Poll Do you like SNW and Discovery? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' started by Tuskin38, Apr 10, 2024.


Do you like SNW and Discovery?

  1. I like both

    50 vote(s)
  2. I like SNW but not Discovery

    40 vote(s)
  3. I like Discovery but not SNW

    2 vote(s)
  1. Serveaux

    Serveaux Fleet Admiral Premium Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    Among the sellers.
    Absolutely love Christine/Spock. It's the core of the show. :cool:
  2. Hythlodeus

    Hythlodeus Commodore Commodore

    Apr 23, 2010
    maybe I will find out one day
  3. Brainsucker

    Brainsucker Captain Captain

    Dec 3, 2007
    South East Asia
    Actually no. Because there are so many things that different between SNW and Discovery season 2 in Aesthetic department. Specially the looks of Klingon. The Enterprise uniform also different, although they have the same design. And the Enterprise Interior, where in Discovery they looks so red.

    For me, it feel that they come from 2 different dimension. Although both of them share the same events. But even with that, there are a lot of tiny difference between the two of them.
    JRob94 likes this.
  4. Serveaux

    Serveaux Fleet Admiral Premium Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    Among the sellers.
    SNW is nothing like Discovery. :guffaw:
    JRob94 likes this.
  5. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    So...TOS to TMP to TWOK.
  6. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    The looks of the Klingons also changed from DIS S1 to Dis S2 as well. And there’s nothing preventing the DIS Klingons and SNW Klingons from sharing the same screen at once. It would be better that way, seeing as they are an empire and empires are diverse.

    Which were just Disco uniforms spraypainted to resemble TOS. Even though they should have look more like the uniforms specifically from The Cage/WNMAGB, but that’s a different thing.

    The Enterprise was also really dark. The red was to liven the ship up.
    antinoos likes this.
  7. evilchumlee

    evilchumlee Fleet Captain Captain

    Dec 27, 2023
    They did, briefly. It was the second season SNW episode with the Klingons, the "new" Klingons are in the foreground, but some background Klingons are definitely in the DSC prosthetics.
  8. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    The sides of Dak'Rah's bald head felt pretty DSC-like. More Season 2 since no elongated head.

    And it was the same in DSC Season 2. Any Klingon with a full head of hair used the new makeup, but there were still some bald or mostly bald Klingons still using the Season 1 makeup.
    fireproof78 and JRob94 like this.
  9. Lt. Breadloaf

    Lt. Breadloaf Cadet Newbie

    Apr 22, 2024
    They feel similar because of the newer effects and similar set quality, but I feel they're completely different tonally. SNW I enjoy more because of the ensemble cast and semi-episodic structure, and DSC I dislike (generally) because of it's serialization.
  10. Jack Wolfe

    Jack Wolfe Commodore Commodore

    Jun 4, 2020
    Cruising the Pirate Coast
    SNW: Yes!
    DSC: Dear god, NO.
    Gepard, JRob94 and CorporalClegg like this.
  11. Richard Baker

    Richard Baker Commodore Commodore

    Nov 11, 2008
    Warrior, AL
    I enjoy SNW very much- I am not a subscriber but purchased the discs when they were released. I saw some clips on line and was very impressed.

    I respect STD's visuals and SFX, but I do not care much for the stories and characters. I have also seen a lot of clips, much more than SNW, and nothing I saw made me want to watch a full episode.
    JRob94 likes this.
  12. Iamnotspock

    Iamnotspock Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 11, 2008
    Bristol, England
    I like both, but SNW much more than DSC.
  13. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    "Open your mind! Be a 'Star Trek' fan and open your mind and say, 'Where does Star Trek want to take me now?'." [/Leonard Nimoy]
    Tuskin38 and fireproof78 like this.
  14. Daedalus

    Daedalus Lieutenant Red Shirt

    May 4, 2024
    It's odd, really. I liked the first two series of Discovery but thought the setting(2200s) was wrong, and generally find the most recent 3 seasons underwhelming but the setting(3100s) works much better for me.

    In defence of the latest season, I do find the search for the TNG macguffin quite fun, so it's already the best of my least favourite seasons.

    SNW just hit all the right notes from the get go.
  15. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    ^ @Daedalus, please be mindful of putting Discovery spoilers in here. :)
    Daedalus likes this.
  16. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    I like 'em both, although I prefer SNW. It's my favorite Trek series of all time.

    As for the visual differences between DSC's treatment of the 23rd century and SNW's:

    I suspect that if the creators of DSC had known that SNW was ever going to be a thing, they would have made DSC look a bit more like TOS.

    I mean, SNW only ever arose because of all the fangeeking about Pike. There's no way TPTB could ever have known the fans would demand a Pike series AND GET IT. Given this, I'm having a hard time blaming DSC's people for not having enough of the TOS aesthetic.

    I'm down with the explanation that:

    - The DSC Klingons are the result of a botched attempt to cure the Augment virus

    - The reason S1 L'Rell looks so different than S2 L'Rell is that, as Chancellor, she had easier access to treatment to reverse the above effects.
  17. Richard Baker

    Richard Baker Commodore Commodore

    Nov 11, 2008
    Warrior, AL
    I always felt the Discovery era starfleet ships looked more post TNG in design. They had some cool ships but I just couldn't see them as evolutions of the Enterprise Era.
    Pike's Enterprise fits better, still higher tech in appearance than Kirk's but not super sleek wedgie like the USS Shenzhou..
    Daedalus likes this.
  18. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    The Shenzhou looked nothing like a wedge? Nor does it look sleek.

    I agree that the other ships looked too advanced for the 1960s version of the TOS era but not for the visual reboot version., but in no universe do they look more advanced than TNG.

    They’re too blocky, they have TOS movie era style phasers emitters and decals, and TOSish round bussard collectors
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    fireproof78 likes this.
  19. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    There definitely a little NX-01 in the Shenzhou's "DNA"
    fireproof78 likes this.
  20. Daedalus

    Daedalus Lieutenant Red Shirt

    May 4, 2024
    Will do :)