Star Trek: Axanar

Discussion in 'Fan Productions' started by Linnear, Sep 24, 2012.

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  1. Hartzilla2007

    Hartzilla2007 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 15, 2006
    Star Trekkin Across the universe.
    As to size comparison I found this but I don't know how accurate it is.
  2. aalenfae

    aalenfae Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 30, 2013
    I think Tobias Richter himself made that chart.
    At that scale, the guy on the hull would be like 10-12 feet tall, though.

    I guess they just haven't totally figured out the scale of the ship yet. By the comparison chart, the Ares class has 10-11 decks.
    By comparing it with the man on the hull and the size of the bridge "bump", it's 6-8 decks, depending on where you draw the lines.
  3. yenny

    yenny Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 14, 2005
    It'a a illusion effect. He's actually floating and and is closer then you think. Picture him standing on the hall by one of the portholes on this side of the grill.
  4. OpenMaw

    OpenMaw Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 26, 2013
    Everett, Washington
    If you watch the actual documentary, they do a flyby and he is shown very clearly standing on the hull right in front of the inspection pod there. :)
  5. tobiasrichter

    tobiasrichter Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jun 25, 2010
    Cologne, Germany
    That ship chart is from me, indeed - the sizes of the ships are final (for now), but it was a long process to get there... The Ares has 9-10 decks - we will flesh those details out at a later date, Sean is probably at it already. Keep in mind that each deck is not only around 2-2.5 meters high, but also has a certain amount of wall thickness. Also, the guy in the spacesuit appears larger because of the spacesuit. So all in all, the size of him should be roughly ok.

    SPCTRE Badass Admiral

    Nov 26, 2008
    Yeah, I figured he'd basically be Master Chief sized.
  7. skree

    skree Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jan 2, 2009
    @ tobiasrichter - So would that would put the Ares has having a crew complement at approximately 150 to 200 ?
  8. tobiasrichter

    tobiasrichter Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jun 25, 2010
    Cologne, Germany
    We havenĀ“t really determined that yet to my knowledge. I think the plan is to have a booklet or book with all the ships, backgrounds, plans and so on in the next Kickstarter. So we will have to define that in the coming months. But your assumption should be in the right ballpark.
  9. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    Points well taken, Tobias.
  10. Harvey

    Harvey Admiral Admiral

    Oct 8, 2005
    I was hopping around YouTube earlier this afternoon and happened to click "Prelude to Axanar," and after doing so, I was served with a pre-roll video ad. It was one of the ads where you have to wait three seconds before you can press the button to skip it.

    I thought that was weird, so I hit refresh a few times to see if it was just a bug in YouTube.


    (In spoiler tags to prevent the page from stretching.)



    I was under the impression that fan films couldn't generate money though advertising like this? Has that changed? Did somebody at Axanar accidentally enable the wrong settings on this video? Is a third party somehow monetizing it?
  11. DCR

    DCR Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 15, 2013
    Wentworth Hall, Tellus of Sol
    I just tried it myself, and no pre-roll ad. Just straight into the start of Prelude.
  12. Red Omega

    Red Omega Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2014
    And according to the Axanar team, any ads being run are not by them. They are smart enough to actually follow the rules.
  13. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    If they haven't already they need to check to make sure their YouTube channel is not set up for monetization (, and if it is, go to the videos in the Video Manager and make certainty the Monetize with Ads feature is not clicked on.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  14. Harvey

    Harvey Admiral Admiral

    Oct 8, 2005
    Whatever was going on, I'm not seeing ads anymore.
  15. Ithekro

    Ithekro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 5, 2012
    Republic of California
    On Facebook it has been suggested that there were 12 Ares-class ships built by the time of the Battle of Axanar. I think one of the large donor perks involved naming some of them, though it could have been naming any ship in Starfleet that would appear on screen.

    It is unknown if any survive the war.
  16. tobiasrichter

    tobiasrichter Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jun 25, 2010
    Cologne, Germany
    There will be only one Ares on the screen. The names will go to the other Starfleet ships.
  17. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    So, has anyone who donated to the Kickstarter campaign gotten their Backerkit email yet?

    I know there are still a few days left in the month but I was curious if anyone's seen anything yet.
  18. Red Omega

    Red Omega Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2014
    No, they haven't sent it out yet. If you pay attention to either their Facebook group or read the updates they send out, they will tell you everything.

    And here is their latest podcast:
  19. BigJake

    BigJake Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 27, 2013
    No matter where you go, there you are.
    Listening to the podcast now, the pre-production chat is really fascinating.
  20. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    Nope - been patiently waiting for their 'backerkit' e-mail mysellf; and haven't seen it yet in either my inbox, junk mail, or spam folder. (Hate to say this but nice to know I'm not alone. ;):rofl:)
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