Random stuff like to see in ST3

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Khan 2.0, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. Khan 2.0

    Khan 2.0 Commodore Commodore

    Aug 30, 2013
    earth...but when?...spock?
    -set a good 5 years after STID (which would be the beginnings of the TMP movie era in the Prime timeline). Like the first film showed us the pre 5 years mission origin of the crew (at least the alternate universe version of it), this would show us post 5 year mission ‘Lost Years’ which is also untold onscreen and allowing it to be more a big budget updated version of the original movies (not so much the original series like ST09/STID). Anyway it’ll be 7 years since ST09 in 2016 (plus STID was supposed to be set right after that)

    -mushroom space dock with the massive blue lit interior housing all the ships
    http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120316224125/memoryalpha/en/im ages/6/6b/Earth_Spacedock,_2293.jpg

    -ripped shirts and Kirk-Fu:
    http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/133/2/0/an_introduction_to_kirk _fu_by_rabittooth-d5jnrdo.jpg

    -TOS & movie music nods (Goldsmith & Horner rifts – not anything big – just a musical ‘cameos’ like Amok Time fight music in STID)

    -lengthy phaser ‘beams’ not star wars ‘blasts’

    -Enterprise refit more sleek like TOS movies (esp if set in the TMP era) - e.g. the Ent at the end being refitted into full on exact TMP Enterprise (cool image to end the movie on)

    -getting more toward foreshadowing the TWOK style uniforms/field jackets/equipment/ship designs (again esp if set good few years later)

    -more movie style to the sound FX/visual FX of the beaming/phasers etc (again if set years later)

    -Kirks green wraparound tunic

    -Pine sporting the dark curly Admiral Kirk Shatfro:
    http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/William_Shatner_4.jp g

    -more vicious Trek III style Klingons again (like VI had them as villains for 25th ann)

    -TMP style transporter malfunctions (with gory aftermath)

    -TWOK style nebulas (hiding/battling in)

    -more federation starship vs. federation starship carnage

    -more Bones

    -maybe change the classic ‘STAR TREK’ font to the movie font for promo stuff? (i always liked the movie font best):
    http://a.images.blip.tv/WMAhero-FilmTrekStarTrekTheMotionPicture364.jp g

    -Twilight Zone/Outer Limits/early TOS style eeriness/horror

    -unexplained wonder/unknown - questions and mcguffins that are not answered and are left to the imagination which is far more powerful than any explanation the film maker can give (I like the fact Khans backstory was vaguely described/left unexplained in STID - the brig scene was kind of similar to the Khan/Chekov scene on Ceti Alpha V in TWOK - ‘on earth..200 years ago…I was a prince with power of millions..’)

    -more references to the prime timeline/alternate future for the 50th anniversary - maybe a 'Days of Futures Past/Yesterdays Ent' type story involving alternate realities, prime timeline links etc (maybe involving TNG and or Shat Kirk)

    -the borg (maybe something to do with them if above.) FC will be 20 years old in 2016

    -Nero (what happened to him and the remains of the Narada when they went through the black hole - did he end up back in the future? The past? The delta quadrant? - see borg above again. maybe Nero could be like the Ras Al Guld of the Trek trilogy? - haunting Kirk?)

    -various Trek stuff cameoing/referenced/easter egging - e.g. Talosions, Doomsday machine, gorns, cloud killer, Guardian of Forever, corbomite, tholians, wild west, rand, No 1, Nurse Chapel (finally), Capt Terrel, Kruge, Decker, Ilia, Savvik, Sybok, Admiral Archer, Botany Bay/Khan(again), Reliant/Excelsior, Patrick Stewart and the next gen (see points above), Vger (somehow linked to the borg? see points above)

    -some big name supporting roles? e.g.:
    Bryan Cranston as Chang, Jason Moma as Kruge, Colin Firth as Gorkon, Taylor Kitch as Joachim, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Capt Terrel,

