Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x07 - "Erigah"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by Commander Richard, May 8, 2024.


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  1. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards

    Never mind the long history of bigoted characters in Star Trek, but this strikes me as...well, odd.
    nightwind1 and antinoos like this.
  2. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Kellerun was attacked and occupied by the Breen and also used as a base of operations. I'd say Rayner earned his strong feelings about the Breen.

    Hell, Kira on DS9 was far more antagonistic towards the Cardassians but she was one of the main lead characters and held up as a female role model in the franchise. And rightfully so.
    Commander Troi, JRob94 and ananta like this.
  3. ananta

    ananta Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 13, 2020
    I found this one tense and engaging. I’m enjoying the use of the Breen—they finally feel like the threat they were painted to be in DS9 but never came across as. Loving the fact the DS9 universe has been so acknowledged this season, which helps make up for the general lack of love it’s received in NuTrek.

    Nahn! Reno! Welcome appearances. I suppose there were plot holes…but it’s Star Trek huh. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  4. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    Really enjoyed this one, a HUGE step up from last episode.

    Living in the UK, I cannot take the Breen higher-ups being called Primark seriously...
  5. ananta

    ananta Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 13, 2020
    Also from the UK and also had the same thought :guffaw:
    JRob94 and May 20 like this.
  6. Elaise

    Elaise Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Mar 22, 2015
    Well that was an episode.
    One thing I am tired of is how incompetent the federation is. It bothered be a lot in the 3rd season because it felt like the federation had massive stagnation from TNG/DS/Voy era. that feeling mostly went away during the 4th season, but its rearing back in my mind this season, especially this episode. the federation inability to figure out the spore tech made them look even worse.
    One issue with having burnham in every major scene makes the federation feel small and seem like there is only 3 to 4 people in the entire federation that are the movers. Its like the federation can't do anything without Burnham around to help move it along.
    The reason for discovery not jumping away seemed dumb as hell, do the Breen even know about the sport drive. Burnham explained it to them even though earlier in the ep the president standin or vance said they would track it, though I didn't think there was a limit to the range of the spore drive. it should take the breen forever to catch up to discovery before while they figured out the clues.
    The reason they gave to keep Moll with l'ak was really stupid. Sedate him or use a video feed but no professional outfit would have allowed this. Hell you could of at least put her in some cuffs, especially when you take down the shield.
    The scanning and transporting tech have been pretty pathetic, every little thing gets in the way of it.
    Not sure why they have such an issue with Rayner when its been Burnham that has screwed up the most this season. They wouldn't be in the mess they are in if not for her.

    Why is starfleet's military strength so pathetic, they have had 2 years with their fast building tech built up, and yet they are so weak. They have programmable matter and none attached nacelles, so why can't they materialise or instantly built photon launchers and phaser strips for defence. another thing that has bothered me sense season 3 was they couldn't just materialise phaser turrets when being boarded or holding prisoners, the cardassians did it during DS9 in their replicators.

    So when they knew the breen were coming why didn't they just go to warp, the starbase can travel. Why did they have to wait for their forces at that spot. Why are they no longer using their cloak to hide themselves. L'ak being able to do that was silly, you can't even do that today with our limited tech.

    That ending left me dumbfounded, why. The federation is so weak that they are hoping they can be fast enough. Given the fact that Moll and L'ak were doing a decent job of keeping up with disco with limited resources, now she has a faction of the breen resources to use.

    This episode has so much eye rolling moments, probably one of the worst episode of the season. Though not because the premise was bad, but how the it was handled. The premise was really good, but they ruined it.
    Fateor likes this.
  7. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    But they do seem to have genetic blood lineage of sorts.

    The UT (Universal Translator) probably used Human Language Colloquialisms.
    Remember, the President of Niivar had better natural translating ability than the UT that the Breen / StarFleet used.
    So some things might get lost in translation.

    That makes the most sense if you're going on a "Suicide Mission" or have specific cultural policies of not leaving a body behind after combat.
    Commander Troi likes this.
  8. SG-17

    SG-17 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 28, 2008
    Is this the first time mentioning that the spore drive can be tracked?
    JRob94 and Search4 like this.
  9. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
  10. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    I'm sure characters stabbed by lightsabers in modern Star Wars would have issues with that.
  11. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    He didn't even know it after scanning Darvin just a few years prior, !!!!! :lol:
  12. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Starfleet med school must operate on the DLC model used by modern day video games. :lol:
    JRob94 and F. King Daniel like this.
  13. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    It makes sense that StarFleet is able to track it.
    But would the Breen even know about it, would they know how to track it?

    That drive tech should be pretty "Top Secret". Most of the other powers shouldn't know about it's existence unless there were spy's & continuous observation by the Breen on StarFleet's constant movements.

    Then if that's the case, they might notice a StarShip appearing out of no-where and get very suspicious.

    The LightSaber's Plasma would've cauterized the wound, ergo prevent it from bleeding further.
  14. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Fan theory: the Breen have conquered the Klingons, and the Klingons have archival records of the spore drive. The Breen didn't bother with it until they detected Discovery's signature and reviewed through the archives.
  15. IMC Headquarters

    IMC Headquarters Screencaptioning Addict Premium Member

    May 26, 2018
    The Breen should have accepted Vance's offer of forty-odd thousand metric tons of dilithium. That's a heluva lot of power!!!
  16. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    But the Klingons were never able to track the Spore Jumps, they just know it existed.

    They probably have their own supply, so it doesn't matter, and if they wanted more, they'll fight & conquer for it.
  17. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Yes, but having the sensor data to know what to look for would give them a place to start.
  18. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
  19. Agony_Boothb

    Agony_Boothb Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 3, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Pretty sure Osyraa was tracking the jump signature, which is how she found Discovery at the Verubin Nebula
  20. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    This one didn't resonate with me. I was bored at points. Gave it a 6. Just too much standing around and talking.

    Interesting that they're amping the Breen up now as the big bad. I suppose they could carry over to the the Academy series.

    It's hard to take Moll seriously. She's portrayed as a petulant teenager.

    Lak came across as very likeable in this one.

    Not really a lot to say about this one though. They figured out where to find the next clue. The Breen are still a threat.

    Meh. Kind of spun its wheels.
    NCC-73515 and Elaise like this.