Who did this promo music?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' started by tharpdevenport, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    Everybody remember that promo that ran for the final episode "All Good Things..."?

    Two versions of it close out the video, starting at 2:52 in.
    Qonundrum likes this.
  2. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    One bump, and no further bumps. I guess nobody knows.
  3. Doug Otte

    Doug Otte Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 6, 2003
    I don't know, but it sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it's something composed by Goldsmith for another film?

    I even tried Shazam, but it responded "no song found". Maybe if we had the music without dialogue...
  4. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    My suspicion would be that this was composed by someone working for the Viacom/Paramount Pictures television department in the 90s specifically for the use in trailers. I doubt this was done by any of the regular composers of the show, although I could be mistaken.
    Qonundrum and Tosk like this.
  5. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    That sounds about right.

    And no chance it's Goldsmith. Nothing about it says Goldsmith.
  6. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    I doubt this will be a huge help, but using a tool like LALAL.AI one is at least able to separate the voiceover from the background music, which lets you listen to the music more clearly (even though it’s obviously not perfect). I wanna say I’ve heard that music somewhere before, but it could also just be because it’s a bit generic. I thought it sounded a bit like the theme from Time Trax, but listening to them back to back they don’t sound too similar after all.

    Qonundrum likes this.
  7. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Definitely not. It sounds purely electronic to me, while TNG used orchestral scores sometimes supplemented with electronics. It's plausible that it's library music composed specifically for use in trailers.
    Michael likes this.
  8. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    Hey Michael, yeah, I beat you to it. Only I used the multiple trailers with the same cue, copied and pasted cleaner parts from those trailers over one -- since the Lalal program doesn't do as good as a job as copying and pasting cleaner parts does -- and then used the Lalal program for the remainder. Going to premiere that later this month. I was hoping to find out the name of the composer at least, beforehand, but oh well.

    I did the same for the trailer music used in the last episodes on UPN for "Star Trek: Voyager" (on my YouTube channel by the same user name).

    And no, not the "Time Trax" theme. Not the style of Gerry MacDonald and Laurie Stone, who are also in Australia.
    Michael likes this.