    -some big name cameos??
    Arnold Schwarzenegger - Klingon Emperor, Harrison Ford - Head of Starfleet (or some big shot Starfleet Admiral dishing out orders to Kirk at some point just like in TOS), Stephen Collins - Matt Decker, Scott Bakula - Captain Archer (flashback), Brent Spiner - Dr Soong,, Patrick Stewart – Picard (flashforward) or Picards ancestor, Michael Dorn - Worfs ancestor, Leonard Nimoy - Spock Prime, Richardo Montalban - Khan (CG flashback showing end of Eugenic Wars/BB/revival - or Space Seed briefing room photo)

    -Shatner....id still like him there…if possible. maybe retro footage from some outtakes from previous Trek movies or little seen tv movies/TJ Hooker? or even Shatner as he is now - The lost ST09 Birthday scene? as Kirks grandpop? alternate reality future Kirk? ( fanpleasing end cameo as old Pine Kirk - not Prime Kirk - maybe with old Quinto Spock - something like Cloud Atlas end) or even aged up Pine Kirk Deadly Years style? (maybe the opening could be the end of The Deadly Years re-imagined with Shatner and Nimoy opening the movie fighting off the Romulans before they get de-aged back to Pine/Quinto)

    -more redshirt deaths - im talking 'Obsession' levels
  2. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    I'd like things to look as they do in ST and ID. I'm sick of Trek randomly changing things between movies, it'd be nice to keep visual continuity for this trilogy - that means fonts, uniforms, props, effects etc remaining unchanged and the ship looking as it did at the end of ID.

    More of the character interactions which made ST and ID such a joy.

    I want a mission about a year into the 5-year-mission. ID began with a mini-TOS style adventure, it'd be cool to see a whole movie like that.

    Or, the Enterprise caught in the middle of an epic Borg invasion of Klingon space.

    A TOS-style credits montage with photomanips of the new crew during various missions, both TOS classics reimagined and new ones (I'd have loved ID to end like this)

    I want the status quo to change in a big way. No attempts to make it all a loose prequel to the TOS movies. "Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed."

    Someone do describe the Enterprise as being 725m from end to end.;)
  3. Khan 2.0

    Khan 2.0 Commodore Commodore

    Aug 30, 2013
    earth...but when?...spock?
    i used to dig all the changes from movie to movie (oh wow the new phasers/communicators!...ooh look they changed the warp FX/phaserbeams/photontorps!... they got new jackets!...oh wow the bridge has changed!...ooh look kirks changed his hair again! etc)

    that's a good idea - images (painted or photo) of classic scenes from classic eps redone with the nu crew (like Spiderman 2 opening credits)....Arena, City, Doomsday, Amok, Spectre. etc
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  4. Smellmet

    Smellmet Commodore Commodore

    Aug 5, 2013
    The Northern Shires of England.
    Bryan Cranston would make an awesome Chang! Having said that I'd like the basic look and structure of the first 2 movies to remain intact, such as the costumes and pre-credits sequence - Imagine a Star Wars movie without the same music and 3D text.

    I've got no problem with a couple of nods to previous Trek music, but, again, I'd like it to stay the same by and large, with it's own incidental themes obviously.

    I think the half arsed refit at the end of STID was a mistake, the ship should have been restored to it's original state or gone for a full TMP refit, JJ-Style IMO. The way the ship looks now is worse, those impulse engines spoil the look of the ship for me.

    Like the OP I'd also like to see proper phasers, both hand and ship brought back, the weapons in STID were just generic Star Wars type blasters and looked shit, I'd love to TWOK style ship phasers, or even the ones the Kelvin fired at the Narada were good enough, The weapons the Vengeance fired at the Enterprise when they were near the moon - what the hell were they?

    Finally whilst we're on the subject of ship combat - I want more of this please! Even though I love STID one of the biggest letdowns were the ship combat, it was too short, the camera angles were confusing and bar the Warp attack (which was again too short) the ship combat was seriously lacking in STID. If we are to believe the next movie is going to feature the Klingons then I want to see the Enterprise and maybe some other Fed ships slugging it out with some D-7 battlecruisers. Less fist fights and more space action!

