Comfort Episodes (all Trek)

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by IzzyAtWarp9, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. IzzyAtWarp9

    IzzyAtWarp9 Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 8, 2013
    221C Baker Street
    OK I wasn't really sure which series to post this because I want to talk about all series.

    So everyone has a comfort book or film or something they watch when they're sad or have nothing else to do or when it's raining (unless you're a 'rain what rain?' type person like me). So I'm wondering what's your comfort episode or Star Trek? Any series, and season, I don't care.

    I have a few from different series so mine would be:

    TOS - Whom Gods Destroy (I just find Garth utterly hilarious and the fight between Kirks at the end makes me laugh)
    TNG - A have a couple:
    The Arsenal of Freedom (I LOVE this episode although I think there was potential for some great Picard-Crusher stuff, I think the plotline is great. The first day I saw this episode, I watched it I think 4 or 5 times THAT DAY
    and Data's Day (This is just a heartwarming episode. Every bit of it is so entertaining and well done)
    DS9 - Our Man Bashir (Just YES)

    So that's mine, what's yours?
  2. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    Currently Enterprise is the only complete series I have, with Season 7 of DS9, and a scattering of episodes from the other series through Fan Collective packages.

    I tend to look through them all, but the one I always keep going back to is TOS: Mirror, Mirror. Considering I first saw it in 1967 or thereabouts, I think it has a great shelf life.

    For all-series questions like this, you could have put it in the General Trek Discussion forum, where it would probably get more replies. Ask a mod to move it for you.
  3. IzzyAtWarp9

    IzzyAtWarp9 Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 8, 2013
    221C Baker Street
    Yeah I'm a fan of most mirror universe episodes

    Thnx for the advice I'll do that ASAP I'm not very knowledgeable forum-wise :)
  4. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Ok, here´s my selection for "rainy day episodes":

    TOS: The Doomsday Machine, Immunity Syndrome, The Galileo Seven and Enterprise Incident
    TNG: The Best of Both Worlds + Family, Cause and Effect, Data´s Day, The Wounded and All Good Things ...
    ENT: Silent Enemy, Minefield, Dead Stop and First Flight
  5. IzzyAtWarp9

    IzzyAtWarp9 Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 8, 2013
    221C Baker Street
    The Enterprise Incident the one where that guy is trying to stop the space launch?
  6. Dale Sams

    Dale Sams Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 29, 2012
    My def of 'comfort episode' is, a show you can put on and then clean the room. "Data's Day" doesn't work for me because of all the Romulan intrigue that demands my attention.

    TOS- Trouble With Tribbles.
  7. Hedbergian

    Hedbergian Commodore Commodore

    Dec 27, 2005
    The Royale, definitely.
  8. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    The Enterprise Incident had the ship surrounded in the Romulan Neutral Zone. The space launch thing you're thinking of might be Assignment: Earth.
  9. c0rnedfr0g

    c0rnedfr0g Commodore Commodore

    Sep 17, 2008
    TOS: Spectre of the Gun, The Trouble with Tribbles
    TNG: Where No One Has Gone Before, Yesterday's Enterprise
    DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations

    If I have a huge block of time to kill, sometime I'd like to watch TOS "The Tholian Web," then ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly," and finally end with TOS "Mirror, Mirror"
  10. Kevman7987

    Kevman7987 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 20, 2013
    Erie, PA, USA
    I wish the book actually existed in real life. It would be the Sharktopus of novels; so bad it's good.
  11. LobsterAfternoon

    LobsterAfternoon Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 15, 2006
    DS9 - Trials, Way of the Warrior, In The Pale Moonlight
    Ent - first episode of the Xindi arc though I forget the title
  12. Vasquez Rocks

    Vasquez Rocks Commodore Commodore

    Feb 21, 2002
    Vasquez Rocks
    TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?", "The Paradise Syndrome"
    TAS: "Yesteryear", "Beyond the Farthest Star"
    TNG: "Family", "Qpid"
    DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations", "Our Man Bashir"
    VOY: "Future's End 1&2", "Someone to Watch Over Me"
    ENT: "Borderland", "Cold Station 12", The Augments"
  13. Captain Kathryn

    Captain Kathryn Commodore Commodore

    Feb 26, 2013
    Captain Kathryn
    Any episode with Q! :)

    I'll answer this one more seriously when I have access to all the episode names!

    But yeah I tend to indulge in any episode featuring Q though. :D
  14. Mutai Sho-Rin

    Mutai Sho-Rin Crusty Old Bastard Moderator

    Jul 31, 2001
    Orange, CA USA
    I moved this thread to General Trek since it covers all TV series.
  15. Toxteth O´Grady

    Toxteth O´Grady Captain Captain

    Feb 19, 2006
    Illinois, USA
    First one that came to mind is "Trials and Tribble-ations." Just a fun episode from beginning to end!

    Actually, any episode that dealt with time travel got a lot of repeated viewings from me, but "Trials" is at the top.
  16. TheMightyQ

    TheMightyQ Ensign Red Shirt

    Jun 16, 2013
    DS9: Our Man Bashir, It's Only a Paper Moon
    TNG: Starship Mine-I'm not exactly sure why but I LOVE this episode (plus Tim Russ is in it).
  17. Captain Clark Terrell

    Captain Clark Terrell Commodore Commodore

    Jun 9, 2013
    The Captain's Table
    TOS: "Balance of Terror," "Assignment: Earth," "The Tholian Web"

    TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise," "Sins of the Father," "The Drumhead," "Face of the Enemy," "The Pegasus"

    DS9: "Visionary," "Improbable Cause," "The Die is Cast," "The Adversary," "For the Cause," "To the Death," "For the Uniform," "In Purgatory's Shadow," "By Inferno's Light," "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"

    VOY: "Year of Hell," "The Killing Game," "Timeless," "The Voyager Conspiracy"

  18. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Oh my goodness, NOOO!! That is Assignment: Earth - which is just awful, IMO. Enterprise Incident is the espionage story, where Kirk & Co. are sent on a secret mission to steal a Romulan cloaking devce.

    And since I don´t usually watch DS9 or VOY I initially forgot to mention:

    DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations
  19. Roboturner913

    Roboturner913 Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 8, 2011
    Distilling it down to the episodes I usually go for when I just want to have some Star Trek on:

    Balance of Terror
    That Which Survives
    The Savage Curtain
    Samaritan Snare
    Peak Performance
    Yesterday's Enterprise
    Cause and Effect
    All Good Things
    Civil Defense
    The Ascent
    Take Me Out to the Holosuite
  20. Captain Rob

    Captain Rob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 9, 2010
    Don't forget TAS. I think it's "More Tribbles, More Troubles".
    Poor little glommar. Confronted with a tribble the size of a VW Beetle.