Spoilers Star Trek Discovery - Starships and Technology Season Five Discussion

Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by Mark_Nguyen, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Mark_Nguyen

    Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 24, 2006
    Calgary, Alberta

    - Following on SNW's premiere, transporter tech can beam subcutaneous comms (presumably meaning a whole tricom, since we see them use both functions) DURING transport. But NOT following SNW, Burnham and Tilly gear up in the local threads before beaming down.

    - Answering my question of a few weeks ago, "retinal tricorders" CAN project a HUD-like interface directly onto the eyeball.

    - OTOH, there's no indication that whatever comms they have are able to beam anyone personally, furthering the notion that tricoms need to leverage the ship's transporter system. Or perhaps the "comms" they were implanted with were only for speaking and seeing, not beaming.

    - The Merian-class USS Locherer was mentioned here as being assigned to tail Moll and L'ak. She was seen but not referenced three episodes ago, yay continuity!

    CaptChris42 and Markonian like this.
  2. Ronald Held

    Ronald Held Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    On the USS Sovereign
    Good to see some more evidence, that tricom transporter function is only a control Device.
    Markonian likes this.
  3. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    Which makes the most "Logical Sense" once you think about it.

    Even in ST:Nemesis, the ETU (Emergency Transport Unit) that Data placed on Captain Picard only was able to beam him a distance ranging from (ten's to hundred's of meters to "Single-Digit Kilometers").

    Remember, the Transporters for the Enterprise-E were down after ramming the Scimitar.

    Who knows what state the Shuttle's Transporters were, even if they could access them.

    Assuming that you have a tiny ass Transporter System inside the pin, it's Transporter distance is fairly short, no where near what the full sized regular Transporter can do, and who knows what other limitations are part of the system.
    CaptChris42, Ronald Held and Praetor like this.
  4. tenmei

    tenmei Commodore Commodore

    Jul 10, 2004
    Manchester, UK
    Wouldn't it have been nice if the Locherer had been the Antares.
  5. Mark_Nguyen

    Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 24, 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    Yeah, but I also like the idea of a big Starfleet and especially in this era when there should probably not be enough ships to go around. The Antares was probably already back out in her assigned sector with a new CO, while the Locherer, possibly at HQ for a refit or something, was free to get assigned the gig.

    DEWLine, Markonian and Macintosh like this.
  6. Macintosh

    Macintosh Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 22, 2022
    Agreed. Star Trek has enough "small universe" syndrome as it is without limiting the number of guest ships.
  7. Lakenheath 72

    Lakenheath 72 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 28, 2014
    We see a Breen dreadnought. It is said to be the largest of the warship class.

    We hear the name of a Breen vessel, the Tau Ceti. It is not named after the system, but after a particular nasty venomous animal.

    Along with the Mitchell and the Locherer, who we see protecting FedHQ, we see four other Starfleet ships. I believe they are a Credence-type, a Constitution-class, a Dresselhaus-type, and another Merian-class. These four ships might have been named; however, the labels attached to the Starfleet logo were illegible.

    For some unfathomable reason, the ISS Enterprise is referred to on several occasions as the ISS. Did someone forget the name of the ship? (We do not see the ship in this episode.)

    Finally, we learn about a mobile library platform called the Eternal Gallery and Archive. It's last location places it in the Badlands.
  8. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    That Breen Dreadnought seemed HUGE.

    It dwarfed everything that StarFleet had.
  9. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    Bigger iz badder.
  10. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Probably to distinguish it from whatever Enterprise is currently in service.

    Exhibit A: the Galaxy Class.
    DEWLine likes this.
  11. Mark_Nguyen

    Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 24, 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    And Exhibit F, the Odyssey-class. More notes:

    - I don't know about scale in this episode, but at through S3 and a bit of S4 we did have numerous shots of Starfleet ships close to each other. Are there official lengths for all those ships? The smaller ones look WAY smaller than they used to for scale. And where's the spacedock? Moved off somewhere to refit the ISS, no bloody A, B, C, D, or "Enterprise"?

    - Did they move HQ? Was the big ominous cloud there before, or was it manifested just so the Breen ship could be seen halfway into it, to exaggerate how awfully huge it was?

    - We distinctly see a little metal whatsit on the user's right sleeve is the buffer or replicator or P-matter controller that produces hand weapons. So at least for THAT end of things, they don't have to be integrated into away team outfits and can be carried around with regular duty uniforms.

    - Still haven't figured out how to lock out weapons that aren't keyed to a user's ID or DNA or something, eh? Unless Moll had tech that could override them, they mention she could've been equipped with implants that would keep her hidden.

