Halo 4 & Halo Remastered

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Servo, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Yay, more Master Chief and Cortana. Wake me when Halo finds more interesting protagonists.
  2. SilentP

    SilentP Commodore Commodore

    May 21, 2009
    is in a very lonely Corner of the Circle
    @Dac: Oooo, that is quite cool.
  3. CaptJimboJones

    CaptJimboJones Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 15, 2002
    Well, I'm looking forward to both. (Or all four, I guess, if it's a second trilogy.) I always love me some Halo.
  4. O'Dib

    O'Dib Commodore Commodore

    May 14, 2005
    Mr. Brody's still
    I have always enjoyed Halo multiplayer, but never had much interest in finishing any of the story modes.
  5. Showdown

    Showdown Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 16, 2005
    Can't wait. My brother and I always had fun playing them.
  6. PsychoPere

    PsychoPere Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 25, 2002
    Not sure how long this will last, but Newegg.com currently has Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary pre-orders on sale for $29 after using promo code EMCYTZT622.
  7. Chris3123

    Chris3123 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    Pensacola, FL
    Here's video of the Silent Cartographer level from Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, as shown at Comic-Con:

  8. USS Mariner

    USS Mariner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 11, 2004
    Homestate of Matt Jefferies
    Summary: Instead of taking the time to put effort into this "gift to the fans", we've decided to have two fucking game engines running at the same time, while not even bothering to implement improvements to the original code after a decade of successor games. And half-assed Co-op that was already in the original game.

    Enjoy the processor and ass rape, Halo fans. :techman:

    I'm so glad I stopped playing after H2. If they spent more than 5 months on this I'd be shocked.
  9. USS Mariner

    USS Mariner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 11, 2004
    Homestate of Matt Jefferies
    Welcome to my thoughts, circa Halo 2's release. It's as if Bungie/Squee43 set a project for goal to make MC's armor more slapped together.

    Oh, and 343 Ind., if you really want to give a gift to the fans, try these suggestions:

    • $30 rebate for everyone who purchased ODST full price. 4 hours of gameplay is NOT worth $60.
    • Add Multiplayer Fighter Combat to Reach because, you know, it was the only fucking interesting part of the game.
    • Give everyone who purchased Halo 2 a change to kick the Level Designer in the nuts. A PURPLE MAP IS NOT A GOOD MAP.
  10. Dac

    Dac Commodore Commodore

    Aug 9, 2005
    The Essex wastes...
    Eh, I'm not as embittered as you are. I liked Halo 2's redesign because it was an evolution that made sense. Chief got home and got upgraded, that i'm cool with.

    Thing with Halo 3 to Halo 4 - It's very clear that there was absolutely no opportunity for him to get an armor change between the two. He's literally coming out of that cryo-sleep at the start of the Halo 4 trailer that we saw him put into at the end of Halo 3, meaning there should be no way in hell he got an armor change during this undisclosed amount of time. If somehow some UNSC folks found him and upgraded him, why the fuck leave him in cryo sleep adrift?

    I'm ok if he lands on this "planet"/shield world/forerunner installation and some super advanced droid thing tinkers with his suit and adds in some super advanced tech, but straight out of the cryo tank is what's irking me.

    As for ODST, it was a bit on the short side, but I loved the story, and I replayed that campaign multiple times and gathered all the audio logs. Sure, perhaps it shouldn't have been full priced but I certainly got a lot of enjoyment from it. More so than other games I've purchased I'll tell you that.

    And while Reach's space battles were cool and multiplayer versions of that would rock, it was by no means a be all feature of the game. Like ODST I loved Reach's story, it's multiplayer is vastly superior to that of Halo 3, and it looks gorgeous.

    I agree that purple covvie levels are an utter clusterfuck though.
  11. bullethead

    bullethead Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 24, 2008
    Yeah, they at least could have made the AR behave like a real AR and make the Library a lot less repetitive. But whatever, I'm not buying another Halo after the fail that was H3.
  12. Chris3123

    Chris3123 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    Pensacola, FL
    How do you know they didn't put enough effort into what they set out to do?

