Wiped Episode Discoveries

Discussion in 'Doctor Who' started by Allyn Gibson, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Mr Soak

    Mr Soak Commodore Commodore

    Nov 20, 2001
    Mr Soak, [Redacted]
    I found a tape with a wiped episode.

    Yep, the episode had been wiped.

  2. Emperor-Tiberius

    Emperor-Tiberius Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 30, 2005
    Kavala, Greece
    That's great news. How did this come about? How many eps are we talking really?

    Also, could this be the reason we got Shada animated again, instead of a missing serial?
  3. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    ^ To be honest, it's wishful thinking. There's no evidence for it -- just a lot of guessing. We've been down this path before with the Omni-Rumor or whatever we were calling it.
    Qonundrum likes this.
  4. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    That really is incredibly impressive.

    Even if that was the best quality achievable (and they will no doubt get better at it), it saves the source material for future processing.

    It's not hard to imagine digital renovation of each frame and creation of intermediate frames where one is missing, copying and pasting undamaged pieces into other frames etc. It's done on important films already.

    The main issue at the moment is time and manpower - a full half-hour reconstruction would be massively expensive for a fairly limited return. However, in the very near future, much of the work could be handed over to A.I. - we just need to save what we can now.
  5. Tomalak

    Tomalak Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2003
    Hmm. I'm not sure if that's true at all. Web 3 is the only one Morris has spoken about, and he keeps things to himself.

    There's really no way to know whether he's found anything else. If he has, why hasn't he returned them? I tend to think he hit the jackpot in Nigeria with Enemy and Web, but sadly hasn't found anything else. And that's fine, he found more than anyone really expected.

    The upcoming Enemy of the World SE DVD has a new interview with Morris, so expect the whole can of worms to be reopened...
  6. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    Omni-rumour 2 !
  7. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    Well, for a man who may not have any more episodes, Morris sure is acting/talking like somebody who has and just doesn't want to spill the beans yet. And that goes for anyone around him, as well as the BBC themselves with their strange evasions and non-denials. There's no fire, not yet, but there's an awful lot of smoke.

    I wouldn't call it Omnirumor 2. Expectations have come down a bit, and I doubt Morris has more than a third of the remainder at most. But between that and the animations, BBC does seem committed to finally filling in the holes in the series.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
  8. Relayer1

    Relayer1 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 21, 2011
    The Black Country, England
    It's a win either way in that case !
  9. N-121973

    N-121973 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 9, 2005
    Great Britain
    I'm both pleased and annoyed that 'Enemy of the World' is being released as a special edition. Pleased, for obvious reasons, annoyed as I bought the standard edition only last year and have seen it precisely once. Additionally, last Saturday I began my 'epic Doctor Who rewatch' with 'An Unearthly Child' and had planned to watch a story (or more if they were less than four episodes long) per day. Now I have to plan around the release of this DVD three weeks Monday so that I can watch it on or around its release day (I probably won't watch episodes on Weekends except for maybe 'orphan' episodes on the 'Lost in Time' set that have never been released in their own right such as 'The Crusades'. Still if only we all faced such dilemmas :techman:.
  10. Emperor-Tiberius

    Emperor-Tiberius Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 30, 2005
    Kavala, Greece
    I can't imagine a Doctor Who rewatch of the first two Doctors will ever be satisfactory until all stories have been released on DVD or digitally to see. So yeah, I wouldn't really worry about it. :)
  11. N-121973

    N-121973 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 9, 2005
    Great Britain
    You're right of course, but you go with what you've got, but I imagine once I start encountering cast changes - Dodo, Jamie etc it'll be jarring. I imagine special editions will come out of the 'Web of Fear', 'War Machines', 'Horror of Fang Rock' and 'The Two Doctors' at inappropriate times for me, but such is life. Of course, if they found/animated every single missing episode...
  12. Tomalak

    Tomalak Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2003
    I did that in 2013, filling in the gaps with recons. That was before the animated Power of the Daleks so it was quite a slog around seasons three and four!

    Worthwhile though, it cemented my view that Hartnell is wonderful in every way.
  13. Qonundrum

    Qonundrum Vice Admiral Admiral

    Or... episodes might have been found but were in such poor condition that it made no effective difference. The more time goes on means the more the valuable items become worthless due to the effects of time, regardless of storage conditions and the pesky laws of physics. And that ultimately hurts the item owner the worst.
  14. diankra

    diankra Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 22, 2005
    Morris is on the record that he has found a Who episode that was beyond recovery, but fortunately it was an episode of Ambassadors of Death, so only a dupe. So it has happened, but so far the only 'unplayable' missing programme found is the afore-mentioned Morecambe and Wise.
    Qonundrum likes this.
  15. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    'Enemy' SE has been pushed back a week (to March 27), as rumblings build that 'Web of Fear' SE (with the missing part 3 returned) is about to be announced. Stay tuned...
  16. Redfern

    Redfern Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2006
    Georgia, USA
    More likely, someone somewhere simply forgot to sign an authorization memo to O.K. the package art or something equally trivial.
  17. Emperor-Tiberius

    Emperor-Tiberius Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 30, 2005
    Kavala, Greece
    It'd be great if it happened. Especially since its Nicholas Courney's debut as Lethbridge Stewart.
  18. Allyn Gibson

    Allyn Gibson Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 16, 2000
    South Pennsyltucky
    Some find this Paul Vanezis tweet a reason for hope. I've seen people speculate on Facebook that it's Web 3 or Tenth Planet 4. The reality is that it's neither. Vanezis goes on to say, "Empty at the moment. But some Blakes Seven film inserts will be rehoused in it over the weekend. The original can has gone to rust."
  19. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    ^ Dammit! He had to know how people would've reacted to that!
    Allyn Gibson likes this.
  20. N-121973

    N-121973 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 9, 2005
    Great Britain
    Further buggering up my 'epic Doctor Who re-watch' :brickwall:. However, by not watching stories on the weekends, watching the surviving episodes of 'The Crusades', 'Galaxy 4' & 'The Faceless Ones' (I'm not bothering with the Dalek's Masterplan) courtesy of the 'Lost in Time' set and having a life ie. I'm going somewhere on the evening of 13th March, I can slip 'The Enemy of the World SE' into my re-watch in its appropriate slot. As for any further (re-)releases, well thats my tough luck going forward, I'll just after buy them afterwards.