Game TOS Episode Pitch Game

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by Laura Cynthia Chambers, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    “Thou Hast Searched me, and Known Me” - Enterprise is disabled by a planetary storm and crew members black out, some waking up in various locations - a blinding hot desert, a black void, a (not quite) abandoned house eerily similar to one character's childhood home. Each of these locales are tailored to the characters stuck there, to try their emotions, tug at their memories, and test their resolve. It is a psychological study of human/Vulcan motivations and resolve, enacted by aliens who wish to confront people with themselves. Meanwhile, those left on the Enterprise face challenges of their own trying to hold the ship together without experienced authority figures present.

    Next episode: "The Third Voice "
  2. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    “The Third Voice - Conducting welfare checks and resupply, the Enterprise is in route to Sector Delta 12-G and the Ultima Thule Colony located at the edge of Federation Space towards the Galactic rim. On the bridge, Kirk is strangely absent and Sulu has the center seat.
    In the corridor outside of Kirk's quarters, McCoy and Spock almost literally run into each other. Both are concerned about Kirk's current mood They buzz and Kirk allows them to enter. They confront Kirk about his dark mood and correctly guess that it has to do with the loss of his old friend Gary Mitchell in this sector over four years ago. Kirk still feels guilty over what transpired and thinks there must have been away to save him. Spock, who was present when the events that lead to Mitchell's death transpired tells Kirk that he made the right choice. McCoy, who served with Mitchell and Kirk on the Farragut tells him Gary would approve of what he did.
    After beaming down, the landing party discovers the colonists have come under the sway of a powerful psychic entity who has woven its self in their lives and minds. Kirk becomes convinced (or maybe the entity has convinced him) that the entity is all that remains of Gary Mitchell. It's up to Spock and McCoy to free Kirk and the colonists from the entity's grasp, even if it is Gary Mitchell.

    Next Episode "Reap the Whirlwind"
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  3. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Reap the Whirlwind" - The Enterprise visits Ticu Orionis IV, a planet which was abandoned after a failed terraforming effort, and find a colony that shouldn't be there. Unauthorized medical experiments were done to attempt to make the colonists more suitable for the planet, when terraforming failed, but the resulting "freaks of nature" were left behind and their existence left out of records. A scientist who was unaware of the secret experiments, but part of the original team, accompanies the crew on the mission. He finds a daughter that his wife, also part of the team, faked the death of, as she was one of the experiments. These people are incompatible with current humans, who are made ill from exposure to them, and they must deal with the consequences.

    Next episode: "The Helot's Lament" (
  4. Tiran O'Saurus

    Tiran O'Saurus Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jan 25, 2024
    "The Helot's Lament"- The Enterprise picks up a distress signal from a pre-warp planet in the equivalent of Earth's 20th century. The planet used to have two warring factions on it, but one has conquered the other and subjected them to barbaric treatment, so this underclass built a space radio and broadcast a desperate plea for someone to help them. The debate among the crew over whether to violate the Prime Directive or let these people suffer is only exacerbated when a Klingon ship shows up, announcing they'll liberate the oppressed in exchange for the significant dilithium veins on the planet.

    Next episode- "Throw The First Stone"
  5. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Throw The First Stone" - The Enterprise and a Klingon ship are in pursuit of the same woman, a triple agent who shared intel from both factions with the Murari. Upon tracking her to the surface of a planetoid, they are prevented from seizing her by a mysterious energy field that envelops her and turns all attempts to harm her back on the one attacking. Also along for the ride is a Federation official whom she loved and betrayed, of course. What is the source of this field? Can the woman and her love reconcile? Can Kirk capture her without being harmed?

    Next episode: "The Final Illusion"
  6. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    The Final Illusion

    Kirk & crew make contact with a new world that has sent out a distress signal, pleading for help from an imminent threat. As the away team interacts with the inhabitants, they find great difficulty in determining exactly who or what poses the threat to their world. As the hour of their expected attack gets closer, the people seem less willing to even acknowledge the crew. At zero hour, as mayhem seems to be breaking out among the community, Spock can detect no actual attack underway, and eventually determines that the people fleeing & perishing without cause are actually not real at all. Everything they've witnessed has been an elaborate, interactive program running of the final hours of their civilization, which they recorded for posterity.

    Next Episode: The Sick and The Tired
  7. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    The Sick and The Tired - McCoy marvels at a planet full of people in good health who wax nostalgic and wishfully about the days of illness and injury. Death still exists, but it has ceased to have meaning - nobody dies heroically, or after long suffering, or accidentally, so they know nothing of sacrifice, endurance, or caring for each other - it simply happens one day. Nalus, the last physician on the planet, has gone a little mad and wishes to bring war, disease, and suffering back to his people, who he feels have grown apathetic, self-centered, and are taking life for granted - even if that means provoking a conflict with the Federation.