    I'm just eager to hear any news on the movie as it's coming up to a year since STID.
  5. KennyB

    KennyB I have spoken............ Moderator

    Jul 19, 2001
    Tokyo Japan
  6. 2takesfrakes

    2takesfrakes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 13, 2013
    California, USA
    Maybe seeing Kirk and Bones take Spock to a Titty Bar where Jolene Blalock is the stripper ... that would be COOL!!!
  7. Hartzilla2007

    Hartzilla2007 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 15, 2006
    Star Trekkin Across the universe.
    That would be too early for that stuff as 5 years after STID is 2265 aka about the time TOS took place.
  8. USS Triumphant

    USS Triumphant Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 29, 2008
    Go ahead, caller. I'm listening...
    Now you've just gone and made the comment *I* was going to make about how it would be nice to see Gaila again - and how, exactly, it would be nice to see her :drool: - just seem cheap. :lol:
  9. 2takesfrakes

    2takesfrakes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 13, 2013
    California, USA
    I'm not doing much writing, but when I'm on the shitter, the ideas just keep poppin'! :cool:
  10. 2takesfrakes

    2takesfrakes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 13, 2013
    California, USA
    It would, indeed! :lol: ((...snicker))
  11. Khan 2.0

    Khan 2.0 Commodore Commodore

    Aug 30, 2013
    earth...but when?...spock?
    hasn't everything been fast tracked though - some of that stuff could get done earlier (maybe not the shatfro)
  12. RAMA

    RAMA Admiral Admiral

    Dec 13, 1999
    An exploratory mission that runs afoul of Klingon interests, who were already preparing for war.
  13. Smellmet

    Smellmet Commodore Commodore

    Aug 5, 2013
    The Northern Shires of England.
    I think that would work quite nicely - and would satisfy the action and exploration camps, nice and simple, no gimmicks, just a straightforward, entertaining story like TUC.
  14. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    None of the above are random enough, since it all involves Star Trek. Random would be things like ponies, clown cars, and a special appearance by Paris Hilton.
  15. Enterprise1701

    Enterprise1701 Commodore Commodore

    Mar 24, 2014
    Sol III, Sector 001, 2063 C.E.
    A fusion of DS9/VOY/ENT with 2009 special effects. (i.e. no STID warp effect and no phaser bolts)
    No random generic alien crewmembers of the Enterprise.
    science officer 0718, navigation officer Darwin, and Gaila
    Starbase 1/Earth Spacedock being referred to by both names.
    McCoy told to shut up with over-the-top complaining
    Chris Doohan's transporter officer character given a name
    Keenser talk
    Kirk give an incompetent admiral a badass lecture
    Klingon names spelled with proper transliteration (i.e. Qo'noS not Kronos)
    The Enterprise devastate planetside enemies at point-blank range
    The Enterprise established to have a length of roughly 300 meters.
    If this movie features Earth in an important role, then the President of the Federation
  16. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Vaughn Armstrong as "Flint"

    Actually I really don't care what role he plays. Just get him in the cast. It's about time he's given the chance to appear in a Trek film (and anything TOS-related) - that's the only Trek he's never done!
  17. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    Someone should try to get him into a fan film at least. His first appearance in TNG: Heart of Glory made me interested in finding a picture of him out of makeup due to his performance and voice.
  18. 2takesfrakes

    2takesfrakes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 13, 2013
    California, USA
    It would be nice to see Kirk use "protection," for once. I've oft wondered how he never ended up pissing napalm - and don't tell me it's all because of McCoy's potions and elixers. He's had more punani than I've had hot dinners, and that's just from what we saw! He wasn't a kid when we met him, either, so all of those females from 'before' have to be taken into account ... that's a lot of trim. If anyone on STAR TREK is to be seen having a condom in their wallet, it's got to be none other than James Tiberious Kirk!
  19. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Not going to happen.
  20. Smellmet

    Smellmet Commodore Commodore

    Aug 5, 2013
    The Northern Shires of England.
    Nor does that bother me in the slightest either - it's easily explained away with the timeline change, like they decided to make the constitution class bigger from the outset along with other military decisions.
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