What's next for Batman...

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Warped9, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. DWF

    DWF Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    Columbus, Ohio
    Maybe they're rally interested in doing a JLA movie, they could spin off whomever play Batman in that movie into a new series of Batman movies. That'd be something of the reverse of how Marvel Studios built up to the Avengers movie.
  2. The Borgified Corpse

    The Borgified Corpse Admiral Admiral

    Jun 4, 2000
    Ouch! Forgotten already? You were just down ther
    Agreed. Tone-wise, I'm thinking they should aim for something akin to the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies: The characters are taken seriously but the sci-fi concepts are broad.

    Although, prior to his involvement with Man of Steel, there were rumors that Zack Snyder was going to direct a very faithful adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns. And, much as I thought he totally missed the point of Watchmen, I think he has the perfect sensibility to adapt Frank Miller's work.

    I agree origin stories are overrated. The Amazing Spider-Man spent a lot of time rehashing the origin story without really adding anything new to it that we didn't already get in the 2002 movie. And if the studios need a financial incentive, I would just like to point out that both Batman (1989) and The Dark Knight made more money than Batman Begins. And The Avengers made more money than pretty much anything and didn't feature anyone's origin stories.
  3. Cap-Pick-Card

    Cap-Pick-Card Ensign Red Shirt

    Jul 15, 2012
    The next Batman should be rooted in the Dark Knight graphic novel: an aging Batman returns from retirement to take on the greatest criminals, the corporate criminals that run society.
  4. Saul

    Saul Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Something similar in tone to the Nolan universe would be a good way to continue so we don't spin towards the overly comic bookish type of Superhero film that I can see on any other given month of the year.

    Then again I am rather fond of Batman Beyond and if they were to really shake things up I wouldn't mind seeing this done or something inbetween this and 'The Dark Knight Returns'.
  5. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Well, The Dark Knight Returns is already being dome as a DCAU feature coming this fall.
  6. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    While TDKR did leave it open for sequels to be made, going several different routes (I won't say, for fear of spoiling it for those who haven't seen it but you who have seen it will know what I mean), I'm pretty sure that the next movie won't follow on from it.

    I imagine that they'll go down the Sony/ Spider-man route and reboot fairly swiftly, but I don't think that it will be another origin story like The Amazing Spider-man. I think that they'll take the James Bond route - have our hero as an established hero and assume that the audience knows how he got to be here. A sort of alternative sequel to Batman Begins, Superman Returns without the gap years or The Incredible Hulk.

    Given how successful the Nolan movies were, I don't expect this to go down the Shumacher-route and mark a total contrast with the previous trilogy or even to be as different from it as TAS is from the Raimi movies. If I were a Warner exec, I'd want something in the same vein as Nolan's movies, but I'd obviously allow the new director and writer to move their own vision along. It's possible that it will be set up in a way as to meld with Snyder's Man of Steel but I don't get the impression that a common DC-verse is a big prioity for them.

    But, as William Goldman said and as I like to quote - in Hollywood, no-one knows anything (least of all me). So expect the unanticipated.
  7. clint g

    clint g Admiral Admiral

    Nov 13, 2003
    No where
    I think the one problem with rebooting with out changing the toothed is you'll then have people wondering why you even bothered rebooting in the first place. If they are going to start all over again they should just go with something new.
  8. Galileo7

    Galileo7 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 19, 2010
    Agree. Clean slate and reboot.
  9. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Maybe these studios will finally stop remaking the same tired characters and franchises over and over again and give us something completely original for a change.