    Next episode: "Mudd's Folly"
    Commander Troi likes this.
  8. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    "Mudd's Folly"- While on routine patrol the Enterprise receives a Priority One Distress Call on a restricted Starfleet frequency. The call originates on a non-Federation colony world. There they are surprise to find the originator of the call is their old "friend" Harcourt Fenton Mudd!
    Mudd has got himself in a spot of bother with the world's settlers. People he has enticed (for a small fee) to the world with promises of riches and endless bounty. The world is a barren wasteland with no means to grow crops or resources to exploit. They are rightly perturbed. Mudd of course had planned to flee the world but a mechanical problem with his spacecraft left him stranded and at the settler's mercy.
    Using his ship's comm system he sent out the Priorty One signal in hopes of attracting a Starfleet vessel. Once the vessel arrived he hoped to turn himself in for the crimes illegal possession of Starfleet codes and issuing a false distress signal. This would of course free him from the settlers' justice. The settlers are "go it alone" types who are distrustful and suspicious of the Federation and Starfleet. Because of this, the settlers are unwilling to turn Mudd over and Kirk feels they may be with in their rights, much to Harry's dismay.
    Unknown to the settlers, Starfleet and Mudd the planet is the source of something very valuable which has attracted the attention of Orion pirates. Can the three parties set aside their differences and work together to defend the planet against the Orions? And what will Harry do when he finds out his "Folly" is actually a fortune?

    Next Episode- "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon"
  9. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    @Nerys Myk I wish that was an episode. :)

    "Arise, Fair Sun, and Kill the Envious Moon" - The Enterprise winds up in the crosshairs when the queen of Kifure, a planet they are visiting to pick up a shipment of gemstones, is struggling to hold onto power. The people of the planet, who venerated her like a goddess, are rioting against her because of terrible storms and tides that they believe are being sent as a curse for her dealings with the Federation. The planet's moon, which the people are worshipping instead of her (returning to an old religion) is causing the tidal waves. She wants to destroy it. Can Kirk and his crew move the moon and quell the riots?

    Next episode: "The Truant of Kyre"
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  10. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    The Truant of Kyre

    A young telepathic teen is found by the Enterprise crew, while responding to his crashed ship's distress signal. It's Spock that deduces the boy is absent without permission from his training facility, where he no longer wishes to be enrolled, because he feels himself ill equipped to become an officer in their fleet (hence the accident)

    Some diplomatic difficulties arise when the boy's instructors wish him returned. He chooses to return only after coming to admire Spock's excellence in his duties, swearing to someday be like him

    Next Episode: Only Among The Doomed
  11. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Only Among The Doomed" - The Enterprise brings badly needed medical aid to a Federation planet that has been struck by a mysterious plague. McCoy becomes suspicious when all of the sufferers have one thing in common; they are all members of the planet's original species; Humans, Andorians, etc, are not succumbing. (You'd think those who originated there would have natural immunity, not newcomers.) The situation becomes even more tenuous when another race who wants the planet is poised to reveal this and encourage them to drive the Federation out.

    Next episode: "Because It's There" (


    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  12. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "Because It's There" - The Enterprise is given once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the Andromeda galaxy by a Kelvan cartographer. While Kirk and Scotty are extremely excited about the possibility. Spock views it with skepticism and is supported by McCoy, with concerns that it will be a one-way trip. After Uhura points out that humanity would have never made huge advancements with that attitude, Kirk has Sulu plot the course and they end up in the Andromeda galaxy. Spock and McCoy’s fears quickly comes true and the ship suddenly becomes stranded, its engines offline in an instant. When the Kelvan cartographer offers them an opportunity to return to their galaxy, Kirk must decide if he wants to press on exploring with a ship with no engines, or listen to both Spock and McCoy and return home.

