No More SOTL Calendars After 2013?

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by Sxottlan, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Patrick O'Brien

    Patrick O'Brien Captain Captain

    Feb 9, 2012
    Brooklyn NY
  2. E-DUB

    E-DUB Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 28, 2011
    Sorry to hear this, but I had a hard time finding this years calendar since Borders closed. (Got last years at the liquidation sale.) Typical, they make something hard to find then cancel it for lack of sales.
  3. throwback

    throwback Captain Captain

    May 27, 2011
  4. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    Gene Roddenberry himself urged Paramount to put an embargo on TOS-in-syndication about four months before the premiere of ST:TMP. It made fans even hungrier for new Trek. Embargoes aren't usually permanent. They are planned marketing strategies designed to narrow the focus of a campaign.

    We heard much of oversaturation when TNG movies were coming out while DS9 and VOY were on the air. Rick Berman quashed a "Starfleet Academy" animated series early in TNG's run with a similar fear.

    If CBS and Paramount Marketing have received feedback that the potential viewership of the new movie might be easily confused by two timelines being promoted at once, they may take cautious steps to refocus. It's about maximising profits in the long run, not reducing profits across the board or letting the franchise get watered down.

    Or, the publisher creates a licensed product in sufficient quantities and their usual distributors suddenly fail to pick it up, or shops fail to order it, leaving stock in warehouses to eventually get remaindered or pulped.

    The SOTL 2013 calendar is readily available online.

    Sales of all wall calendars is down. They have become ancient technology.
  5. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Trek XI's release saw an increase in Trek merchandise related to the prime timeline. TOS was released on blu-ray, all ten previous movies were released on blu-ray, special DVDs were released containing the best of TOS and TNG. Not to mention most stores had big displays of previous Trek releases on DVD at special prices, and so on. None of this had a nagative impact on Trek XI.

    Likewise, special re-releases of all the previous Bond movies were out in recent months. No negative impact on Skyfall. Selling Bond movies with other actors in the role didn't confuse the audience.

    Likewise, whenever superhero movies are relased, there's no embargo on other movies, TV shows, comics, whatever featuring that character in other continuities. Hell, this past summer there were new Batman comics, graphic novels, prose novels, and an animated movie, none of which existed in the same continuity as the Nolan movies, and TDKR still ruled the box office.

    There's room for two Star Trek continuites to exist together. There's no need to embargo the previous continuity for the sake of a new movie.
  6. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    I know that. Video shops were pleasantly surprised when all of their ST boxed sets were doing brisk business after newbies discovered ST (2009).

    Marketing strategies may disagree with you. Abrams copped some criticism that ST (2009) underperformed internationally compared to other franchises. Experimenting with an embargo is not done on a whim.
  7. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    How much of this "embargo" is fact and how much is speculation, though? The only context in which I've heard it definitely confirmed is for soundtrack releases. La-La Land had to make sure their TOS box set (which goes on sale tomorrow and is the most amazing thing ever) was out by the end of the year because they wouldn't be able to release it in 2013, and I think the same goes for a DS9 set that's upcoming. But I haven't heard of it happening anywhere else. It's evidently not the reason for the end of the SOTL calendars; from what Drexler has said, that's due more to the state of the calendar industry in general and the abundance of online fan art. And it evidently doesn't apply to the novels, as my manuscript deadline a week from now makes very clear to me. Memory Alpha lists a number of other nonfiction books on the slate for 2013 -- the ones mentioned above, a few craft books, and a reference book called Star Trek FAQ 2.0. The TPB of IDW's TNG Hive miniseries will be out early in 2013. And Blu-Ray releases of ENT season 1 and TNG season 3 are reportedly slated for 2013 as well. Moreover, when I search Google for "Star Trek 2013 embargo," the only relevant result I get is this very thread.

    So I just don't see any evidence of an embargo anywhere other than soundtrack CDs. Maybe that market in particular is narrow enough that the competition would be seen as harmful.
  8. MatthiasRussell

    MatthiasRussell Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 3, 2011
    Without SOTL calendars, I hope there is still money to fund official art of trek lit ships.

    SOTL is a terrible calendar, but a great art collection.
  9. beamMe

    beamMe Commodore

    Mar 17, 2011
    Not counting Drexler's own creations though. Such a talented guy, but his renders are on the lower end of the quality scale for these calendars.
  10. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    This is pretty much how I feel too. I don't get it as a calendar, I get it because I really like the artwork. That's pretty much true of all of the calendars I've bought over the last few years. I have the date on both my phone, and my watch so I don't need a calendar to keep track of the days.
  11. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    Highly possible. Soundtracks were the first music genre to go CD-only, and then download only, putting many specialist soundtrack shops out of business.

    I've always bought all of them since 1980. I realised the other day, I hadn't turned a 2012 page over since March, so yeah, I rarely refer to my wall calendar these days.
  12. newtontomato539

    newtontomato539 Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 22, 2010
    Oohh yeah. The "JJ Abrams is Evil" tm. :rolleyes:
  13. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    Calendar readers? :devil:
  14. RAMA

    RAMA Admiral Admiral

    Dec 13, 1999
  15. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    OH YES!!!

    You have no idea how much of a downer it was looking opening my calendar on New Year's thinking this was the last of the series. This is the best possible way to start off a week.
  16. Avro Arrow

    Avro Arrow Okie dokie! Moderator

    Jan 10, 2003
    The Wasteland
    That is awesome news! Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly be picking up the 2014 version, and any future SOTL calendars they produce!
  17. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Cool. I was disappointed when I they said '13 was going to be the last.
  18. ChristopherPike

    ChristopherPike Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 13, 2006
    Just found about this. Fantastic news. I've gotten used to having amazing Starfleet ships in new original universe scenes hanging on the wall each month. Lapsed this year due to SOTL not being as available here for some reason. Although I did turn down that pure Abramsverse option. Printing out my own on A4 from a crappy inkjet wouldn't really be much of a substitute. So the artwork's is really appreciated here.
  19. hbquikcomjamesl

    hbquikcomjamesl Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 6, 2006
    Orange County, CA
    I definitely agree with the assertion that as calendars, they are more-or-less useless. Yet because the paintings are so beautiful, they'e still prominently featured on my Christmas wish list, and I make a point of researching where they can be found locally, and what they look like (rather important, this time around, given that 2013 had a change of cover image, on top of there being an Abramsverse* "ships" calendar in the U.K. only adding to the confusion).

    *My reaction to the Abramsverse is along the line of "where are Dulmur, Lucsly, and "Crewman Daniels" when you need them?"
  20. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    Why not put the calendar into one of those quick-frame acrylic devices?