Welcome Fellow Trekkies! The GTD Get to Know You thread

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by Alidar Jarok, Jan 21, 2010.


How excited are you that I'm here?

  1. W00t!! Let's get this party started!

    394 vote(s)
  2. I'm ok with it, I'll live.

    117 vote(s)
  3. Meh.

    27 vote(s)
  4. BOO!! GO AWAY!!!

    14 vote(s)
  1. Chensams

    Chensams Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL
    Welcome, Cal
  2. The Four Doctor

    The Four Doctor Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 29, 2012
    Simpson Park, Mitcham, Melbourne, Australia
    thanks Captain.
  3. kirsten187

    kirsten187 Napoleonic Power Monger Admiral

    Nov 6, 2010
    Hello new members, hope you like it here :)
  4. MakeshiftPython

    MakeshiftPython Commodore Commodore

    Oct 10, 2013
    Baja?! I haven't got anything in Baja!
    Probably should have done this earlier, but I'm still relatively new.

    Been a Trek fan for 20 years now. I got into it mainly because I had just seen the Star Wars movies on USA Network for the first time and wanted to see more space adventures. The same network was airing THE MOTION PICTURE, so that was my first slice of Trek. After that, I got into the rest of the films, enjoyed them enough that my folks got all the six films on VHS for me. Funny thing is that I was completely unaware that there was a TV show with more adventures with Kirk and did not see an episode until August of 1994. It was "The Enterprise Incident", I remember that because the VCR had to be timed for past midnight and there was no other way of seeing the show on TV. It was pretty strange seeing the same crew, yet much younger and in a lower budget, but still fun.

    Over the years since then, I didn't watch every episode of Trek religiously. I'd go see the TNG movies in theaters, even though I didn't see much of TNG until TNN started airing reruns in 2001. Same thing with DS9 once that aired in reruns in 2005, and then VOY in 2007. I did try to watch ENT when that started, but I didn't commit so I dropped out 8 episodes in. I wouldn't get to finally watch every single episode of every show until 2009 as I rented on Netflix. I'm glad I did, even if I thought VOY was mostly a waste.

    Because of that experience, I always encourage anyone who wants to try out a franchise to watch everything if they can, rather than just ask others opinions on which bits to see. When I'm asked which Bond films to see, I'd tell them my favorites but ultimately encourage people to see them all to form their own opinions, because they might find something enjoyable in a movie I might not have cared for. Same with Trek. I don't care for VOY, but it does have its fans so I don't discourage anyone.
  5. SpaceLover65

    SpaceLover65 Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Oct 11, 2013
  6. Phanton

    Phanton Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Oct 17, 2013
    A trekkie since birth I think I've watched all the movies and all television series at least twice, I own the entire collection.

    Anyway, I create music for fun in my spare time and considering I'm *such* a trekkie I thought making a TOS tune with video just.felt.right.


    Glad to be here and looking forward to another movie.

  7. CaptainBearclaw

    CaptainBearclaw Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 17, 2013
    not valid
    Hello Cal. Nothing but interesting talk around here. Especially Behind-The-Scenes and character related.
  8. 2takesfrakes

    2takesfrakes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 13, 2013
    California, USA
    Hi. My name is 2takesfrakes and ...
    I love STAR TREK: The Next Generation.
  9. cal_nevari

    cal_nevari Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 2, 2013
    Thanks for all the welcomes! It's taken me a while find my way back to this thread can I say I was stuck in a transport buffer or is that too predictable an excuse?
  10. cal_nevari

    cal_nevari Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 2, 2013
    Welcome 2takesfrakes.