    And maybe monkeys will fly out of my ass.
  10. Gotham Central

    Gotham Central Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 15, 2001
    Chicago, IL
    It should be pointed out that Batman Begins is in fact the only time that Batman's origin was ever really depicted in the movies. The Burton/Schumacher series alluded to his family's murder but did not dwell to heavily on how he became Batman.
  11. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Although animated Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm in 1993 addressed the death of Bruce's parents and how he became Batman long before the Nolan's Batman Begins. And Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm was released theatrically albeit briefly.
  12. Lapis Exilis

    Lapis Exilis Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 20, 2004
    MotP addressed those subjects fairly briefly - though BBegins paid homage to the Bruce's first night out in a mask in MotP in the scene where he first allies with Jim Gordon. But MotP was nowhere near the character study that Batman Begins was. The death of Bruce's parents was largely noted only to add melodrama to the romance storyline.
  13. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    It could be interesting if WB weren't hung up on being tied to the Justice League feature.

    - A Batman more like B-TAS or more like the Dennis O'Neil Batman of the '70's comics.
    - or a period piece Batman. The 1940s would be cool, but how about a Batman set in the 1920s or even 1890s? A Gotham By Gaslight approach. A time when Bruce Wayne's studies and acquired knowledge from around the world in tandem with his exceptional detective skills as well as him utilizing the earliest forms of forensics would seem very forward thinking and remarkable to everyone else around him. A time when a dark figure of the night dressed as a bat could really play with people's imagination.
  14. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Steampunk Batman.
  15. Gojira

    Gojira Commodore Commodore

    Oct 15, 2008
    Stompin' on Tokyo
    I hope the next Franchise does the same thing. They can allude to his origins but we really don't need to see that rehashed again.
  16. RoJoHen

    RoJoHen Awesome Admiral

    Apr 14, 2000
    QC, IL, USA
    My roommate just bought "Lego Batman 2," so that's what's next for Batman in this household. :p
  17. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada

    Classic Batman! :techman: It's time we get to see him.
  18. Eddie Roth

    Eddie Roth Commodore Commodore

    May 16, 2001
    And that's I think what they're likely to do. But I'm just not sure if that's the best way to go. I personally felt that The Avengers would've fallen completely apart if it hadn't been for most of these characters' introductions in their own films. With some of the JLA characters being much more unknown to a general audience (any myself, frankly), how can you do them justice AND Batman AND Superman?

    Besides, how much Batman could there even be in such an ensemble piece?

    But the studio seems hellbent on replicating the Avengers success with their own brand, so this is what we'll get. I myself would like to see another fanciful Batman - not a campy one, mind you, but one that is both dark and comic-book big, allowing also for the somewhat supernatural elements. Sorta like Tim Burton's approach, but without the Burton craziness shtick. A gothic Gotham (gargoyles, I need gargoyles!), a noir-ish quality, Batman as detective, mystery and a great villain, etc. So many of the comic books have done that so perfectly: The Long Halloween and Dark Victory, for example. There's gotta be a way to do that today, even now that the "near-real world Batman" by Nolan is all the rage.
  19. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    Who says they're hung up on it? I've never seen a single quote from them to suggest that they're even planning one, never mind 'hung up on' it? :confused:
  20. Gotham Central

    Gotham Central Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 15, 2001
    Chicago, IL

    The think about the JLA characters unlike most of the Avengers is that actually the audiences DO know who most of them are (or at least have a passing familiarity and think they know them).

    Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman really don't NEED another introduction (though Superman is getting one and we just finished a fairly comprehensive interpretation of Batman's origins). The Flash and Aquaman are also on fairly solid ground in terms of recognition depite little deep understanding (Aquaman might need a movie just to address the popular ridicule...but a JLA movie could fix that first). Green Lantern (I was actually surprised at how few people know the character) is also getting a soft relaunch film. Martian Manhunter, who is in almost every version of the League, is usually introduced in a league related story anyway since he rarely has his own stories. An that's the core JLA 7.

    Thus of the 7, only The Flash and Aquaman could probably use an intro...however I could also see WB deciding to wait and see how audiences react to them in a JLA movie before green lighting solo films.

    They may also go the JL(U) route and add another woman...or gasp...a person of color (Hal...might not make it to the league if they do that). In which case we might get either Black Canary, Hawkgirl or Vixen (there we go, two birds with one stone :rofl: ).