X-Men Spinoff Featuring Gambit Gets Greenlight

To be frank I've got zero attachment to a Gambit movie of any sort. It's not that I dislike the character, I don't, but I'm happy with any X-Men spinoffs.

If Gambit's canned, they'll fill the slot with another film, and if it's well made, I don't care who.

Well, maybe not Dazzler...
To be frank I've got zero attachment to a Gambit movie of any sort. It's not that I dislike the character, I don't, but I'm happy with any X-Men spinoffs.

If Gambit's canned, they'll fill the slot with another film, and if it's well made, I don't care who.

Well, maybe not Dazzler...

Are we really that certain that they will fill the slot, though?

I mean, yeah they're talking big about moving into spin-offs, but they were talking big a few years ago, too, before Origins turned out to be absolutely terrible. If Gambit implodes, they might scale down their plans again like they did then.

Especially since, from a barely informed outsider's point of view (ie, an executive's pov) Gambit is supposed to be one of the biggest solo characters in the franchise, next to Wolverine. So if they're losing their Wolverine and they can't make Gambit work, they may just give up on solo movies all together.
They could take a leaf out of Avengers book and allow some more cross-pollenation with the solo movies e.g. do a feature where Sinister is experimenting on Rogue, increasing her powers by feeding her the DNA of other mutants, and/or maybe pimping for Malice (Dazzler was one of her victims in the comics) and eventually luring Polaris into Malice's clutches, thus leading to a confrontation with the Marauders in a future X-Men movie.
Yeah, and the tax breaks Louisiana offers help the overall budget (if that was indeed an issue that led to the latest rumors).

Hollywood Reporter confirmed he has closed the deal for appearing in Gambit.

Apparently the issue that needed to be resolved was his pay for future appearances as Gambit in other X-men films.

I wonder if Hugh Jackman ever has had a long term deal for playing Wolverine? That is the current trend but he started playing the character long before that was the norm. Other than an overall deal for Wolverine sequels, he may have separate deals for the more recent X-men movies. Making a very huge amount of money doing so too.

My biggest curiosity is when Gambit will take place. My favorite part of First Class, Days of Future past, and now Apocalypse is there period settings. Wolverine appearing in a cameo in First Class was easy because he does not age. But for Gambit to appear in other movies it would likely needed to be close to the same time period.
I'm assuming it will take place at around the same time period as Apocalypse. That era of X-Men is the one the movies are following now, so it wouldn't make sense to set Gambit much later if they want him to interact with the X-Men who will be part of the main movies.
^ Depends though; the Wolverine and the next solo Logan outing are modern set. Gambit doesn't seem to be appearing in AOA and it's the final contractual film for a few cast members. They could well jump ahead to another modern setting, though I accept that having signed new actors to play Cyke etc, they could just carry on through the 80s and 90s.

The bottom line is we don't know when the next ensemble X-Men movie will be set. But I would guess that the time setting for the Gambit movie will be a good indicator.
With AoA set in the 80's, I'd expect another jump to the next movie, either to around 2000, or just to a general 'modern' setting. The new cast will be able to play adults by the time of the next movie along.

I'd expect a Gambit movie to be set either between AoA and its sequel, or just 'now'.
I'm assuming it will take place at around the same time period as Apocalypse. That era of X-Men is the one the movies are following now, so it wouldn't make sense to set Gambit much later if they want him to interact with the X-Men who will be part of the main movies.

You have a sample size of zero. The only movie we know for certain that's set in that period is X-Men: Apocalypse. We have no idea when Wolverine 3 will be set. We don't know when New Mutants will be set. We do know that Deadpool is set in present day, though. So it's not accurate that it's the era the movies are following now. It's the era Apocalypse is set in. That's all that can be said with confidence.
Not to mention that Fox supposedly wants a crossover with its Fantastic Four movies, which are modern day-set. That, of course, is subject to that film's box office performance this month.
I'm assuming it will take place at around the same time period as Apocalypse. That era of X-Men is the one the movies are following now, so it wouldn't make sense to set Gambit much later if they want him to interact with the X-Men who will be part of the main movies.

