THE WOLVERINE - Reviews and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Dream, Jul 22, 2013.


Rate The Wolverine

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  5. Poor

  1. tighr

    tighr Commodore Commodore

    Sep 5, 2011
    I watched the Extended edition, and wow! That's the Wolverine movie we've been wanting to see all these years.

    I didn't see the theatrical cut in the theater, so I don't know what specifically was added or different, but I do know there is definitely some stuff that would not have made it into a pg13 cut of the film.
  2. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Like multiple F-bombs. The MPAA only allows one F-bomb if you want to keep your PG-13 rating.

    "There is for example additional interaction between Wolverine and the young Shingen Yashida after the bombing of Nagasaki"

  3. tighr

    tighr Commodore Commodore

    Sep 5, 2011
    I honestly could care less about the inclusion/exclusion of f-bombs for the Wolverine character (the only time the exclusion of f-bombs pissed me off was the Die Hard 4 PG-13 version, and that's only because McClane's catchphrase has an f-bomb in it).

    What has always gotten me about the character of Wolverine is that he is literally a dude with claws, and he is literally a dude who uses his claws to maim/kill people. That works fine for comic books, but in live-action, you have to actually show that happening. Up until now, we've never seen him use his claws for the purpose of killing someone. Even in the first X-Men movie, we don't really see him stabbing Rogue.

    So I think the unrated extended edition was a good choice.
  4. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    We actually did see Wolverine use his claws to kill several of Stryker's men in X2, most notably when he actually pinned one of the guys to a fridge with them. But we never actually saw any blood or anything, it was pretty sanitized.
  5. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Just the blood that was on his claws in the flashback.
  6. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
  7. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
  8. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Maybe they'll kill Wolverine in this one, and introduce a new actor in a few years?
  9. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    I wonder if the new film will be set in the time gap between the ending of The Wolverine proper and the mid-credit scene leading into DOFP.
  10. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    I still think DoFP has to do well to get Apocalypse fully green lit.
    Then likewise Apocalypse has to do well to then contract Hugh for a Wolverine 3. If it all does happen what are we looking at?
    Wolverine 3 for 2017/18? That's nearly two decades of Hugh playing amazing feat if it actually happens.
  11. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    So that means Jackman will be in Apocalypse also? Not that that would be even slightly surprising, obviously, but I haven't heard it confirmed elsewhere yet.

    ... I enjoyed this movie fine in the theater, but recently rewatched the first half and just couldn't be bothered to finish it. A poster on another board I frequent had this to say:
    I wish that they made Mariko and Viper into one character. The film is, at its core, a film noir, and they could've played with the light/dark feminine tropes between her and Yukio.
    I thought this was a great idea, as the Wolvie/Mariko dalliance, especially the second time around, was seriously weak sauce. Everything just feels so undercooked: why isn't Wolvie interested in getting old normally and eventually passing away, especially given his depression? And why does he leave Mariko at the end; just where is he going, and why? And I fear the real answers are: the love story is so bland because the filmmakers wanted to reference the comic arc but couldn't, for various continuity reasons, make a proper adaptation of it, and Wolvie leaves behind a shot at romantic bliss with Mariko so DOFP doesn't have to waste any time in dragging him out of retirement again. In other words: even though this movie was supposed to atone for the failures of Origins, its storytelling choices still weren't its own.
    (Over at Half in the Bag, Mike explains why he actually enjoys the craptastic Origins more than the more proficient but less zany The Wolverine:
    Jay: "This movie wasn't really about the plot."
    Mike: "No, but it wasn't about anything else, either.")

    ... And though I dig Jackman and his Wolvie as much as anyone, I'm really starting to question whether he's interesting enough for a solo movie. The suppressed healing factor in this one was a good touch, but now that it's gone again... Not to mention we'll be seeing lots more of him in DOFP and probably Apocalypse also. So are we really interested in what happened in that two-year The Wolverine credits gap? Or will we be catching up with him in the late 80s again?
  12. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    As horrible as some aspects of Wolverine 1 was, at least it was entertaining. I found myself bored for a lot of Wolverine 2. And I'm a fan of the original Miller/Claramont mini.
  13. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    I didn't get that impression from the link.

    According to who? The same people who said it was going to "ignore" Origins?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  14. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    Why else would Mangold say he intended to start shooting after Apocalypse?
  15. Out Of My Vulcan Mind

    Out Of My Vulcan Mind Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Wherever you go, there you are.
    Because Fox would naturally want to space out their X-Men releases.
  16. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Mangold needs the extra time to atone for his failure.
  17. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    Good point - filming on DOFP, after all, started after The Wolverine was released.

    Oh, wait. No, it didn't.

    Apocalypse is slated for '16. If Jackman is available, why not aim for '17?
  18. Out Of My Vulcan Mind

    Out Of My Vulcan Mind Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Wherever you go, there you are.
    They didn't have to wait until The Wolverine was actually released to start production on DOFP to stagger the releases. That's not how production schedules line up for big summer releases. They did, however, start filming DOFP after production on The Wolverine was completed and it was in post-production. The Wolverine was shot in 2012 for a 2013 release. DOFP was shot in 2013 for release in 2014.

    They may do exactly that, which would entail shooting the third Wolverine film after X-Men: Apocalypse, with Apocalypse shooting in 2015 for a 2016 release and the third Wolverine shooting in 2016 for a 2017 release. When Mangold says the current plan is to shoot the next Wolverine film after Apocalypse he's just as likely, if not more so, to mean after Apocalypse in the production schedule than after its release into theaters.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  19. Out Of My Vulcan Mind

    Out Of My Vulcan Mind Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Wherever you go, there you are.
    And there we go: Fox is indeed aiming to release the next Wolverine film in 2017. They've set the 3rd March 2017 as the release date. They've also set the 14th July 2017 as the release date for Fantastic Four 2 and the 13th July 2018 as the release date for an untitled Marvel film. That's all no doubt subject to change, but that's the plan for now.
  20. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    How depressing.