Get Well Soon, Leonard

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by Anji, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Anji

    Anji Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 7, 2003
    Assisting in the birth of baby Horta on Janus VI
    I would just like to send a Best Wishes ShoutOut to Leonard Nimoy who we all know is recovering from abdominal surgery.

    I'd just like to let you know we're all thinking of you and sending you good and postive thoughts so you feel better soon. I had surgery a while back where they made a large incision in my abdomen in order to remove a tumor. If I could pass along a little advice: Move veeeeery slowly when you get up from a chair or the bed...those staples hurt like hell everytime you move. And try not to scratch them doesn't make the itching go away, it just seems like they dig deeper into your tummy. I used to grab onto a stuffed animal and squeeze it really tight in order to get rid of the urge to scratch. My staples came out in 10 days and when they take them out I guarantee you'll feel such relief!!!
    And wow are you gonna feel better without whatever was in your stomach making you feel uncomfortable. I couldn't believe how much better I felt with the tumor gone. The 10-14 days of uneasiness will be worth it.

    Anyway, post if you have a chance. We're a pretty entertaining bunch here and I think we could come up with some jokes or crazy stories to tell you to make your recooperating time pass a little quicker.

    We love you and can't wait to hear that you're back on your feet.

    All the best,
  2. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Live long and prosper, Leonard. :techman:
  3. JiNX-01

    JiNX-01 Admiral Admiral

    Dec 29, 2002
    He'd be more likely to see your good wishes if you post it on Twitter. He goes by TheRealNimoy.
  4. Clare

    Clare Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jul 18, 2010
    Birmingham, England
    awwww get well soon leonard we love u!!!
  5. Gary7

    Gary7 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 28, 2007
    ★•* The Paper Men *•★
    How many followers does he have? I'm not on Twitter... if it's in the thousands, I can imagine how swamped his feed must be even if each message is limited to 140 characters.

    Well, I know he won't see this, but I'm wishing and hoping he has a very quick and thorough recovery. May you Live Long and Prosper, Leonard! :mallory: