What's wrong with our society?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Supreme Admiral, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Pingfah

    Pingfah Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 28, 2005
    This is a big exaggeration. The majority of people fall into the middling category, not excessively thin, not excessively overweight. They may not be walking down any catwalks any time soon, but I don't see that they are all treated as inadequate human beings.
  2. Jetfire

    Jetfire Guest

    If you are rich though it won't matter that you are fat.


    That is my plan to get rich, not to lose weight.

  3. iguana_tonante

    iguana_tonante Admiral Admiral

    Sep 15, 2006
    Italy, EU
    Some generations may be right (history has ups and downs), but each generation can't be right, or we would live in a Lovecraftian world where Cthulhu cult leaders will rule the day.

    My point being, the Golden Rule was never in vogue, ever.
  4. RandyS

    RandyS Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 9, 2007
    I agree. The real problem is that nobody ever learns from history. I do in fact, like it when people scream "What has society become?", because, it makes people stop and think. The thing is though, that's all anybody ever does. Stop and think, no action. Nobody ever tries to make things better. That's what I hate.
  5. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

    As attributed to Socrates in Plato's Republic.
  6. nevermore

    nevermore Admiral Admiral

    Nov 16, 2004
    The Land of Pleasant Living
    Everyone uses it as a defensive measure. Why do you think people feel the need to shit on others to make themselves feel better? Could it be because they have their own issues and insecurities and this is the way they "defend" against them-by striking first?

    So, kids are the problem. Easy enough to fix. :bolian:
  7. Kestra

    Kestra Admiral Premium Member

    Jul 6, 2005
    People do learn from history. It's not as if we're totally stagnant throughout time. But new issues arise, old ones are difficult to conquer, and each generation has their own challenges to address.
  8. iguana_tonante

    iguana_tonante Admiral Admiral

    Sep 15, 2006
    Italy, EU
    Oh noes kids cross their legs! What has the world come to! :lol:

    I didn't recall Plato being that funny. Socrates, on the other hand, totally was.
  9. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    Actually, they don't learn from history. If they did, we wouldn't have such stupid laws in society to govern our every action; we'd recognize dictators oppressing their people and committing genocide; we'd stop religious fundamentalism/fanaticism in its tracks.
  10. RandyS

    RandyS Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 9, 2007
    Everybody should become celebate? I hope that's not what you mean. That's not a world I'd want to live in.
  11. RoJoHen

    RoJoHen Awesome Admiral

    Apr 14, 2000
    QC, IL, USA
    No, but you ARE judging him for doing it.
  12. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts
    You forgot the 6 year old who got kicked out of school because he brought in his eating tool from cub scouts which had a "knife" on it.
  13. Pingfah

    Pingfah Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 28, 2005

    Amazingly, lots of people manage to not have kids whilst remaining sexually active :p
  14. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Maybe because, aside from it's name, it was a knife. It had a knife blade.

    The real crime is the idiot Scout-Master that was handing out Coleman Hobo Tools. Those things SUCK!. Smart move anyway, at that age would have been to go with the split-style camping tools where the knife blade attaches to the fork and spoon but can be seperated when needed.
  15. K'Ehleyr

    K'Ehleyr Commodore Commodore

    Jul 17, 2008
    In a world which very few others see
    It's actually pronounced "Sew-Crates" dude :rolleyes:

    Bill S. Preston Esq.
    *Air guitar*
  16. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 11, 2003
    Then why pose the question? Obviously you're unhappy about people living in large houses. It would seem you want the power to tell people they cannot do that.

    Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to tell someoone that?
  17. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    I'll step up to the challenge. Who am I to tell you how big a house you can build? Why, I'm a jealous nosy-body, that's who!
  18. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts

    If it is the same style of tool that I had in Cub Scouts than the so called "knife" couldn't cut through any skin.
  19. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy

    Look at the pic, it's a Coleman; or a Coleman knock made for the Scouts-- despite what people think Scout kit is actually pretty shitty at time.(1) Crappy construction (scales are utter shit on those things, and the stainless they for the untensils is just flat out bad metal) aside, the blade is pretty damn sharp-- not much use as a camping tool if it wasn't. When I was in scouts and the knives were issued, they were dull but our first "lesson" was in sharpening them. I've no doubt that the blade was sharp.

    I'm not saying the kid should be expelled or sent to a reform school. A few days in-school suspension, sure. I seriously doubt that he's the next Charlie Manson in a cubbie uniform. I'm saying don't play the incident off as if some kid got popped for carrying a Spork. He had a pocket knife, an item that fell within the scope of the Zero Tolerance policy; calling it by a different name doesn't change what it is. He exercised poor judgment (he's six, so no duh on that point), hopefully being in scouts will teach him about taking responsilbility for your actions.

    As I said in sub-forum that shall not be named. Some of the blame in on mom and dad too for not keeping up with what their kid is and isn't taking to school.

    (1 - I've the same model knife that I got from, you guess it, a Boy Scouts supplier that was selling them off. )
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  20. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    Suspension? :rolleyes: Boy, your young age and tender upbringing shows. School administrators don't *think* anymore thanks to over reaction to Columbine. Kids sneak stuff thinking it's no big deal, so don't start this "mom and dad don't know what he's up to" schtick. Do you expect parents to perform a full pat down search every day?

    I'll show my age -- when I was a kid, and someone brought a knife, the teacher took it away and it was returned to the parent at the end of the school day. Were it a Cub Scout, it may or may not have been taken away depending on the situation. More than likely, he would have been reminded NOT to take it out until Cub Scouts were participating in an activity.

    As for my older brothers -- at their age, the kid would have either been told to keep the knife in his pocket or else told to keep it locked in his locker.

    You certain get all riled up and overreact over nothing, you know that?

    This country is losing more and more common sense very day. You talk about "teaching the kid responsibility" -- well, how about doing it through the actions I listed above?

    Whoops, that makes too much sense.