    I feel like I should know what "2takesfrakes" might refer to - but I could only guess it's either his ability to nail his acting scenes in 2 takes or that when he's directing he sets the upper limit on takes or shots as "2"?
  11. cal_nevari

    cal_nevari Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 2, 2013

    Then I will look for those topics and check them out, thanks, Captain Bearclaw.
  12. Arpadiam

    Arpadiam Cadet Newbie

    Oct 24, 2013
    Hello there, new face around here

    and to start with the skinship this is my ranking of star trek captains

    1. Jonathan Archer
    2. kathryn janeway
    3. Jean luc piccard
    4. Benjamin Sisco
    5. James Tadeus Kirk

    anyone who dont praise my ranking or argue with that gona be vaporized by my baron T phaser

    well, see you in 10-Forward!
  13. Captain Shade

    Captain Shade Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 22, 2013
    Spokane, WA
    Welcome to the team, Arpadiam.

    James Tiberius Kirk (Prime)
    Jonathan Archer (Not a fan of the series, but I liked the Captain)
    Jean Luc Picard
    James Tiberius Kirk (Abrams)
    Beverly Crusher (Alternate Future)
    Katheryn Janeway
    Benjamin Sisco[​IMG]

    GENERAL_DS Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Oct 27, 2013
    Still not sure......
    I am Daniël, a 17 year old boy from the netherlands ;) I go the a university of applied sciences (hanzehogeschool groningen) i started watching star trek in summer 2012, watching it ever since. I got the idea to watch star trek because of the Voyager reruns in my childhood, i still had some vague memories of them and i always had a thing for sci-fi. Now more then a year later i've watched VOY, TNG, DS9 and i am now busy with Enterprise. I already watched all the movies and i saw STID in the cinema :D I have also started on the novel series The fall, but its a little expensive for me.

    btw, Janeway ftw!
  15. Captain Shade

    Captain Shade Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 22, 2013
    Spokane, WA
    Welcome to the forums, General Daniël S. Always happy to see the next generation pick up the torch of fandom.[​IMG]
  16. kirsten187

    kirsten187 Napoleonic Power Monger Admiral

    Nov 6, 2010
    Hello new members, hope you're settling in :)
  17. Zelenyj

    Zelenyj Ensign Red Shirt

    Oct 26, 2013
    Hello everyone. I'm here for a week, already have some posts, and I liked your community very much, so I decided to post here.
    As some of you could notice from my posts, I'm from Яussia (I bet you didn't have Russians on board before :D).
    *Note: My knowledge of English is not bad. Still, there are possible punctual/syntactic mistakes, wrong prepositions, or using wrong words, which I apologise for.

    I'm a student in a Moscow Aviation Institute, on a second (of five) year of study, with a future speciality of 'spacecraft designing, producing and operation'. Although it is not necessarily means I will be the real space engineer, but I sincerely hope that I will be working on 'operation' part when I finish studiyng, which is quiet possible - many of Soviet/Russian cosmonauts graduated from our university.
    A little offtop: I was surprised to know that in Starfleet Academy dormitories they use hinged doors instead of typical futuristic sliding doors, LOL (TNG S05E19 if you are interested). I've noticed that because I live in dormitories myself.

    I must note that I started to be interested in Star Trek after I enrolled to university, so I can't say that 'Star Trek defined my destiny' or something like that. What I knew about Trek before actually meeting with a franchise, was 'greeting of Spock' and the design of Federation starships, which most of the people heard about. At the first time, I watched 2009 movie on TV and, frankly, it didn't impress me very much. Two years ago, a new friend of mine persuaded me to watch TOS and guess what happened next :)
    I'm currently on Season 6 of TNG and keep going.

    Also, someone was interested in the nature of my nickname. No, it's not my real name/surname, it is the character name from Soviet sci-fi animation movie (I expected to use him as my avatar but found that I cannot upload an avatar until 50 posts or something).
  18. 1001001

    1001001 Serial Canon Violator Moderator

    Nov 3, 2001
    Undisclosed Fortified Compound


    I'm sure we've had a few.

    Now, say "Nuclear Wessels"!!!


  19. Zelenyj

    Zelenyj Ensign Red Shirt

    Oct 26, 2013
    1001001, I already did, check out "Science and Technology" threads :)
  20. kirsten187

    kirsten187 Napoleonic Power Monger Admiral

    Nov 6, 2010
    Hello, hope you enjoy the boards :)