Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x07 - "Erigah"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by Commander Richard, May 8, 2024.


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  10. 1 - Terrible!

  1. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    That would require competent security, Trek doesn't seem to learn from it's past mistakes.

    Non-Interactive Holographic visits should be "Good Enough" from a very remote brig, but the writers had to write foil-able security.

    You're correct on L'ak shouldn't have access to anything. But that requires them to have competent security setup for a injured patient.
    JRob94 and Elaise like this.
  2. Citiprime

    Citiprime Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 19, 2021
    Here’s a question I have about the Breen. How are they a major power at this point?

    The Emerald Chain were introduced as a dominant power after the jump to the 32nd century, and even they were being forced to negotiate a union with the Federation given the situation with dilithium, since it was implied they had nearly exhausted the ability to steal and pillage it from others to the extent they needed.

    Unless I missed some other exposition, I would assume the Federation controls the only major source of dilithium in the galaxy at the moment (i.e., the planet where they found the cause of the burn). So how exactly are the Breen able to project power and strength against the Federation? Shouldn’t the Federation be the modern day equivalent of OPEC and be able to use their control of dilithium to negotiate favorable terms and relations with neighbors?
  3. Agony_Boothb

    Agony_Boothb Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 3, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Great episode. Loved the game of Brinkmanship with the Breen, even though the game was heavily in the Breen's favour. I also liked the world building we got on the Breen and Rayner's backstory, and how it mirrors Burnham's. The Breen Dreadnought was intimidating as fuck. The effects this episode were top notch, the shots of HQ with the Nebula backdrop and the shots of the Federation ships warping in and facing off with the Dreadnought were beautiful. We got a Constitution class, two Mars class, two Merian class, a Dresshaus-type, and a Credence-type, keen to get some names for those ships. Also loved what an ensemble piece this was, everyone got something to do and contribute to the situation.

    Can't wait to see the badlands next week!
  4. Kraig

    Kraig Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 11, 2020
    Central California
    I remember being in the hospital after surgery and given a machine hooked to my IV with morphine for the pain. When you felt pain you pressed the button for a dose. It didn't matter how many times the button was pressed for a dose, it would only give one dose per unit time and lock out and not dispense any medication to allow the patient to overdose. Maybe the Federation should see about using some 21st century medical tech.
  5. NCC-73515

    NCC-73515 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2019
    Since they're going to the badlands next... are we gonna see far future DS9? :D
  6. IMC Headquarters

    IMC Headquarters Reset in Progress Premium Member

    May 26, 2018
    The next clue is a dreamcatcher left behind by Chakotay on a Maquis derelict. ;)

    Well, that would make a great callback seeing as it's in the Badlands. I know, it'll be something else.

    I wonder if Tom Paris will get a mention as they fly through it.

    If the Progenitor's tech can bring back the dead, why haven't we seen any of them? Or will they all show up in the finale to check in on the kids?

    For a moment I thought Moll was going to announce her pregnancy. What would that do to this Breen bloodline succession business?

    Poor Book. His usefulness seems to have ended. And he doesn't even have Grudge to keep him sane.

    Yeah, Starfleet security is anything but. Nhan-effective, really.
  7. Bad Thoughts

    Bad Thoughts Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 19, 2013
    Bad Thoughts
    This episode was better than last week's, but still on the boring side. The politics was really quite facile, thus added no intrigue to the "quest " the acting was quite good, but there seems to be so little substance.

  8. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    They weren't required to, they simply chose to since Osyrra figured an alliance between the Federation and the Emerald Chain would mean the Chain would acquire the Federation's reputation as a paragon of virtue. Once those talks broke down, Osyrra was perfectly okay with attacking the Federation and nearly won.
    Markonian, JRob94 and DEWLine like this.
  9. Fantasy Lover

    Fantasy Lover Captain Premium Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    God, I hated this episode.
    - the security, as usual, was shit
    - I hated the camera work during the fight scene between Moll and Nahn, it gave me vertigo
    - Moll giving the benefit of the doubt because "she has a plan" No, she hates Stargate. Why else would she suddenly help the Breen. I don't buy it
    - why would a betazoid know where this library is now, if she lived centuries ago? Did she calculate it?
    - I hate the fact that Book would do anything for Moll because "she is his only remaining relative" Like dude, you don't know her, she hates your mentor's gut. Stop trying to convince to become good! It's shitty writing, it's "somehow Palpetine returned" level of bad writing
    JRob94, Elaise and valkyrie013 like this.
  10. Citiprime

    Citiprime Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 19, 2021
    From season 3, episode 8 (“The Sanctuary”):

    RYN: I need to tell you something, something that will give you an advantage. They’re running out of dilithium. The Chain. That’s why Osyraa wants me back. I’m the only one who knows. And now you do, too.​
  11. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    That doesn't mean the Chain was required to negotiate. Indeed, the fact they immediately attacked in episode 12 after their talks failed and nearly won in the start of episode 13 until Michael pleaded with Osyraa proves the Chain had the upper hand.
  12. Citiprime

    Citiprime Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 19, 2021
    She attacked because she had control of Discovery and the spore drive, giving her a new option for interstellar travel. Plus, when she realized a deal wasn’t possible unless she was willing to agree to stand trial, then everything went to shit.

