Help Needed For a Student Project

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by osirsinoche, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. osirsinoche

    osirsinoche Cadet Newbie

    Jan 29, 2009
    Hello fellow Treckies.
    I am currently working on a play for my ESL class. I'm looking for resources on already written plays or skits concerning STTNG TOS Voyager or Enterprise. Any information or collaboration would be GREATLY appreciated.
  2. osirsinoche

    osirsinoche Cadet Newbie

    Jan 29, 2009
  3. Misfit Toy

    Misfit Toy Caped Trek Mod Admiral

    Feb 11, 2002
    Transporter buffer
    I think you may get a better response in our Fan Fiction forum. I'll beam you over...
  4. hellsgate

    hellsgate Commodore

    Jan 10, 2002
    Surrey (Vancouver) B.C. Canada
  5. Nerys Ghemor

    Nerys Ghemor Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2008
    Cardăsa Terăm--Nerys Ghemor
    Hold on...I think we need to know what exactly this is being used for. Is this a project to talk about examples of fan fiction? Or are you planning to perform these? If so, I do not think it would be respectful to do without permission from the authors and VERY clear credit given to those who did the original writing.