You have a sample size of zero. The only movie we know for certain that's set in that period is X-Men: Apocalypse. We have no idea when Wolverine 3 will be set. We don't know when New Mutants will be set. We do know that Deadpool is set in present day, though. So it's not accurate that it's the era the movies are following now. It's the era Apocalypse is set in. That's all that can be said with confidence.

Well, I just based that on assuming that they didn't go to the trouble to cast a new Jean Grey, Scott Summers, etc. just for one movie. I mean, I guess they could age them up 20-30 years from the 80s to 2015+, but they haven't even really succeed with doing that with McAvoy, so I don't see it happening. We also haven't heard anything about the original older X-Men actors returning, which is why I assume that the new guys are the "main" team now. So, assuming they want Gambit to crossover with the X-Men who are basically the main team and not the older actors who might just cameo at most, I figure it would make more sense for Gambit to take place closer to Apocalypse then the present day.

but, on the other hand, Deadpool seems to take place in the modern day, and we know that Colossus has at least a cameo, so maybe there are more plans for present day X-Men movies. It could go either way, I just lean toward thinking that Gambit will be set closer to the 80s then modern day. :shrug:
Not to mention that Fox supposedly wants a crossover with its Fantastic Four movies, which are modern day-set. That, of course, is subject to that film's box office performance this month.

The crossover would be after at least one more FF movie, so not for a few years yet.

Well, I just based that on assuming that they didn't go to the trouble to cast a new Jean Grey, Scott Summers, etc. just for one movie. I mean, I guess they could age them up 20-30 years from the 80s to 2015+, but they haven't even really succeed with doing that with McAvoy, so I don't see it happening.

So I'd say one more period set movie after AoA, then set any further movies in the current day. A little makeup to augment natural cast ageing in the next one, then conveniently ignore such considerations after that...
Many have presumed that James McAvoy will not continue after Apocalypse. I am not so sure of that. Watching the Rogue cut bonus features he seems to really enjoy playing Xavier. But also he grew up watching the Fox cartoon. At Comic Con they cast was asked if they knew the theme. He instantly started humming it and dramatically moving his hands as he did so! Also there was some fans who were not sure if he would ever shave his head for the role. Obviously he did.

I am not making predictions but I am hopeful he continues playing Professor X.
do a feature where Sinister is experimenting on Rogue, increasing her powers by feeding her the DNA of other mutants
I actually kind of love this idea.

I just want Rogue to be super strong and have the ability to fly!
do a feature where Sinister is experimenting on Rogue, increasing her powers by feeding her the DNA of other mutants
I actually kind of love this idea.

I just want Rogue to be super strong and have the ability to fly!

I wished they had done this in the Rogue cut. Fans would have loved it if they had rescued her from a cell with an energy dampener and once outside she had flown up to a sentinel and ripped its head off. :techman: I'm guessing scheduling was one of the issues they had to deal with. She was essentially a cameo.

Actually, going back to the comics, the Marauders story DID lead to a Fantastic 4 cross-over as Reed and Doom agreed to work together to help stop Kitty's molecules from drifting apart (a side effect of being zapped by Harpoon while phasing). It was a powerful story that may not work as well on screen as written originally, since it relied heavily on the psychological history between Reed and Doom dating back decades, but even so, the Marauders story was instrumental in spotlighting new X-men as the old ones recovered from their injuries. It worked well because Magneto was needed to try and heal Colossus in his metal form, Doom had to work with Reed to help Kitty, Angel's wings had to be amputated etc.

We won't know the lay of the land until after Apocalypse and Angel's story is being advanced but there is a lot of drama and trauma that could be mined from a Marauders story.

As in the comics, I had assumed that Psylocke was being introduced as a possible replacement for Xavier if McAvoy bailed. The issue is not so much that he might not want to return but more that the stories should no longer feature Charles as the main protagonist. It should be about the X-men going forward so IMO the issue is likely to be how easy will it be to fit enough time to film a reduced role into his busy schedule. We might see him for a cameo I hope but it's doubtful he would want to shave his head for a cameo.
Do you know the FF story's issue number? I'd like to make sure I don't miss it on my run since that seems pretty cool.

I think the Marauders are terrifying villains and the Mutant Massacre is a great (if extremely depressing) story. I'd love to see them (and Gambit was retconned in as well), but I think it best to at least introduce the Morlocks first.