    But it doesn’t change the fact that her original concern was that they were running out of dilithium and that brought her to the table.

    And that same issue should be present with the Breen.
  13. eschaton

    eschaton Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2017
    Well, that was an episode, for sure.

    I'll admit that I perhaps didn't have the best viewing experience, as I had to catch this one on my phone, which may color my response, but consider be firmly underwhelmed. My main issues with the episode boil down to two elements, both of which suggest the script needed a lot more doctoring. First, this is a plot-heavy episode, and it's rife with plot contrivances. Secondly, the dialogue is very stilted and expository.

    The episode immediately got off on the wrong foot, by having Moll and L'ak caught offscreen by the Federation. While this does provide a welcome chance for Nhan to come back into the show, it means the "escape" at the end of the last episode - something which already stretched credulity - meant absolutely nothing. They should have, at minimum, had a teaser before they got recaptured if they went down the cliffhanger route. This would have been helpful, because so much hinges on the Moll/L'ak romance, and I still feel this is too underbaked - more show than tell.

    Contrivances keep piling up. Moll is kept next to L'ak, because reasons. Starfleet still knows nothing about Breen physiology after 800 years, because reasons. L'ak accidentally kills himself, becaus reasons. Michael manages to completely flip Admiral Vance's plans with a two-minute discussion. The Breen Primarch is bamboozled with the flimsiest of bluffs (must have rolled a 20 on that charisma check). A ticking clock is used - twice. All of this would be fine if the dialogue flowed naturally and the characters felt believable, but the seams of the script show a bit too much here, meaning I can never quite suspend disbelief enough to be engrossed. The highlight of this was the friction Rayner had Michael and the others, but even here, it felt like he regressed a bit for the needs of the plot.

    The b-plot involving the next clue was eye-rolling as well, because there's somehow a handwritten book (which is fine) which Zora knows about, but which somehow, in the 32nd century, does not have a digital copy stashed away, except at a super-secret roving base (the idea of hiding knowledge seems so contrary to everything involving a digital age civilization). That said, I give this one more leeway because the scene with Reno was legitimately great.

    Then there's the ending, which was a weird letdown, because somehow despite the status quo being upset, and the stakes purportedly being raised, everything is pretty much the same. Moll may be on the Primarch's ship now, due to some vague handwavy idea that the Progenitor tech will allow for L'ak's resurrection (did they even take his body?), but Discovery still has four out of five key bits, and AFAIK Moll didn't get a chance to steal Discovery's data to help the Breen solve the next clue. And we're back to episodic key-hunting next week! I'm sure the show will find a way to get the Primarch involved, but I'm really at a loss, aside from the ship just showing up again at Federation HQ to try and steal it in the final episode, to see how it happens. So in the macro sense, nothing has changed. Before, Moll and L'ak planned to sell the tech to the Primarch to lift the Erigah, and now, Moll is just going to help the Primarch to try and get it. Big deal.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    Cyrus, JRob94, Fateor and 1 other person like this.
  14. SG-17

    SG-17 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 28, 2008
    Seven of Limes.
  15. IMC Headquarters

    IMC Headquarters Reset in Progress Premium Member

    May 26, 2018
    Some nice touches. Stamets and Book working together. Reno pulling a Pelia outlining her colorful history. The darkening corridor as the Breen arrive. Rayner opening up about his past with the Breen. Stamets reminding Tilly of her science love. Tilly encouraging the nervous Adira. T'Rina's command of the Breen language. Nice establishing shot of the Locherer. Book's psychometry of the library card. L'ak pulls a Thelev regarding miscalculating. And the wobbling of the ships and HQ when the dreadnaught goes to warp.
  16. Romulan_spy

    Romulan_spy Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2000
    Terre Haute, IN. USA
    I really liked the diplomacy and brinkmanship with the Breen and the B plot with searching for the next clue was good. Yeah, there were some contrivances with poor security around Moll and L'ak. As soon as she said she would break out, I knew we would have the trope of the stupid security guard who is tricked into lowering the force field. Sure enough that is what happened. But it was entertaining.

    Other minor nitpick: the Breen dreadnought was way too big. I am all for making dreadnoughts big but that ship absolutely dwarfed Starfleet HQ which is already a massive star base. The Breen Dreadnought looked like it was the size of a planet. That is just ridiculous. It was over the top IMO.
  17. Starkers

    Starkers Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    Behind Enemy Lines
    Seven of Limes is funny, except Reno is from a time before Seven existed and now lives in a time centuries after (presumably) Seven died? So I found it a trifle jarring if I'm honest- setting aside the fact that Reno is a character who makes everything more enjoyable. I really wish we saw more of her.

    I really enjoyed this, though I do get some of the points people are making. I love Saru but man I wish Rayner had been around last season.

    Re Moll and L'ak, is there some weird bonding reason they can't be separated or have I somehow made that up?
    Phoenix219 and Markonian like this.
  18. SG-17

    SG-17 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 28, 2008
    She mentioned it context of her currently working at a bar.
  19. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    I doubt it
    waniel and Bad Thoughts like this.
  20. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    For very good medical reasons