Which series would you want next?

Discussion in 'Future of Trek' started by HotRod, Apr 16, 2024.


Which series would you want after Strange New Worlds?

  1. Legacy

    6 vote(s)
  2. Stargazer/Young Picard

    3 vote(s)
  3. Rachel Garrett

    11 vote(s)
  4. Romulan War/Birth of the Federation

    5 vote(s)
  5. Other

    12 vote(s)
  1. HotRod

    HotRod Commodore Commodore

    Jan 19, 2011
    Reaper Occupied Earth
    This I could see happening.
    JRob94 and The Wormhole like this.
  2. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    Don't care as long as the writing is better and the self-reference is limited to sprinkled flavor and not used to construct entire plot lines and trite character arcs.
  3. HotRod

    HotRod Commodore Commodore

    Jan 19, 2011
    Reaper Occupied Earth
    I know it's an extremely small sampling, but I'm kinda shocked to see the idea of a Rachel Garrett series doing so well. A pleasant surprise.
  4. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    I admit I'm all for an Enterprise-C series. I don't know how interested I am in a Garrett-specific show I am. But Rohl might be too young for the former -- though this is more per her age in relation to O'Neil. By the time the would-be show got up and going, she'd only be a year or two younger than Shatner was.

    But I see a C series is win-win, really. I think Star Trek works best on the Enterprise. And I don't really understand the logic against having more than one Enterprise-based show. CBS has, what, 47 different NCIS shows?

    You get to open the series with Courage and Rohl saying the tag. Plus, since it's a pre-established character, in negatives any whining from the 'anti-woke' fucks.
  5. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    To me, an ‘alternate timeline’ implies that there’s still some link to the original timeline, like the Kelvin timeline having a shared past pre-2233. I’m thinking more like nuBSG, which had similar concepts to the original but was not linked to it in any way.
    JRob94 likes this.
  6. FredH

    FredH Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 23, 2004
    Of these, I’d prefer Legacy, but I’d most like a series set in 3200.
  7. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
    Prodigy was canceled for "cost savings" so P+ could justify it as a write-off. They sold it to Netflix because of the backlash.

    DSC and LD canceled after a 5 season run isn't so bad considering how many shows struggle to make it past 3 seasons these days.
    SFA will continue after DSC left off, assuming we get 5 seasons of SNW, a DS9-styled spinoff leading to the romulan war would be my vote.
    I'm not against a Legacy but honestly all that nostalgia from Picard has run its course. Bring back Berman era characters if they make sense, don't rub my face in it.
  8. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Well, not exactly. It was cancelled to save money, but they could not write it off if they sold the rights to it, which they were doing and shopping it around. Pulling it from P+ was to make it more appealing to potential buyers to avoid an air of competition.
    JRob94 likes this.
  9. The Old Mixer

    The Old Mixer Mih ssim, mih ssim, nam, daed si Xim. Moderator

    Feb 4, 2002
    The Old Mixer, Somewhere in Connecticut
    It just occurred to me that if Section 31 or another Lost Era show took place in the 2320s, it would effectively be in sync with the TOS timeframe.
    JRob94 likes this.
  10. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    If they're determined to do another Enterprise show after SNW ends, while I would prefer Legacy (though more in the sense that I just want to see Seven as captain and continuing the 24th century aesthetic I grew up with, not because I want to see gratuitous cameos and callbacks) I think centering a show around Garret on the C would be the way to go.

    I do love the idea of a Dax miniseries, though. Or make it an anthology with each season focusing on a different host.
  11. Jedi Marso

    Jedi Marso Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 15, 2001
    Yesterday's Enterprise was an example of lightning in a bottle.

    It was a rare, 'good' time travel story.
    You got the new 'old' Ambassador class Enterprise-C.
    Tasha Yar returned and her character got a worthy death
    A timeless, haunting love story (Yar and Castillo)

    and finally . . .

    In a time when we hadn't yet had our first female captain in a Trek series, we got Rachel Garret. It was a small, one-time guest role, yet Tricia O'Neill knocked it out of the fuckin' park. Her portrayal of Garret was believable, brave, competent, upheld starfleet's highest ideals, and she was a total badass. She died with her face to the foe. I think it's fair to say that for a lot of people, Rachel Garret was the proof that a female captain in Trek would totally work.

    A 'Rachel Garret' Lost Era show isn't my first choice, but I'd be totally down with it.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  12. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    The best thing a Rachel Garrett series could do is pretend Yesterday's Enterprise never happened.

    An :"original timeline" (for lack of better) version of The Battle of Narendra III would make for an incredible series finale. And I say that as someone who doesn't like aggressive self-reference. But the story and drama potential is just that good.

    *FWIW it has been my #1 fanboy story wish for a film for decades. One of my very first TBBS posts ever was about it.
    CorporalCaptain and HotRod like this.
  13. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto, ON
    Garrett actually needs to end up on the Enterprise, at least by the end of her series, if the show does not start off there.

    Seven, not as much. She could captain the Voy-B for most of Legacy and everything would probably turn out the same as it would if she captained the Ent-G.

    A part of me wonders if the best thing to happen for Legacy is for Seven and the rest of the crew to ditch the Ent-G for the Voy-B.

    And if not a series finale, then a P+ movie for sure.
    JRob94 and HotRod like this.
  14. FredH

    FredH Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 23, 2004
    What with the “Project Phoenix” glimpsed in Picard, seems to me that a Return Of You Know Who series would be something to consider, at least once SNW is done. What would it be like to be back more than a century later, seen as a hero by a world you no longer know, and maybe contending with the very forces that brought you back — all while trying to get back something like the life you once had?
  15. HotRod

    HotRod Commodore Commodore

    Jan 19, 2011
    Reaper Occupied Earth
    The man is 93 years old. I think that ship has sailed. At least for anything beyond some kinda glorified cameo.
  16. Commander Troi

    Commander Troi Geek Grrl Premium Member

    Jul 22, 2021
    Phoenix AZ
    I don't really care which time it's set in, but yeah, this. Something new. Like TNG was to TOS - yes, there are links, but I'd like to see it become it's own thing. I'd even be down with something in the 32nd century set after DISCO. Or something between PIC and DISCO.
    Avro Arrow likes this.
  17. FredH

    FredH Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 23, 2004
    Not Shatner, obviously. The new guy, Paul Wesley. The Project genetically rejuvenates him or whatever, and by the time he’s finished with them they no longer have the ability to do it again with another subject.
  18. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    If they ever attempted something that stupid, Star Trek would truly be over.
    Nerys Myk likes this.
  19. Jedi Marso

    Jedi Marso Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 15, 2001
    My only problem with the 32nd Century and beyond is that realistically speaking, technology reaches the point where its magic, and things are no longer relatable. Then it's not really Trek anymore. You can almost make that argument with the 25h Century based on some of what we saw during Picard.
  20. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    Do we tell him?
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