2. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake

    The thread's dead Jim.

  3. HoneyBLilly

    HoneyBLilly Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2010
    Tumblr Gardens
    Damn . . . teacake got to this first . . . I better not be banned from the Compound for this . . .

    But her decision with the Equinox fiasco was kind of bad . . . .

    Beyond that I have no qualms about anything else . . . Just Equinox leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  4. froot

    froot Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 25, 2010
    Guarding the Compound with the Grey Wardens
    :lol: I hope not. They'd have to ban me too for my continual rants about the ending of "The Killing Game."

    And LOL teacake.
  5. HoneyBLilly

    HoneyBLilly Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2010
    Tumblr Gardens
    I've never heard your rants about The Killing Game . . . I just knew that you hated Endgame like to the core.
  6. froot

    froot Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 25, 2010
    Guarding the Compound with the Grey Wardens
    Instead of handing that holodeck tech to the jerk Hirogen who just spent weeks getting their jollies off murdering her crew over and over again, she should have walked up to the fellow in charge with that little box and bashed him in the face with it. :lol:

    The writers even agreed with me eventually - that's why they wrote "Flesh and Blood" :)
  7. HoneyBLilly

    HoneyBLilly Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2010
    Tumblr Gardens
    ^^^^ Such violence. But I see your point. It does seem out of character for her to hand over the technology. Well . . . Then anyways.

    And I really really think that this site needs to have a "like" button. You know, everything needs a like button.
  8. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    But the Janeway Character blindsided their conscience and still won out the day as a shining hero.

    I'm wondering how much damage that Voyagers entertainment database did to the Sikarans, why it was ever on the table and why Janeway ran after her crew stole technology when she should have about faced and took responsibility for their acti... It's like she never visited Sigma Iotia II to see how much damage just one book can make to an impressionable species.

    Imagine you could go back in time and stop Twilight form being written?
  9. RyuRoots

    RyuRoots Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Apr 23, 2009

    AHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA, whoo! That's good. You're funny.


    Time and Again: Telling Paris that letting them all die is better than breaking the Prime Directive...well, just because (Note: Picard feeling this way in Pen Pals is every bit as reprehensible to me. Just thought I'd throw that out there.)

    Tuvix: First-degree murder of an innocent, sentient humanoid. 'nuff said.

    Alliances: Those world-class diplomacy skills in action. :rolleyes:


    Scorpion: Some really great, non-linear thinking to get out of a tight scrape.

    The Killing Game: I think giving the Hirogen some people to hunt for sport that doesn't harm anyone was a good idea, even if it didn't work out as intended, ultimately.

    Scientific Method: The end of the ep has one of the best "Fuck yeah, Janeway" moments in the whole show.
  10. froot

    froot Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 25, 2010
    Guarding the Compound with the Grey Wardens
    This hummus I'm eating could use a "like" button, that's for sure. :lol: And you don't have to agree with my ranting or anything. I think I'm really in the minority on what I think of the ending of that ep. :)

    First off, just so you know, teacake's style tends towards sarcasm...

    Second, yup... I am definitely on the minority on the ol' "Killing Game" ending. :lol: Oh, well, I can rant about it to my pet tortoise.
  11. HoneyBLilly

    HoneyBLilly Commodore Commodore

    Aug 25, 2010
    Tumblr Gardens
    No I see what you're getting at. It only annoys me if I've been watching a lot of TNG lately with Picard the Prime Directive lover. Beyond that I think she did what was necessary to protect her crew.

    I've never had hummus. It's good?

    teacake was joking?
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  12. Bob Karo

    Bob Karo Captain Captain

    Mar 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    Well. The pilot had her stranding her crew for absolutely no reason. Almost anything but ramming the Caretaker's Array would have been better: Timers, ordering a few crewmen behind, following the PD and letting the Ocampa die.
  13. RyuRoots

    RyuRoots Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Apr 23, 2009
    Well, I imagined so with the allcaps. It's pretty funny if it's sarcasm, and still pretty funny if not. So it's a win/win.
  14. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Hummus is very easy to make yourself and tastes much better than the store bought stuff. It also goes well with Gin Rickeys.

