Happy Halloween

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Dar70, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Dar70

    Dar70 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 2001
    Hope everyone has a good halloween tonight. Im just going to do what I do every year. Sit in front of the tv, with Turner Classic movies on and pass out candy. Have to get my pumpkin carved and maybe roast the seeds tonight.
  2. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    I had surgery last night so we are going to take it easy today, a bit of studying then a movie, eating out for lunch then watching the world series (Go Phillies! My family...at least my Dad's side will disown me if I root for the Yankees).
  3. Zulu Romeo

    Zulu Romeo World Famous Starship Captain Admiral

    Oct 31, 2004
    Just to get everyone in the mood....

  4. Jadzia

    Jadzia on holiday Premium Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    At halloween I'm always reminded of Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas. One of my favourite films. :) For the past 10 years or so, it's been my thing to watch this through on Christmas eve... and the Snowman film the day after. I have them both on VHS just incase Channel 4 lets me down :bolian:
  5. Zulu Romeo

    Zulu Romeo World Famous Starship Captain Admiral

    Oct 31, 2004
    I've only ever seen TNBC twice, and it was only a few years ago when I first saw it. The Snowman, however, for me has been a Crimbo fixture ever since it was first shown in Channel 4.

    Anyway, as for Halloween plans, I don't really have any plans this year. Will probably stay in and nurse this cough I've been suffering from.
  6. cultcross

    cultcross The Slay of the Doctor Moderator

    Jul 27, 2001
    I leave for work in 40 minutes for our busiest night of the year, at least it's not so brass-monkey cold as it was last year. brrr.
  7. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    I'm going to fly over to Bristol and egg you and then run away screming, "It was a chav, I swear!"
  8. opali

    opali Captain Captain

    Jul 22, 2008
    I love roasted pumpkin seeds..yum.

    After taking my kids out for Tricks or Treats, I'll be dropping them at their dad's.

    Then I will wander over to Tir na nOg for a yummy Guinness and good music...I'll be incognito as a Victorian Lady complete with a lovely feathered mask so if you see me, stop and say hello. :)
  9. Daneel

    Daneel Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2009
    I'll be scaring guests at Canada's Wonderland for our annual Halloween Haunt event... I expect we'll be pretty busy tonight... not so much tomorrow (yep, we're still open on the 1st).

    Hope everyone has fun tonight with whatever they're doing! :techman:
  10. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    Happy Halloween, everyone. [​IMG]

    I'll be continuing my Halloween Marathon of books and DVDs. There's also a couple of things on TCM that I want to see.

    Love that "Raven" clip. :cool:
  11. WillsBabe

    WillsBabe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Good luck on the mean streets!
  12. Kestra

    Kestra Admiral Premium Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    Happy Halloween everyone! :)

    I'm just making last-minute arrangements for our murder-mystery dinner tonight. I hope I'm not the killer!
  13. nevermore

    nevermore Admiral Admiral

    Nov 16, 2004
    The Land of Pleasant Living
    A bunch of us are dressing up as characters from Twin Peaks and going to see a band that covers the music from David Lynch productions. In addition, all the bars in the neighborhood are having different events (all with no cover charges!) including a dead celebrity ball, a grateful dead tribute band playing a zombie party, a comic book heroes and villains costume contest, an Edgar Allen Poe interpretor doing the Tell-Tale Heart (unfortunately NOT John Astin this year :() and a haunted hayride to shuttle people between bars.

    Though it's not the biggest Halloween celebration in the city, it should be better and less fratty than the others. :techman:
  14. Dar70

    Dar70 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 2001

    Glad Im not the only one watching TCM tonight.:techman: I believe there is an essential with Robert Osbourne and Alec Balwin at 8:00
  15. Maestro

    Maestro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 3, 2004
    I have CDs of angry Bach organ music playing (with a speaker outside), candles lit, and a talking skull on the porch (we call him Bob). Only seen 6 trick or treaters so far. Stupid HS Volleyball team is playing in the Sectional final tonight, so the town is a bit of a ... wait for it ... GHOST TOWN!

    And I'm dressed as Captain Jack Harkness.
  16. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    5:35, about 40 minutes ago, a couple fat laides and soem small kids came down the street. It's not dark, it's not even six, yet here these dumb ladies are bringing their kids out. Naturally, no lights are on and they are having a tough choie finding houses with candy, plus -- these kids are getting robbed of the chance to see other kids all dressed up.

    Anyway, I got a few small things of candy, and will hand it out when it's dark and the better customed kids show up.
  17. Maestro

    Maestro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 3, 2004
    Our town's sanctioned Trick or Treat time is 5:30-7:30 tonight. Used to be 6-8, not sure what prompted the change this year. It was still light out at 5:30, but now it's dark out.

    Our town is really safe and classy about it though. Every rescue vehicle in the town is out with it's lights flashing, roving slowly from street to street to provide just enough light to keep things safe without being restrictively bright (like having the Trick or Treat the Sunday before Halloween from 3-5 like the town I grew up in did).

    It really is quiet out there. I hope there's a good push in the last hour.
  18. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    Yeah, quite out here, too. When I was a kid, kids were everywhere, many houses had lights on, and we'd go to 10:00 at night.
  19. Maestro

    Maestro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 3, 2004
    Our school's VB team playing on the road tonight has contributed to the issue. Normally some of my high school students dress up and then are obnoxious when they trick or treat at their teachers' houses. None of that tonight!
  20. Dar70

    Dar70 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 2001
    Those were the good old days.:lol: I trick or treated from the mid 70's to early 80's and every year was filled with kids until late into the night. Ever since the candy scare of the early 80's Halloween has never been the same. Its a shame. It was one of the funnest nights of the year for me as a kid. I absolutely loved it. Still love Halloween but just in a different way now.

    I just got my last treater at 8:35.(Last year I got my last one at 8:51)
    The first one came around 5:22. The busiest was around 6:30 to 7:45. I gave away 9 bags of funsize candy, 2 assorted, 1 charms suckers and 1 box of fun dips. So I gave about what I did last year. Maybe a little less but I attribute that to the cooler weather. I bought extra because I thought people would take advantage of the extra hour tonight and its a Saturday. Oh well more for me.:D:D