I.S.S. Titan & I.S.S. Ares

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Titan Designer, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    What??????????????????????? Techno bable AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Here are some more sketches that I came up with last night.
    I will start Voyager after i get the U.S.S. Ares and I.S.S. Icarus done. But i had to get some ideas on paper.

  3. fleetcaptain

    fleetcaptain Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 9, 2005
    Virginia Beach, VA, USA
    Wow, I'm amazed again by your work. Finally nice to see the Mirror TOS Movie era uniforms. Did you ever play Shattered Universe? They showed the mirror universe uniforms on there, but of course your doing the Dark Mirror Universe. Can't wait to see more on Voyager .
  4. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Yes I have actually have that game. My influence for these uniforms are based off of the
    D.C. Comics Mirror Universe story arc from the 80's,
    except I am playing with the mirror theme by having the jacket opening
    on the opposite side, as well as having the Logo Pin on the Right side of the chest.
  5. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Here is the Uniform Chest Pin for the Circa 2275 Era Uniforms that I am starting.
    This is loosely based off of the DC comics Mirror Pin from the 80's
  6. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Here is the first of Circa 2275 Dark Mirror Universe Uniforms. The uniform is the first draft for the captains' uniform. It may still go through changes. :cylonanime01: :vulcan:

  7. Beef Squatthrust

    Beef Squatthrust Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 20, 2005
    The Constitution State
    Looking good. I particularly like the thigh high boots. Very evil and MU-esque.
  8. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Thanks. I may still tweak with this a little.
  9. fleetcaptain

    fleetcaptain Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 9, 2005
    Virginia Beach, VA, USA
    Looks good Sean. Can't wait to see the finished uniforms.
  10. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Well here is what I came up with for the 2275 Circa Dark Mirror male Officer Uniforms. I will make the Crewman and Enlisted Uniforms tomorrow.
  11. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Well here is Tuvok as he looked on the I.S.S. Excelsior. Sulu will come later this week.

  12. fleetcaptain

    fleetcaptain Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 9, 2005
    Virginia Beach, VA, USA
    Its good to see some more characters, even if they are the same too. Is there any chance your working on a Marine or Fighter Pilot uniform too? I know the Dark Empire has to have attack fighters or something there.
  13. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I am planning on something like that, but it will be in the Post First Contact
    style uniforms. I am working on Sulu next due to a lot of requests I've been getting for him on other forums.
  14. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Here is a early WIP shot of Sulu's Uniform.
  15. Genixx

    Genixx Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 23, 2004

    excellent work!! look forward to seeing much more. :thumbsup:
  16. fleetcaptain

    fleetcaptain Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 9, 2005
    Virginia Beach, VA, USA
    Nice. Actually what Sulu would have if a member of his crew decided to mutiny against him and all he has to do is pull out his sword. Hahahaha. Off with the head it goes.
  17. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I decided to take a step away from Sulu for a couple of days, but I finished
    one of my original characters for the Dark Mirror Universe. I now introduce
    you to Captain Peter S. Stone of the I.S.S. Ares. I will try and come up with a
    bio for him soon. But for now enjoy.

  18. Beef Squatthrust

    Beef Squatthrust Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 20, 2005
    The Constitution State
    Cool, looking good!
  19. ancient

    ancient Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 5, 2005
    United States
    TitanDesigner, your work it beautiful as always. And I love the three-nacelled Voyager. How awesome is that!
  20. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Here is part of Stone's History

    He was a Low level Lieutenant and his career was going no where.
    He was part of Picards' Personal Guard on the Ent-D. When Riker wanted to
    leave Picard when he was assimilated Stone took Picards guards and beamed
    over to the Cube and brought him back. After that show of loyalty, Picard promoted him
    to chief of his Personal Guard. Which did not sit well with Riker and his followers.
    As Picard was promoted Stone moved up in the ranks. When Picard made Fleet
    Admiral he promoted Stone and his followers to postings on the Ares. Since that was Picards'
    Flag ship Stone was give the center seat for his career long loyalty to Picard.