Dallas - Season 2

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by Agent Richard07, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Agent Richard07

    Agent Richard07 Admiral Admiral

    Jun 20, 2001

    Dallas returns on January 28th for a 2nd season (or a 16th season if you prefer), so I
    figured it's time to start a new thread since the first one is getting a bit long. The new
    season will have 15 episodes and will deal with the untimely death of Larry Hagman.

    Official Website | IMDb page | Wikipedia Entry
  2. Agent Richard07

    Agent Richard07 Admiral Admiral

    Jun 20, 2001
    First off, here's a post from the last thread…

  3. doubleohfive

    doubleohfive Fleet Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Hollywood, CA
  4. OmahaStar

    OmahaStar Disrespectful of his betters Admiral

    May 15, 2002
    While I enjoyed last season, that was entirely because of JR. Once he is gone, how are they going to keep things interesting?
  5. doubleohfive

    doubleohfive Fleet Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Hollywood, CA
    That's why we tune in. To find out! :)
  6. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    I just hope they end all the "Bobby is sick" crap. They need to keep him around now more than ever.

    Is it going to be 15 unbroken weeks or split into two groups?
  7. ALF

    ALF Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    Program Melmac1 - Holodeck 3
    Fuck yes. He'll have some spring in his step this go around for sure.

    I'm still hoping there's enough JR in the first five episodes to carry the interest through the season. Glad they didn't recast, though.
  8. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    It sounds like it'll be dealt with fairly quickly, with episode 2x08, airing on 11 March, being J.R.'s funeral. I think it's actually better this way, rather than the way they dealt with Jim Davis' death — half a season of Jock being away in South America, then dragging on for the rest of the season with Miss Ellie being unable to admit that he's dead. Address it and move on with the show.
  9. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    ^ They might have been considering recasting Jock, at least for a little while. Jim Davis would have been a tough act to follow, but it's more typically soap opera to recast a character.

    Of course it depends on the popularity of the character and how long one person portrayed that character and therefore how much that actor was associated with the role.
  10. doubleohfive

    doubleohfive Fleet Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Hollywood, CA
    Actually... the plan was to make the Ben Stivers character in the "dream season" actually turn out to be Jock after all, but when they resurrected Bobby and Ben Stivers became Wes Parmalee, the writers realized it would have been too much to have two beloved characters return from the dead so soon. So Parmalee turned out to be a fake, and Jock remained dead.
  11. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    ^ I've read that story about Parmalee, and of course remember the character. I was thinking they might have toyed with the idea of a recast much earlier.
  12. doubleohfive

    doubleohfive Fleet Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Hollywood, CA
  13. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    The season premiere is tonight at 9:00 PM! As with last season, they'll be airing two episodes back-to-back, so be sure to tune in for your double dose of backstabbing and scheming!
  14. ALF

    ALF Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    Program Melmac1 - Holodeck 3
    I hope someone gets pushed fully clothed into a swimming pool. That's a staple of the old series.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  15. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    And something that was desperately missing from the first season of the new show. Hopefully we'll see that rectified this year.
  16. Dar70

    Dar70 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 2001

    Though i loved seeing Larry Hagman in the first season, he really wasnt in it that much. He got sick midway. So really we have already got Dallas without Jr last season and it wasnt bad. I am extremely sad that Hagman passed and we wont have anymore JR but I knew it was a real possibility he would die during the series when I decided to watch the show. So I will stick with it. Besides I think Hagman would want all his fans to continue watching without him in it.

    So far I am loving the new season.:techman:
  17. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    The youngsters have really stepped up their game, and the old timers are making sure their experience will elevate the show. And the writing, so far, is a lot better than it was last season. It won't be the same without JR, true, but i'm reasonably confident now that it won't suck.

    I watched the premiere with chinese food for dinner. :D
  18. Keith1701

    Keith1701 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Warner Robins Georgia
    It looks like this season is going to great but I know that we will all miss Larry Hagman or J.R. Ewing.
  19. wissaboo

    wissaboo Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 12, 2006
    I'm not loving the Anne story line. Would you really just drive up and introduce yourself at the risk of causing more trauma? you have no idea what has gone on in this child's life. Wouldn't you call the police to make the first contact? or investigate it? or see if someone is going to be charged with kidnapping?
  20. Dar70

    Dar70 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 2001
    :lol: I was trying to think of what to eat. that would have been a good choice. I just had a turkey sub.