Who do you want to play the 13th Doctor?

Discussion in 'Doctor Who' started by Newspaper Taxi, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Newspaper Taxi

    Newspaper Taxi Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 8, 2004
    Newspaper Taxi
    Now that we know the identity of the soon-to-be 12th Doctor it's time to speculate on the actor to play the 13th! Ready?...Go!
  2. diankra

    diankra Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 22, 2005
    Go away! Go away before we all die laughing!!!
    Thing is, we will be starting to wonder about this by Boxing Day...
    Poor Star Trek fans. Only ever had five captains. They miss out on all this...*

    *Well, six. Or seven counting the two Kirks. Or a lot more counting the books. Or...
  3. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Patrick Stewart?
  4. Newspaper Taxi

    Newspaper Taxi Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 8, 2004
    Newspaper Taxi
    I think if we got Sir Patrick Stewart on Doctor Who, he'd be better off as a re-occurring character. Maybe as an uber-villian, like Omega, Rassilon, or the Master.

    I'm hoping for a female 13th Doctor. It could be a symptom of him running out of regen-ergy.
  5. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    If they go beyond 13, I have an idea. How about Sir Ian McKellen? He could do this: Regenerate back into the First Doctor and thus his entire existence is an endless loop. :D
  6. sttngfan1701d

    sttngfan1701d Commodore Commodore

    Jul 4, 2003
    Alexander Siddig. Cate Blanchett (it would never happen though). Alan Tudyk.
  7. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    I know she's not a Brit, but I think Vera Farmiga has the right presence for the Doctor and she's a phenomenal actress.
  8. Australis

    Australis Writer - Australis Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    The Edge of Reality
    Oh, let's not start this already!
  9. YellowSubmarine

    YellowSubmarine Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 17, 2010
    In the middle of the next season, Peter Capaldi regenerates into... Peter Capaldi.
  10. Captain Crow

    Captain Crow Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Satellite in Earth orbit
    With Hurt being an unseen Doctor between McGann and Eccleston Capaldi is 13.
  11. C.E. Evans

    C.E. Evans Admiral Admiral

    Nov 22, 2001
    Ferguson, Missouri, USA
    Capaldi is 12. The only ones calling him 13 are a few fans. Hurt's Doctor will likely wind up being a Doctor that never was.

    As far as who should play the 13th Doctor, it is simply way, way too early.
  12. Captain Crow

    Captain Crow Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Satellite in Earth orbit
    Sorry. I forgot counting Hurt wasn't allowed.

    I mean, GOD FORBID we get an interesting plot twist that reveals Eccleston, Saint Tennant, and Smith are actually Doctors 10, 11, and 12. :eek: Gotta have the bog standard Moffat era paradox BS to make Hurt not count so Gallifrey Base type fans don't throw a hissy about NuWho Doctors being renumbered.:techman:
  13. YellowSubmarine

    YellowSubmarine Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 17, 2010
    How can you break the meaning of established names and events like The Eleventh Hour and The Fall of the Eleventh? We can't allow that to happen. If the reset button is not pressed on Hurt, I am not watching Doctor Who ever again.

    Until the Christmas Special airs that is.
  14. Herkimer Jitty

    Herkimer Jitty Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 4, 2008
    Dayglow, New California Republic
    It's marketing. The Tenth Doctor is the Tenth Doctor and the Ninth Doctor is the Ninth Doctor. It's as likely as Jim Kirk changing his name to Tits McGee.
  15. Asbo Zaprudder

    Asbo Zaprudder Admiral Admiral

    Jan 14, 2004
    Rishi's Sad Madhouse
    Only, don't mention the Cartmel Masterplan or the resident guardians of the unknown unknowns will jump on you like a pack of rabid dingoes.
  16. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    And Eleven-ant doesn't work as a nickname.
  17. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 3, 2012
    The bed of whoever pays for the night.
    Hmm, Doctor 13 hey?

    Well I still HATE the idea of a female doctor EVER.

    Would pretty much be my choices for the twelfth doctor;

    • Idris Elba: A great choice, could play the doctor very well, rather like Eccleston did. Plus a first black doctor, I quite like that idea. And you know, it's Idris Elba.......he's cool!
    • Damien Molony: Another great actor, and is an unknown, so perfect! Young, very gentleman like. Would be a nice contrast to the Capaldi Doctor (and even a bit of a contrast to Smith). He'd be a polite gentleman doctor like Paul McGann was. Watch the last two series of Being Human, and you'll know why I want him as the next doctor!
    • Jason Fleyming: From Primeval Series 3. He reminds me of Tom Baker, David tenant, and a tiny bit of Christopher Eccleston the most, maybe a bit of Patrick Troughton too. So he'd be the jokey humorous kind of Doctor.
    • Garry Oldman: My family actually thought of the idea the night Capaldi was named twelfth doctor. He's obviously too famous for the role and probably wouldn't really consider it, but it'd be nice if he did. He'd play a dark and weird doctor. I just like the idea!
    • Joseph Morgan: I think he'd play a youthful cool doctor. Would really be his own doctor, unlike Tennant and Smith whom although I like them both, I feel based themselves particularly on a past doctor (Tennant on T. Baker, and Smith on Troughton).
    • Maybe Den Daniels?: You know, the first guy people thought would be the twelfth doctor. I've not seen him in anything nor know much about him, but I think he has the look of the doctor. (which is why I only put a maybe)
  18. C.E. Evans

    C.E. Evans Admiral Admiral

    Nov 22, 2001
    Ferguson, Missouri, USA
    The thing is, Capaldi is being heavily promoted by the BBC as the TWELFTH Doctor, not the Thirteenth. Moffat may run Doctor Who, but he does not own it.
    So what will you do when it still ends up being Eccleston=9, Tennant=10, Smith=11, and Capaldi=12?
  19. Captain Crow

    Captain Crow Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Satellite in Earth orbit
    You didn't pay attention to the end of "The Name of the Doctor" did you?

    He quite clearly stats Hurt IS him but doesn't acknowledge him as "Doctor" due to what he did. Moffat has more or less made a way for them to still be called Doctors 9, 10, 11, and 12 even thought they're lives 10, 11, 12, and 13.
  20. Chrono85

    Chrono85 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 17, 2013
    Hurt's 'Doctor' may not officially carry that moniker, but if he came about from a regeneration, then surely that would still count toward The Doctor's limit. If it did count, then that would make Cabaldi the 13th incarnation. That being said, I'm still rooting for Peter Dinklage :).