Abrams Directing Star Wars

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Kamdan, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. EnsignRicky

    EnsignRicky Commodore Commodore

    Jan 22, 2008
    Pre-Apocalyptic Earth
    Nice poster but being an Abrams production shouldn't the Jedi have his back to us, the grass be on fire and one of the moons shaped like Darth Vader's ass?

    Well at least they got the Lightsaber lens flare right.
  2. Hound of UIster

    Hound of UIster Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2002
    Episode VII: Rise of the Lens Flare.
  3. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    So Episode 7 will look like a KOTOR 2 level?

    ...I can live with that. :cool:
  4. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    If Abrams puts references to the two Force Unleashed games in the new film I'll give him a kidney. Even if he doesn't need it.
  5. Kamdan

    Kamdan Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 1, 2011
    Well, this is cute. The first thing that Abrams does as director is pushes back the 2015 release date. Why was he hired again if he can't make the intended release date? Hire someone that actually will make it to 2015.
  6. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Where did you see this? I haven't heard anything about a new delay related to Abrams.
  7. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Yeah, a link would be helpful.
  8. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Yes, clearly what any franchise needs is someone who will rush the product out in the shortest amount of time. :rolleyes:
  9. Kamdan

    Kamdan Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 1, 2011
    Here's the link: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/GraphicCity/news/?a=73265.

    Seriously, I think Abrams is biting off more than he can chew. If I blew $4 billion for the rights of Star Wars, I would want to see that made back as soon as possible. It's not like the movie is slated for next summer. Shouldn't be too hard of a task for Star Wars to come out by 2015, especially with all of the hype Disney put behind it.
  10. SalvorHardin

    SalvorHardin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2008
    Star's End
  11. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    No Star Wars film has ever faced a release delay because of production timing or related issues. Disney and Lucas will push to get Episode VII out on time in May of 2015 as originally announced. If that means Abrams has to pawn off some of his other producing and directing duties on other films to other people then so be it.
  12. DalekJim

    DalekJim Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 22, 2009
    Great Britain
    Anything less than a faithful adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy containing references to the Holiday Special, the Droids cartoon series, Caravan of Courage and Star Tours will confirm to me that Abrams is a total fucking talentless hack.
  13. Franklin

    Franklin Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 22, 2006
    In the bleachers
    There's got to be wiggle room. I also noticed in the linked story that another "Avengers" movie is slated to be released in 2015. Might be Disney would want to evaluate whether or not its "Star Wars" movie would be in any competition with its "Avengers" movie.

    A "Star Wars" movie and an "Avengers" movie in the same year. That could be a billion dollar year for Disney, easy. Maybe Donald Duck will finally have enough money to buy some pants.
  14. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    Is this where Paramount gets pissy and replaces Abrams with Brett Ratner for Star Trek 3?
  15. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Donaldgave his pants budget to Howard.
  16. SalvorHardin

    SalvorHardin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2008
    Star's End
    I always liked Donald more than Mickey.
  17. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    So, let me get this straight. If SWVII doesn't reference the Holiday Special, then Abrams is a talentless hack?!? :rofl:
  18. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    I say we petition Disney and Lucasfilm to put remastered stock footage of Bea Arthur's Ackmena into the new movie just to give certain fans complete meltdowns.
  19. DalekJim

    DalekJim Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 22, 2009
    Great Britain
    What, do I sound like I'm joking or something?
  20. Nagisa Furukawa

    Nagisa Furukawa Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 26, 2012
    I believe, Captain, this is the illogical human phenomenon known as "sarcasm." Also filed under, "it was a fucking joke."