    Right, the original engine plus the new graphics engine. They did that to keep the gameplay faithful to the original game while having newer graphics. I'm no expert in the field, so you have to tell me how that's a bad thing.

    That's like saying they "didn't even bother" to completely rewrite the story. Why would they? It wouldn't be the same game if they did that. Same here. The whole point of this game is that it plays exactly like the original, just with improved graphics.

    Could you explain what's half-assed about it?

    Xbox Live co-op was not in the original.

    How do you know it will be particularly hard on the console's processor? Has someone come out with a report on that?

    And as far as "ass rape" goes, there would no doubt be many who would describe it similarly if 343 decided alter the gameplay as you suggested.

    Ok. So what if it took only 5 months? If that's how long it took to make it, that's how long it took to make. I think the condition of the final product is what really matters.

    They only could have done that if they wanted to do a remake. But it's supposed to be the same game, for better or worse.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  13. SPCTRE

    SPCTRE Badass Admiral

    Nov 26, 2008
    I still maintain that ODST being full-price was 100% justified (even if you had already purchased all of Halo 3's multiplayer map packs).

    The campaign was long (and different*!) enough and of a high enough quality to justify the price point, IMHO.

    *(read: hub-world)
  14. SPCTRE

    SPCTRE Badass Admiral

    Nov 26, 2008

  15. USS Mariner

    USS Mariner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 11, 2004
    Homestate of Matt Jefferies

    Dude, you have no fucking memory of how limited the original game is compared to the rest of the series is, do you?

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there's my answer. :klingon:

    Xbox Live wasn't around when Halo was launched, and because it lacks multiplayer bots, you had to actually link multiple systems together to have a multiplayer match.

    Guess what you still won't be able to do with Halo Anniversary Edition? Even given the "choice" they had between online co-op and online multiplayer, they went with the dumbest option possible, given that you can only play with one other person in Campaign co-op, which isn't so much a "gift" to old-time fans as a clone of the same game I already have sitting next to my still-hooked up Xbox.
  16. SPCTRE

    SPCTRE Badass Admiral

    Nov 26, 2008
  17. Chris3123

    Chris3123 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    Pensacola, FL
    This really doesn't help at all. You give me the WTF smiley, but don't bother to tell me what about the quote gave you that reaction.

    Actually, I have perfect memory of how limited the game is.

    Not the correct one, apparently.

    I am quite aware of that. I never said it was.

    I am well aware of that too.

    That it's a "clone" of the original is the whole point. It's supposed to be the same game (the campaign, anyway), just with updated graphics and other minor bits. They could have made it "better", but then it wouldn't be the same game. I must admit that I'd love to try a more tweaked version, but I understand why they wanted to stay faithful to the original.

    I do admit though that I'm disappointed that they didn't include Live muliplayer.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  18. USS Mariner

    USS Mariner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 11, 2004
    Homestate of Matt Jefferies
    I can say is that I'm a little disgusted at how little effort 343 is putting into a port of a last-generation game that's going to be used to gouge the fans for shits and giggles. Don't even start trying to excuse the $60 price by mentioning the Reach-engine-powered H1 multiplayer maps (which they haven't been entirely clear about being able to play with or without Reach itself.)

    I'm not exaggerating or embellishing when I say that the 343 team is deliberately underestimating what Halo fans want and accept in an anniversary edition of a decade-long gaming franchise, because they body language and tone telegraph that they know this will make money regardless of how little effort they put into it. The kind of reception I'm seeing from the Halo community infuriates me; a fan who parted ways with the franchise back in H2/H3, and who hasn't really been vocal about anything till now.

    Certainly a continuous, decade-long game series, one that unequivocally created the western gaming community overnight, and single-handedly saved the XBOX from commercial disaster. Oh yeah, and it cemented Microsoft as a gaming juggernaut that is truly Nintendo's rival, both in terms of capital and cultural background.

    That deserves more than an over-priced, half-assed port.
  19. PsychoPere

    PsychoPere Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 25, 2002
    What $60 price? It's $40.
  20. USS Mariner

    USS Mariner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 11, 2004
    Homestate of Matt Jefferies
    That's news to me. No excuse but, still.