Game ENT Episode Pitch Game

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Enterprise' started by Laura Cynthia Chambers, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    It's the Enterprise film that was never made. ;)
  2. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    Perhaps re-post in Fanfiction. :)

  3. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I lack the skills to fully flesh out a story. Pitching is my sweet spot.
  4. evilchumlee

    evilchumlee Captain Captain

    Dec 27, 2023
    I feel you. I can write a HELL of out an outline, but when it comes to characters and dialogue... not so much.
  5. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    I on the other hand can. I just don’t care to. I don’t really write fanfiction anymore.

    But I could easily take that “2176” concept and make a movie or ten-part miniseries script out of that.


    “Chapter Book” - In 1960s America, Benny Russell - recently release from psychiatric hospital - is asked by an aspiring writer how to get his sci-fi novel published. Russell, hesitant to help, reads the novel presented to him and realizes that it could function as a prequel to his works. He finds the main character named Archer a little rough around the edges, but otherwise likeable.

    As Benny gets introduced to this author’s friends and abundances, the author points out that Mr. Stone does not approve of some of the more progressive theme in his novel, such as homosexuality and polyamory. Mr. Stone has it in his head that the author’s works are meant for children and won’t be taken seriously by adult. The author is considering changing it to meet his approval. Benny advises him not to and to stuck to his guns on it, as his vision for the future and general optimistic message was needed.

    As Benny is homeless, he is allowed to stay over at the author’s home until he can get back n his feet. While staying over, he has a run in with Kevin Mulkahey, who has since fallen on hard times sine the last time they met. Kevin Mulkahey lost his job at the NYPD after being caught in a scandal involving fixing boxing fights and has become an alcoholic and gone bankrupt, his assets liquidated. The author was taking care of him after having sympathy, but threw him out after some disagreements with one of this close friends. While Benny struggles to forgive Mulkahey for the role he plays in the death of his friend, his misfortune inspires Benny to start writing again.

    When Benny shows his new friend some of the stories, the author reveals he sold his story to Hollywood. When Benny asks if Hollywood would purchase his stories, the author shows skepticism, as he changed his story in order for it to be bought, disappointing Benny. The author tells him that all his characters will likely be renamed and is won’t really resemble his own works at all, as the country isn’t ready for some of it, though he’ll still get credit for it. Feeling betrayed, Benny storms out of the author's home, aiming to find a publisher for his works. The author never sees or hears from Benny Russell again.

    In 1980s, the author finds Russell’s works while preparing to move out and gives some of his friends, who have since ended up in Hollywood behind the scenes in one way or another, a call. After much wrangling, they show an openmindedness to Benny’s work, but want to see it in novel form first, and they want it as a children’s novel. The novel does really well in sale and proves to be popular not just with children, but adults as well, and is considered very advanced for its time. The author’s friends consider making a few sci-fi series based off of Benny’s works.

    Next episode – “Becky”
  6. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
  7. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Becky" - NX-01 is visited by a children's book author who wants to write about "Porthos the Starfleet Dog". When he interviews Archer about the circumstances under which he got Porthos, it brings back memories of his girlfriend, Becky (see the links above). Meanwhile, Hoshi develops a bond with the author over their shared interest in languages.

    Next episode: "The Kiln"
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  8. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    “The Kiln” - The Enterprise has rendezvoused with an ECS tanker ship at the stellar nursery called the Kiln. The tanker is there to pick up a shipment of refined gases from the Andorian ran refinery there. The Enterprise is then to escort the tanker to the ECS storage and distribution center in the Deneva System.
    Problems arise when a pod of “space whales” arrive to use the Kiln as their grazing and breeding grounds. This disrupts production at the refinery. The Andorians and the Boomers try to remove the whales which leads to disastrous results. This only causes them to redouble their efforts to remove the whales by any means necessary, T'Pol informs Archer that the whales are a protected and endangered species and interstellar law requires he protect them. Archer now finds himself at odds with the Andorian Mining Consortium and the Earth Cargo Service.
    In a B story, Hoshi becomes friends with a young Boomer who regales her with grand stories of his future plans, including becoming the manager of the Earth Cargo Service's Deneva facility

    Next Episode- "Borderline"
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
  9. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    I was expecting a Vulcan episode. :)
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
  10. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Borderline" - NX-01 sends Travis and two personnel being transferred in a shuttle to deliver goods to a Starfleet research station on a planet's moon. Inexplicably, a bubble forms around the planet, moon, and shuttle, leaving NX-01 no way to retrieve the craft. The shuttle lands and unloads the supplies quickly, then goes back out into space to investigate and communicate with NX-01. Unable to determine why and how the bubble formed, things become perilous when the bubble begins to shrink faster and faster. Can Enterprise stop the squeeze and save the shuttle and system? Meanwhile, Travis has to keep the passengers calm, including one who's on the verge of a panic attacks..

    Next episode: "Suspension"
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  11. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    The Enterprise arrives at a world covered completely in ocean, Scans from orbit do indicate lifeforms, but most are to deep to show up on the scans.
    Trip prepares a shuttle pod and a maintenance pod for underwater service. Archer and Mayweather take the maintenance pod sight seeing under the ocean, getting scans of the multitude of different lifeforms, when the pod is grabbed by a tentacled animal and dragged away.
    The pod is dragged deeper, deeper than its rated and it fails. However, Archer and Mayweather awaken in an air bubble in a deep sea structure, surrounded by squid looking life forms. The squids communicate that they need help with there structures.
    Over time the salinity and mineral contents of the ocean have been changing with the progression of the planets technology, and the structures that hover in suspension between salinity levels are beginning to fall deeper.
    These structures are used for breeding grounds and with the loss of them they are facing extinction.
    Archer faces a conundrum, these life forms are pre warp, but an old species, millions of years of history, with no interest in space, so does the nacient Directive One that he has helped push apply? Can he help them?