    - The Breen are xenophobic and genocidal, but still had no problems interacting with couriers for trade. I guess their beef is at the species level, not the individual.

    CaptChris42 likes this.
  12. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Individuals are easier to control.
    Ronald Held likes this.
  13. CaptChris42

    CaptChris42 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 11, 2023
    UK, Leicestershire
    Are not the Akira's launchers also a rotary model? Last I had checked.
    And as shown - on Star Trek: Prodigy, too?
  14. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    They were Rotary Single Shot launchers.
    So you rotated firing chambers, but you can still only fire one at a time.
    They had multiple rotating chambers, but even then, that limits the amount of torpedoes you can fire simultaneously, but you would have greater continuous firing speed.

    Which is different from what the Enterprise-D had, which is a single "Multi-Launcher" bay.

    The "Main Problem" with the Enterprise-D is that it completely depended on a Single Fore & Single Aft Multi-launcher Bay.

    Notice how most other ships use at least Dual Single Launch Torpedo Bays.

    If it was my choice, I'd have Multiple Multi-Launch Bays as a option with the Torpedo Capacity to back it up.
    CaptChris42 likes this.
  15. Lakenheath 72

    Lakenheath 72 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 28, 2014
    FederationHQ was in a new location.

    No one would ever do what Burnham would do, by calling a ship by its prefix. Context and shared knowledge would help a person to know which ship she is referring to. Interestingly, the only two occurrences of this happened in one scene - did they have a different writer work on this scene? The reason I bring it up is that the third time the Enterprise was mentioned, it was correctly referenced.
  16. Markonian

    Markonian Fleet Admiral Moderator

    Jun 2, 2012
    Derbyshire, UK
    That Breen ship is so large its inertial dampeners must be fighting geostatic equilibrium, i.e. the hull collapsing into a a sphere by its own gravity.
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    CaptChris42 likes this.
  17. B.J.

    B.J. Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 14, 2004
    Huntsville, AL
    When that Breen dreadnought warped away, all the Fed ships, including HQ, were "pushed" slightly, like they were caught in its wake. Woof.
  18. Janewaysson

    Janewaysson Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    May 11, 2023
    So does the Breen have just as much dilithium as the Federation? How were they able to get such a large ship there so quickly? Also, the Breen have always been aggressive I am surprised they haven't tried to conquer the Federation in these hundreds of years.
  19. evilchumlee

    evilchumlee Fleet Captain Captain

    Dec 27, 2023
    That threw me off too. I'm assuming there is an active USS Enterprise, so Burnham just saying "ISS" worked well enough that people understood, rather than having to say the full "ISS Enterprise".

    There definitely is something of a plot hole there. The Federation is in control of the primary source of dilithium. I'm sure the Breen have *SOME*. There is still dilithium out there, it's just in short supply. Although given the Federation collapsed, the Emerald Chain rose and the Breen appeared to still have a massive Empire... other powers may have had more resources to acquire dilithium.

    I get the feeling that Pre-Burn Federation was pretty damn powerful, so the Breen were likely kept at bay... it's also possible that they didn't rise to their current level of power until the Burn. Perhaps they had access to a stockpile of dilithium and were able to field more ships than others?
    Markonian and CaptChris42 like this.
  20. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    Well, a couple of things here:
    - There probably aren't that many Breen "Dreadnaughts" floating around out there. One per Primarch, at most, I would think. There may even be several "lesser" Primarch's who don't even have that, so there would likely not be that many to support.
    - Remember that dilithium isn't "fuel", per se, but rather a catalyst for the M/AM reaction (TOS's loosy-goosy usages for, and rules about, the substance notwithstanding). Yes, it depletes over time but also remember that Book's ship has its own on-board recrystallization device. That technology has clearly not been lost (and most likely highly advanced by this timeframe) and, once a reasonable stockpile of dilithium has been re-acquired post-burn, recrystallization from seed fragments can get cranked up again. At the very least, to buy them some time to develop a successor propulsion system architecture and jettison dilithium-actuated M/AM tech altogether.

    I have no doubt that, if the Breen can build huge-ass ships like that, crystal production and re-processing wouldn't even make them break a sweat.

    I am curious now - what ever happened to Romulan tech that used an artificial singularity to power their warp drives? They didn't use M/AM or dilithium crystals at all to my recollection. However, the Ni'Var all seemed to be affected by the Burn and its attack upon dilithium. Were the singularity drives all broken as well? Something doesn't track there.
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
    Markonian and DEWLine like this.