    Firstly make sure you have some pita bread and/or carrot sticks on hand to eat the hummus with.

    In a mixing bowl put:

    1 can chick peas, often known as garbanzo beans, drained of most of the can's fluid.

    Juice of one lemon.

    Small clove of garlic finely chopped. This is optional if you don't care for garlic.

    Cumin powder to taste. This is also optional and I have used tandoori spice mix and all kinds of things instead. If leaving out all spices you may wish to add some salt.

    Dollop of tahini. This is also optional.

    Couple spoons of olive oil.

    BLEND. I use a hand held blender because I like it chunky but go ahead and food process it to death if you want it smooth. Store in plastic container in fridge. Can be spread on toast as well as used in dips, on pita, substitute for mayo etc..

    If you don't like the result you can adjust to taste. Essentially it's just chick peas, lemon and oil.

    Hummus also features in Hasperat!!

    Which is amusing because I always pictured hasperat as being like a very spicy hummus on pita, maybe the consistency of tempeh. Sometimes I put chillie in my hummus, any kind.. ground spice mix with chillie, scoop of sambal olek.. anything. I'm partial to the sambal olek.

    Oh and no, I wasn't kidding AT ALL about Janeway and her command decisions. They were all perfect.. for her. For some of you, obviously not.
  15. T.D. Possum

    T.D. Possum Commodore Commodore

    Jan 5, 2010
    Jelly Fridge
    Dag, how did I miss out on a thread in which we're talking about Janeway and food?

    Janeway scared the hell out of me when she murdered Tuvix.

    I shall try that hasperat recipe! It is totally different than how I fix it. Mine is like this. Get some peppers. About two thirds sweet and one third OMG HOT peppers. Slice them up and marinate them in ketchup for a while. I make my own ketchup. It is spicy and not gross and thick and sugary like the store bought kind. Then spread some cream cheese on a tortilla. (I make my own tortillas, they are not gross and leathery like the store bought kind.) Put the peppers on there, roll it up, and NOM NOM NOM. Wash it down with some fresh strawberry lemonade. (Guess what? I make my own. And it's not gross like the store bought kind. :lol:)

    And yeah, although I'm sticking with Tuvix for Janeway's most shameful moment, I'm kind of digging Froot's argument about knocking the crap out of that Hirogen.
  16. froot

    froot Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 25, 2010
    Guarding the Compound with the Grey Wardens
    Sorry, teacake, I can never tell. LOL.

    Also, you ladies and your homemade food! Can you all come over and make delicious hummus, tortillas, hasperat, and strawberry lemonade?!

    I like hummus so much that I'll just start eating it plain if I run out of pita bread.

    That would be great. Thanks!
  17. T.D. Possum

    T.D. Possum Commodore Commodore

    Jan 5, 2010
    Jelly Fridge
    Yes, but you will have to hear a lecture from me about how artificial ingredients are the tool of Fek'lhr. :klingon::devil:
  18. JanewayRulz!

    JanewayRulz! Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 23, 2009
    North America
    Is there ANYONE that you agreed with, 100% of the time?

    For the most part, Janeway was true to herself, which is all we can ask of her.

    She made a bad call in Equinox II when she thought the crewman would cave, and again when chasing the Equinox into the atmospere of that planet to the detriment of her ship, but otherwise I don't have any complaints.

    I ESPECIALLY agree with her decision to destroy the Caretaker's array in the pilot. Without that one, there would have been NO show! :bolian:
  19. T.D. Possum

    T.D. Possum Commodore Commodore

    Jan 5, 2010
    Jelly Fridge
    I only just realized this thread is supposed to be for Janeway's worst AND BEST decisions.

    I'll have to do some thinking on the best decision. Rescuing Seven was certainly a good one. Listening to her future self in "Endgame", too. And Janeway v2.0 self destructing the ship in "Deadlock" was good. Hmmmm.
  20. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Not having sex with Chakotay was a good decision :D