Star Trek etymology

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Xand, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Xand

    Xand Ensign Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
    Startrek etymology:
    Ocampa Lat. oc, ob -toward, against + campus -field
    Annorax Lat. annum -year + rex -king
    Dukat Lat. ducere, ducatus -to lead (leader)
    Hirogen hero + generare -to born, generate
    Masaka from word mask
    Kazon Gr. kakos -bad + zone
    Borg Gr. kybernetes -helmsman + ergon, -org -work, cyborg
    Korgano Lat. cor -heart + Gr. ganos -joy
    Cardassia Gr. kardia -heart + Lat. as, assis -copper coin (heart made of copper because were cruel)
    Ferengi Lat. fero, ferre -to bear, to carry + angor, anxiety
    Krenim Gr. chronos -time
    Orpax or -gold (French) + Lat. pax -peace
    Tricorder Lat. tri -three + cor, cordis -heart (three times thinker for computer com -together, with + putare -to think
    Hologram Gr. holos -whole, complete + gramma -letter, writing
    Android Gr. aner, andros -man + eidos, -oid -form, shape
    Duras Lat. durus -hard
    Ponfar Lat. ponere -to put + fari -to speak
    Sto-vo-kor Lat. sto -I stand + vocare -to call + cor, cordis -heart
    Ulani Belor Lat. ullus -any + an -of, related to + bellum -war
    Benil Lat. bene -well + il -of, related to
    Dolak Lat. dolor -pain + ac -of, related to
    Korinas Lat. cor, cordis -heart + in -of, related to
    Lonar Lat. luna -moon
    Krim grim
    Ocett Lat. oculus -eye + ett -little, small
    Pirak Gr. pyr -fire + ac -of, related to
    Preloc Lat. prae, pre -before + loqui, locutus -speak
    Prenar Lat. prae, pre -before + nare -to swim
    Ranor Lat. rana -frog
    Rekelen Lat. re, red -back, again + celare -to hide + en -of, related to
    Revok Lat. re, red -back, again + vocare -to call
    Rugal Lat. ruga -wrinkle + al -of, related to
    Seska Lat. sedere, sessus -to sit, settle + ka -of, related to (Slavic, Sanskrit)
    Spumco Lat. spuma -foam
    Surjak Hindi suraj -sun + ac -of, related to
    Telak Gr. tele -far + ac -of, related to
    Suliban Lat. sulum, suli -each thing, everything + bane
    Talaxians Lat. talis -such, so great + ax -having ability, ing suffix
    Vorta Lat. vorare, voratus -to swallow, devour
    Vidiians Lat. videre -to see, look at, vidi -I have seen
    Delvok Lat. delere, deletus -delete, destroy + vocare -to call
    Taurik Gr. taurus -bull + ic -of, related to
    Tuvok Lat. tu -you + vocare -to call
    Weyoun way + Lat. unus, una -one
    Mala Lat. malus, mala -evil, bad
    Motura Lat. movere, motus -to move + ur -of, related
    Suran Fr. sur, super -above + an -of, related to
    Vrax Lat. uro, urere, ustus -burn + ax -ing suffix
    Xerius Gr. xeros -dry
    Orum Lat. os, oris -mouth
    Neral It. nero -black + al -of, related to
    Nevala Lat. ne -not + valere -to be strong
    Jas Holza Ger. holz -wood
    Surmak Fr. sur, super -above + make
    Bajor bajar -to go down, to descend (Spanish) (because was conquered)
    Empok Nor em -in, empower + notorious
    Terok Nor terror + notorious
    Neelix Lat. ne -not + lex, legis -law or lux, lucis -light, not bright
    Culluh cull -collect, separate
    Vor'cha Lat. vorare -to devour + chance

    For those interested in etymology I made various games etymologies on Crestfallen, the Way forum:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
  2. DS9Continuing

    DS9Continuing Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 29, 2001
    Some interesting thoughts. I'm not entirely sure all of them fit, but they're interesting to ponder nevertheless.

    I have to say we already knew where Borg came from - that one was pretty obvious ever since "Q Who."

    Ferengi is already acknowledged as being based on the Arabic word faranji, meaning 'foreigner.' Maybe that word comes from your etymology, but it's not where the ST writers got it from.

    But still, interesting work.

  3. Xand

    Xand Ensign Newbie

    Aug 15, 2013
    Bath leth (blood) bath + to let go
    Spock Lat. specere, spectus -observe, watch, look at + ock -of, related to (he was logical and observant character)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2013