Game Star Trek A to Z

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by GemHaters, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Ariel Shaw. Starfleet lawyer and Kirk-babe.
    B is for Bellatrix.
    C is for Cytherians. Big floating heads. Or are they?
    D is for Dar. Caithlin Dar. Romulan representative to Nimbus III in the year 2287 and a possible Romulan-human hybrid.
    E is for Empathic Metamorph.
    F is for Ferengi lobes. Big. Very sensitive to touch. Used for things better left unsaid.
    G is for Garak. Best tailor/spy/BS-artist you could ever hope to find.
    H is for Heliopolis City on planet Alpha Eridani II, location in 2156 of serial killings of women that remained unsolved until 2267.
    I is for Inertial dampers.
    J is for Jenolen. It spent 75 years crashed onto the surface of a gigantic Dyson Sphere with the famed Captain Montgomery Scott suspended in the vessel's jerry-rigged transporter buffer.
    K is for Klingon bastards.
    L is for linguist. Uhura was a extremely good one. Spock would almost say a "cunning" one. Both logical and fascinating.
    M is for Meribor of the planet Kataan.
    N is for Naughty aliens.
    O is for Oberth-class science starships, in common use during both the 23rd and 24th centuries of the Prime timeline.
    P is for Palomas. The lovely Lt. Palomas. Wearer of the most memorable dress in Star Trek history. What there was of it.
    Q is for Quadrotriticale, the only Earth grain that would grow on Sherman's Planet.
    R is for the Riker Manuever. Not quite as elegant as the Picard Manuever.
    S is for Star Maps. No Federation starship was complete without a database full of them.
    T is for T'Pol's derriere.
    U is for Upsilon Andromedae, location of a major battle of the Earth-Romulan War of the mid-22nd century.
    V is for Vulcan which Spock is half of. His other half is human.
    W is for Womulus. Homeworld of the Womulan Empire.
    X is for Xon. What happened to him justified McCoy's fear of transporters.
    Y is for Yonada the asteroid looking ship/planet.
    Z is for Zorn, the Groppler and civic leader of the Bandi people of planet Deneb IV in the year 2364.
  2. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
  3. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
  4. Captain Rob

    Captain Rob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 9, 2010
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
  5. CmndrSela318

    CmndrSela318 Trek BBS Commander Number 318. Red Shirt

    Sep 13, 2009
    Florence, Alabama
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
  6. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
  7. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
  8. Captain Rob

    Captain Rob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 9, 2010
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
  9. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
  10. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
  11. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
  12. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
  13. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  14. CmndrSela318

    CmndrSela318 Trek BBS Commander Number 318. Red Shirt

    Sep 13, 2009
    Florence, Alabama
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
  15. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
  16. CmndrSela318

    CmndrSela318 Trek BBS Commander Number 318. Red Shirt

    Sep 13, 2009
    Florence, Alabama
    Cooleddie74, I would've went with Nimbus III. But, hey, that's just me.

    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
    O is for Odo the shapeshifting chief of security at DS9.
  17. Captain Rob

    Captain Rob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 9, 2010
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
    O is for Odo the shapeshifting chief of security at DS9.
    P is for Plasma. What the big glowy things and bits on starships supposedly contain.
  18. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
    O is for Odo the shapeshifting chief of security at DS9.
    P is for Plasma. What the big glowy things and bits on starships supposedly contain.
    Q is for Quantum torpedoes.
  19. CmndrSela318

    CmndrSela318 Trek BBS Commander Number 318. Red Shirt

    Sep 13, 2009
    Florence, Alabama
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
    O is for Odo the shapeshifting chief of security at DS9.
    P is for Plasma. What the big glowy things and bits on starships supposedly contain.
    Q is for Quantum torpedoes.
    R is for Riker. The first officer on Enterprises 1701-D and 1701-E.
  20. Orac

    Orac Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 22, 2007
    The TARDIS
    A is for Animal things that killed Wesley. (he got better)
    B is for Beaten up. It happened to Jonathan Archer. Frequently.
    C is for Carol Marcus. Or is it Wallace. Doesn't mind stripping down in front of unfamiliar male officers.
    D is for David Marcus. Carol Marcus's son with Kirk who was killed in The Search For Spock.
    E is for Eugenics Wars.
    F is for Federation Funny Farm.
    G is for the Gorn. According to Dr McCoy. Gorn babies bite.
    H is for Hair. Tellarites had it. Too much of it.
    I is for Iconians. Demons of air and darkness.
    J is for Jefferies Tubes.
    K is for Klingon pants.
    L is for Lantree, another doomed Federation starship that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    M is for Melora. The Elaysian Dr. Bashir fell for when she came to DS9.
    N is for the Nelvana star system.
    O is for Odo the shapeshifting chief of security at DS9.
    P is for Plasma. What the big glowy things and bits on starships supposedly contain.
    Q is for Quantum torpedoes.
    R is for Riker. The first officer on Enterprises 1701-D and 1701-E.
    S is for Spock's Brain.