    Next episode – “Tolkien Characters”
  13. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    Ah, nice continuity callback. :)

    In honor of a certain actor?
  14. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    "Tolkien Characters"- A landing party consisting of Scott, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov beam down to a planet for a standard survey mission and promptly disappear. Kirk and Spock frantically search for them, but there is no sign of them anywhere on the planet.
    As the transporter beam effect dissipates, the quartet reach for their tricorders and communicators only to find them missing. They gasp in amazement as the fact that their uniforms have been replaced by primitive clothing that brings to mind Earth's Middle Ages. Sulu is delighted to find a sword at his side. Scott has a bag with tools and warhammer, Chekov has bag of maps and a spyglass. Uhura a pen, scrolls and a lute. Sulu notes that they look like characters from an ancient fantasy novel he had been reading.
    Ever resourceful, they get the lay of the land using Chekov's maps and spyglass. Locating a river and a road they head towards a settlement marked on the map. Their goal the large city at the end of the road and the end of the map.
    At the settlement, a small village they stop at an Inn. They seek refreshment but have to coin to pay. Spotting Uhura's lute the inn keeper asks for a song. Uhura happily obliges and spins a tale in verse and song of a stalwart sea captain, his stoic first mate and their steadfast crew. The inn keeper is pleased, as are his patrons and ask for more. But Uhura begs off and says she and her companions must be on their way, The inn keeper provisions the quartet and bids them safe journey.
    They travel the road on Chekov's map and soon come to a small town. The town is in a quandary. Their mill has broken and they cannot grind their grain. With out the sale of grain the town would perish. Scotty looks at the problem and comes up with a solution and even improves the operation. The towns people are happy and reward the travelers. The four are given a wagon loaded with grain to take to the city.
    On the road they met other travelers. These have turned back because an avalanche has blocked the road. Using his maps and scouting ahead Chekov finds a new path through the mountains.
    As they approach the city the travelers are beset upon by bandits who want the grain and any valuables. Sulu steps up and challenges the bandit leader, a man twice Sulu's size, to a duel. The bandit leader looks at Sulu and laughs, think the smaller man will be easy pickings. Sulu it quicker and smarter than the bandit. Feinting and maneuvering around the man to score various hits before finishing him off. The stunned bandits run off as encouraged by Sulu the travelers take arms against them.
    The Enterprise quartet arrive at the city and give the grain to King. A King who looks a lot like the inn keeper, the miller, the lead traveler and the bandit.
    The king thanks them for the song, the mill, the new pass and the fight and sends them on their way
    On the Enterprise Spock is surprised to find his crewmates pop up on sensors. The transporter room beams them up and when asked where they had been, Sulu replies, "I'm not sure you'd believe it if we told you."

    Next Episode- "Different Light"
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  15. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Different Light" - Heading to a science conference on a nearby starbase, McCoy and Spock are discussing the respective papers they plan to present, which devolves into an argument. The shuttle they are travelling in suddenly develops a coolant leak, and while trying to repair it, they veer towards the surface of a planet. When each one awakens, they are inhabiting the body of the other, back in time to their childhood, and try to navigate the difficulties of being human and Vulcan. Eventually, they awaken when the Enterprise crew responds to the emergency beacon, and both are left to wonder what, if anything happened. For a moment, they see each other in a different light.

    Next episode: "Angel's Bargain"
  16. Rmac

    Rmac Ensign Newbie

    Sep 6, 2021
    Angel's Bargain- Taking place from the point of view of a culture similar to 1960's earth who have just launched their first space flight. They are startled when the Enterprise contacts them offering immediate membership into the federation. Promising an end to war and struggle the planets rulers are skeptical of the deal feeling it is too good to be true. Kirk is force to reveal that they only have a matter of hours left to decide because a fleet of Klingon ships are on their way to invade their world.

    Next Episode: Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright
  17. Rowdy Roddy McDowall

    Rowdy Roddy McDowall Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 28, 2011
    Cornelius drive

    Little did Spock now that two years after Charles Evans turned him into a musicbox, it caused a Vulcan musical malady known as Exponential-Jiggy to metasize in his fradupius.*. Compounded by Parmen's recent telekinetic manipulation of his vocal chords and muscles, Spock now reaches the third most major phase, which is potentially fatal to bispecies Earthivulks such as himself.....unless Uhura, Kirk, Chekov, McCoy and Sulu can competitively shout-sing him out of it with equally frenetic dancing. Music by KC and the Sunshine Band, Queen, Heart, Crash Test Dummies and the B-52s, among others. Never has TOS been so relevant. Perhaps Tongo Rad may return here for moral support.

    Next Episode: Laddie...

    (*Wherever that might be.)
  18. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I think those bands might be outside of the rules of the game. Unless they were active between 1966 and 1969.
  19. Rowdy Roddy McDowall

    Rowdy Roddy McDowall Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 28, 2011
    Cornelius drive
    We only need their music, not the bands. What's good for Brahms and Beethoven....
    And Kirk WILL sing rather than lazily speak the lyrics by order of Commodore RR McDow.
  20. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Still outside the rules. The music doesn't exist in the late 1960s