What ethnicity are you?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Stephen!, Mar 20, 2013.


What ethnicity are you?

  1. White

  2. Black

  3. Asian

  4. Hispanic

  5. Mixed race

  6. Other

  1. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    Excuse me, I hope I didn't inadvertently offend. The French-speaking Swiss are totally different from you Froggies. :p

    Yeah, a lot of Americans who may have a tiny percentage of Cherokee blood will play up that part of their ancestry because they think it makes them more interesting.
  2. thestrangequark

    thestrangequark Admiral Admiral

    Aug 8, 2006
    Brooklyn thestrangequark
    ^I guess it's sad if one thinks one's ethnicity is the most interesting thing about oneself.
  3. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    Well, a person might think so if he or she happens to have a dull, boring personality. :)
  4. iguana_tonante

    iguana_tonante Admiral Admiral

    Sep 15, 2006
    Italy, EU
    That's what I meant. There is a distinct, peculiar Italian-American culture in the US, which is actually very interesting and worthy of pride.

    But it ain't Italian, and it annoys me slightly to see people boast (especially with regards to 'ethnicity') "I'm half-Italian!" Uh, no, you are not.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2013
  5. Shaytan

    Shaytan Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 17, 2007
    Fluctuat nec mergitur.
    I don't know if Swiss people are offended by that but usually other francophones don't like being associated with us ;)
  6. Roger Wilco

    Roger Wilco Admiral Admiral

    Nov 27, 2004
    Sort of not-safe-for-work (tits): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOcy0zYo-T0

  7. Sector 7

    Sector 7 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 27, 2008
    Rural North Carolina
    Wow... just... wow... I grew up on a farm, drank fresh cows' milk and never knew I was brainwashed and stupid.

    I think your narrow-minded rant does much damage to any valid point which may be buried within somewhere, though.
  8. thestrangequark

    thestrangequark Admiral Admiral

    Aug 8, 2006
    Brooklyn thestrangequark
    Oh no! You are so offended!

    I think you missed the point, perhaps if you read my further post on the subject you will understand that I'm talking about a belief-system based around the inane idea that cooking and pasteurizing one's foods renders them "unnatural" and "unhealthful." The stupidity comes with the huge risk, specifically to pregnant women, of infection from drinking raw milk and eating raw cheese (again, if you digested my later post you'd see that my half-sister continued this behavior while pregnant), and that it is tied to other stupid and dangerous movements like antivax. As for brainwashed -- it's a meaningless and inflammatory term, I admit. But it takes a special amount of stupid to reject the fact that pasteurization is a proven method of reducing pathogens from beverages making them safer to consume.
  9. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    She's not talking about any person who lived on a farm.

    ETA: Beaten to it. I'm trying to find the Daily Show coverage of them, but I'm not having any luck.
  10. thestrangequark

    thestrangequark Admiral Admiral

    Aug 8, 2006
    Brooklyn thestrangequark
    OMG, I would LOVE to see that!
  11. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    It was actually The Colbert Report

    Reported in a way so all sides of the debate look like idiots, though, which I enjoy even better.
  12. thestrangequark

    thestrangequark Admiral Admiral

    Aug 8, 2006
    Brooklyn thestrangequark
    ^:lol: That was awesome! I agree, the idiocy was rampant from all parties and beautifully displayed.
  13. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    I selected white, but I prefer Scottish-American. :p
  14. RAMA

    RAMA Admiral Admiral

    Dec 13, 1999

    Exactly, my dad was "Italian-Swiss". I heard some odd accents when I went to visit Switzerland. My dad spoke 8 languages fluently and several others. He was raised in France.

  15. Australis

    Australis Writer - Australis Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    The Edge of Reality
    White. White white white.

    For a little more colour, born in Scotland, all ancestry seems to be Pict/Celt/Scandinavian, though there may be some, uh, Mediterranean, from the Crusades or somesuch.
  16. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    As I was told, bloodlines are English, Scot, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, and either German or Dutch. A family tree that I saw traced to an ancestor with the same last name as arriving in North America from Devonshire, England around 1650.
  17. Shanndee

    Shanndee Commodore Commodore

    Sep 6, 2010
    White (and a really pale complexion too!)

    My ancestry is Irish, Scottish, English, French Canadian, and Native Canadian.
  18. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    I hope I get to attend the next Pow Pow of the Monacan Nation here in Virginia later this year. My cousins have been wanting me to come to meet other members of the extended family who have Monacan heritage. It looks like it'd be very fun and educational, plus there are many people on my dad's side of the family I've never had the opportunity to meet over the years.
  19. Shanndee

    Shanndee Commodore Commodore

    Sep 6, 2010
    Oh, I hope you do get a chance to go! I was able to attend 2 hosted by the local band when I was much younger (still living on the east coast, so it must have been about 100 years ago now!). I feel like I really learned a lot (and I had a fantastic time).

    I kind of wish I had taken full advantage of that opportunity to meet and connect with people. But I was really young at the time, and I still believed that those types of opportunities would be plentiful.

    What are my chances of a do-over?
  20. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Thankfully the Monacan Nation holds a Pow Wow every year and the festivities aren't really all that far away. My Monacan relatives hail from Amherst County and that's only 70 miles or so away.