Game VOY Episode Pitch Game

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by Laura Cynthia Chambers, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Refraction" - Voyager receives a subspace communication from an individual who claims to be the last person alive on his ship. The only problems? The ship is Voyager, and the individual is not among the current crew. While trying to locate this alternate Voyager, there is speculation - are they from an alternate reality? Are they from the future? Are they lying? Meanwhile, The Doctor becomes self-conscious about his appearance after seeing an unflattering drawing of himself done by one of the children.

    Next episode: "Fork and Spoon"
    IMC Headquarters likes this.
  2. Oddish

    Oddish Admiral Admiral

    Sep 7, 2020
    Kanto, Poké-World
    Maybe that was the origin of Dr. Van Gogh's full head of hair in "Before and After".

    Fork and Spoon: Tom, Harry, and Neelix have to beam off a shuttle that's about to explode, and wind up in a world with a tech level similar to the 1950's. With tricorder and commbadge function blocked by an energy field, they must stay alive the only way they can: by taking jobs at a diner while waiting for Voyager to pick them up. Comical mayhem ensues.

    NEXT: Mortification
  3. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Mortification" - A member of an ambassadorial party whose first contact with the crew of Voyager goes awry is sentenced to the purging, a self-punishment practice, but is unable to carry it out. If he is unable to do so, the wronged one is offered the chance to do so. The diplomat asks Tuvok to perform the act, which he refuses. However, if nobody does it, he will be put to death. Meanwhile, Neelix embarrasses B'Elanna by sharing something she told him in confidence.

    Next episode: "Abandonment"
    IMC Headquarters likes this.
  4. Warp 10 (Pepperoni)

    Warp 10 (Pepperoni) Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Apr 23, 2023
    "Abandonment" When Ensign Wildman is given the opportunity to go on an away mission, Naomi encourages her mother to go and asks to stay with Seven while she's away. When the away team return without Ensign Wildman, and inform Janeway that she refused to return, the Voyager crew set out to find her. Seven struggles with her parental duties and finds support in Tuvok.

    Next episode: "Don't Speak"
    IMC Headquarters and Sumire like this.
  5. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Don't Speak" - A strange anomaly puts all the crew members on the same mental wavelength as each other, which imperils them when they're trying to evade attack by a territorial species that is highly sensitive to brain waves. The crew must learn to work together without verbalizing their intentions. Meanwhile, the Doctor is the only one who can act as a go-between, having no thought waves the way organics do.

    Next episode: "Christening"
  6. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006

    It is late in the 25th Century. A 130 year old Admiral Janeway is on hand for the launch of the Voyager-B. She rattles off on the young green Captain about an adventure they had on Voyager (no bloody A or B), with flashbacks that looks like parodies of what we've seen on the show, when the Voyager B is asked to help with a rescue mission near an anomaly.

    Next Episode- "A Bucketful of Fish"
  7. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "A Bucketful of Fish" - Tom, Harry, and Neelix use their shore leave to go fishing on a seemingly uninhabited M-class planet, only to get in trouble when the fish they're catching are endangered and they're captured by the intelligent pre-warp aquatic life that dwells underwater. They must undergo trial by ordeal, an endurance swim that will push them to the limit. Meanwhile, B'Elanna and the Doctor work together to surreptitiously aid their crewmembers.

    Next episode: "Dystopia"
  8. Warp 10 (Pepperoni)

    Warp 10 (Pepperoni) Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Apr 23, 2023
    "Dystopia" Voyager encounters a once technically advanced society that was destroyed by the Borg. When the survivors who evaded capture plan to manipulate a temporal anomaly to stop the event from happening, Janeway must decide if she and the crew are obligated to intervene. Seven faces scrutiny from the survivors.

    Next episode: "There and Back Again"
    Phaser Two and Sumire like this.
  9. IMC Headquarters

    IMC Headquarters Screencaptioning Addict Premium Member

    May 26, 2018
    "There and Back Again"- An away team investigating a dead moon for a source of dilithium discovers an ancient artefact of Vulcan origin. After bringing it back to the ship for analysis, Tuvok begins to have visions of Vulcan's destruction by a spatial anomaly. As they intensify over a matter of days, he eventually finds himself transported to Vulcan of the distant past and finds shelter in the home of an ancient Romulan separatist. Meanwhile, Tom has a recurring dream of his mother authoring a book.

    Next episode: "Last Duty"
  10. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    Last Duty

    2415. Voyager has been traveling in the direction of the Alpha Quadrant for over 45 years. The EMH tells an aging Janeway she's got a degenerative disease and he can delay her deterioration for only a few weeks at best. In her private log, Janeway frets about the things she might've done differently and the regrets she has she won't live long enough to personally fulfil her promise of bringing Voyager home again, and wonders whether she might yet still.

    Then, Voyager comes across a Starfleet shuttle. After bringing it aboard, they find it carries Kes. In a private conversation with the Captain, Kes tells the captain that Voyager was never supposed to be traveling towards home this long. She's about to be 'promoted' to an even higher realm, but that means she won't be allowed to interfere with this reality directly anymore. She considers correcting the timeline her final service to the material plane in general and Voyager in particular. It will, however, require the destruction of this voyager, bringing old Janeway into a difficult position. Is she allowed to 'kill off' her current crew for a hopefully better timeline? Janeway calls a plenary meeting to decide their fate.

    In the B-story, Miral Paris gives her (nearly) adult son, ready to move out to his own quarters, a few final pointers of life advice.

    EDIT: This episode -of course- negates what happened in Fury.

    Next episode: Transcendence.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024 at 4:23 PM
    Oddish likes this.