7x09 Hide - rating and discussion thread

Discussion in 'Doctor Who' started by Lonemagpie, Apr 20, 2013.


Rate episode 7x09 Hide

  1. Ghost hunts are cool!

  2. Somewhat spirited

  3. A night like any other

  4. Best left hidden

  5. If not for those meddling kids...

  1. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    I wanted Clara to be a human from the future. Failing that the governess would have been jolly fun. Right now I'm hoping she's in a timey wimey coma and 4/5th of her personality has been repressed and soon she will awaken! And be future or past Clara!
  2. Orac Zen

    Orac Zen Mischief Manager Super Moderator

    Mar 14, 2000
    Land of drought and flooding rain
    Late to the party, but now that the board looks normal again and it doesn't hurt to read it...

    Another underwhelming episode. Clara continues to be unengaging (the "Ghostbusters" bit was cringeworthy) and as a Third Doctor fan the mispronunciation of "Metebelis" grated more than it ought to have. The tacked-on "power of wuv" ending was pretty annoying, too. It wasn't horrible but neither was it particularly good, IMO.

    I'm not getting into this part-season at all. Such is life, I suppose.
  3. MacLeod

    MacLeod Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Great Britain
    It's not uncommon for people to pronunce words differently.
  4. Pindar

    Pindar Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 20, 2001
    NCC - 1031
    Maybe, but given its the same character and it cost hima regeneration it's not unreasonable to expect the Doctor to pronounce it the same.
  5. MacLeod

    MacLeod Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Great Britain
    ^Whilst he is the same charcter he is a different person.
  6. sttngfan1701d

    sttngfan1701d Commodore Commodore

    Jul 4, 2003
    There were some missteps, but it embodied what I like in a DW episode. As usual they try to cram so much in 44 minutes that everything can't be fully developed but that's all I can really say negatively. I don't want to nitpick a fun episode.

    I'm falling head over heels for Clara too. I didn't think it was possible for her to be so darn cute. After the Ponds, she's just what the Doctor needs. She reminds me of Martha but with more spunk.
  7. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    I like 4x25min for classic Who and I think new Who would do well with 60min episodes.
  8. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Are you confusing this episode with something else? There was no "power of love" ending. It was just a love story.
  9. Orac Zen

    Orac Zen Mischief Manager Super Moderator

    Mar 14, 2000
    Land of drought and flooding rain
    No, I'm not "confusing the episode with something else". I know what I saw.

    This is pretty much my take on it, too. He's not that different a person - he's the Doctor, he had those experiences, and it's not unreasonable that he'd pronounce the word the same way.

    My point remains: It annoyed me more than it should have. Bad Pertwee fangirl. :D
  10. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    Ok then you are wrong: it was not a "power of love" ending (although there have been quite a lot of these in the series). This was just a love story.
  11. Orac Zen

    Orac Zen Mischief Manager Super Moderator

    Mar 14, 2000
    Land of drought and flooding rain

    You're good at making these absolute, unequivocal declarations. Last week it was the absolute, declarative statement that "no one cares" about Susan's fate; now this. Hilarious. :lol:

    Agree to disagree and all that. Anything else is pointless.
  12. Gov Kodos

    Gov Kodos Admiral Admiral

    Mar 23, 2004
    Gov Kodos on Mohammed's Radio, WZVN Boston
    Perhaps this is the right pronunciation and the third Doctor got it wrong? Or the Tardis translates to the current time frame's pronunciation of the word?
  13. Pindar

    Pindar Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 20, 2001
    NCC - 1031
    Yes, he is certainly a different personality but it still pretty nippy he said it wrong.
  14. JoeZhang

    JoeZhang Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2008
    But does the Doctor come from Gallifrey or Gallifree?
  15. The Mirrorball Man

    The Mirrorball Man Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 18, 1999
    I'm glad it makes you laugh. It's not a declaration, though, it's an observation: a "power of love" ending is a situation where a problem is instantly solved through the magical properties of love. It's a deus ex machina device where feelings are used as a pseudo-justification for a quick and underserved resolution.

    That's not what happened here at all: two creatures were in love, and they were reunited. Love was their problem, and it was not used as a solution at all.

    So no, I don't agree to disagree. If you think I'm wrong and you want to talk about it though, I'm here.
  16. Sindatur

    Sindatur The Gray Owl Wizard Admiral

    Jan 2, 2011
    Sacramento, CA
    But, has the Doctor ever pronounced it "Free"? I thought that was only Drax, and I believe he only said it the once, to rhyme it with "remember Me", didn't he?
  17. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    ^ I seem to remember Tom Baker pronouncing it "free" once or twice. I could be wrong though, been a long time.
  18. Stoo

    Stoo Commodore Commodore

    Feb 27, 2013
    Live free or don't
    It's hard to relate to old-who fan complaints. But if say, a new trek show mispronounced a planet name from TNG I can't imagine being that bothered.

    Also love featured heavily but no it wasn't power of love, the story trope here was the compassionate Travelling Wizard helping out two lost lovers.
  19. Starkers

    Starkers Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    Behind Enemy Lines
    Hey, as a man once said; "New mouth, new rules!"
  20. Slugboy

    Slugboy Commodore Commodore

    Oct 4, 2004
    Dominion space
    Out of curiosity, for those of us who have never seen/heard Planet of the Spiders, could you (or someone else in the know) tell us what the original pronunciation of "Metebelis" is? Is it closer to "met-uh-BEE-lis" or something else entirely?