    Next Episode:
    "The Tholian Experiment"
  12. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    Once again surprised. I expected somebody to get suspended from duty. :)
  13. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
  14. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "The Tholian Experiment" - Anticipating a war against the Tholians, Section 31 sends a covert team to capture samples of Tholian DNA, with the hope of using them to engineer Humans that can fight in the blast-furnace conditions their would-be adversary flourish in. The team are caught leaving and are killed, but not before putting their Tholian captive in an escape pod and sending a distress call. When NX-01 intercepts, they must decide whether to hand over the captive to Section 31 or figure out a way to return the prisoner to their people without getting caught in possession of one. Archer butts heads with the secret agent who is supposed to pick up the "package".

    Next episode: "High Voltage"
    valkyrie013 likes this.
  15. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    "High Voltage"
    T'Pol and Hoshi are in a shuttle pod in the Zakicarro nebula. Scans indicated space based life forms in the nebula. Hoshi is on the shuttle to see if she can learn the cosmosians language, and T'pol is piloting and there to conduct experiments on whey they are in the nebula,
    The nebula has unusually strong electrical and ion discharges, and the shuttle is uprated by Trip to take a bit more juice.
    On there way through the nebula, the pod goes through a particularly strong electrical area, but take minimal damage. Seconds latter, many more discharges rake the pod, as T'pol navigates the shuttle away, but the discharges seem to be chassing the pod through the nebula. Each discharge that hits reducing the pod's hull plating. a game of hide and seek

    Latter it is found out that they navigated through an electrical life form in the the nebula causeing damage, and others of its kinds attacks the pod in defense.

    Next Episode:
    "Blade of Honor"
  16. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Blade of Honor" - T'Pol finds a sword inside a cave and after she cuts herself on it, she becomes obsessed with finding and killing a particular individual with the blade, to the point that she steals a shuttlepod, her Vulcan senses homing in on her would-be victim's location. Meanwhile, Hoshi and Archer research the legend of the sword for a way to break its hold on her, while Trip and Malcolm try to intercept her before she can kill.

    Next episode: "Obfuscations"
    valkyrie013 likes this.
  17. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    The Enterprise enters orbit around Idreon IV, home of the Idreans, for for rest and to stock up on parts and supplies.
    When searching for a planet to help with supplies, Mayweather suggested Idrion IV because they are realativly equal to Earth technology and are willing to trade. However, Mayweather also warned that the way they interact with themselves and other species is a bit odd.
    Archer and Mayweather land in a shuttle pod and meet with the Idreans, and Archer finds out that in there society that they love mystery's so much, that every conversion is a word play to make the other guess what there talking about. This has gone on so long that no Idrean speaks the truth openly, even in bargaining. Many species that have visited have left angry or upset at there interactions, However Archer and Mayweather have an affinity for mystery books, so they have a delightful time following various rabbit holes to find parts for the ship.

    Next Episode: "Titan"
  18. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Titan" - While taking part in a relay race on Titan, Phlox and Reed slip back and forth (mentally) between their reality and a different time in which the moon is inhabited by a warrior civilization of multi-species hybrids that challenge them to mortal combat to prove the superiority of hybridization over single species. Meanwhile, Archer attempts to dissuade a former crew member who's trying to come out of retirement after a supposed career-ending injury.

    Next episode: "Master Switch"
    valkyrie013 likes this.
  19. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    "Master Switch"
    The Enterprise is attacked by an unknown ship, the ship disables the Enterprise, but shortly after leaves the area. Trip does an inspection and discovers that a few pieces of the main computer are missing, along with the spares. The ship can still go to warp but at a reduced speed due to the computer needing the parts to perform the complicated calculations at the higher warp factors.
    The Enterprise tracks the ship to the planet Bynaus, home of the Bynars. Dr Phlox has been to this planet and informs the crew that they are usually peaceful and helping. The Enterprise discovers the attacking vessel around the 5th planets moon, and when boarded, they discover groups of bynars in a near comatose state, with them hooked physically to the ships main computer. Dr Phlox manages to waken a pair, and they inform the crew that the main computer on Bynaus has been taken over by an AI, and is using the Bynars as organic slaves. They were on a research ship when it happened, but needed parts to help then sever themselves from the main planetary computer. They ask the Enterprise and Hoshi for he coding skills for help purging the AI.

    In the end, they succeed, and discover that the main planetary computer's code still contained bits of old code from an original AI that ruled the system 100's of years ago, the Bynars rebelled against the AI years ago.And it reformed itself with the help of rogue bynars who thought it might be better to be controlled by a central AI than individuals.

    Be an excellent 2 parter. with Master Switch being the 2nd part and the first part be Ascension or something.

    Next Episode:
    The Man who went to Tamalos
    Last edited: May 14, 2024 at 1:46 PM
  20. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    "The Man who went to Tamalos"

    The Vulcans asks T'Pol to pick up a man who visited Tamalos, a mythical world that many on Earth believe is a myth. Even Archer himself is skeptical but trusts T'Pol (season two ;)) Strange things begin to happen as they approach the location of the man. The man is an El-Aurian...the first one to officially make contact with Humans without masquerading as a Human.

    Next Episode: "All My Life"
    Sumire likes this.